Military Academy: Special Forces System

Military Academy: Special Forces System

Urban40 Chapters583.0K Views
Author: Earth Azuki-man
Table of Contents

When Zhao Rui was reborn in a parallel universe, he was rewarded with a Special Forces System. He decided to join the military academy without any hesitation when he realized he had a unique system.

The moment he joined, the border battlefield had welcomed the strongest recruit of all time.

The recruit could climb mountains and run through minefields while carrying weapons that weighed more than 100kg in total.

His shot never missed its target, even when he was a mile out.

He could pilot anything that needed a pilot.

He could command the military K9 to sweep for mines and could converse in 8 languages.

He could write poems and perform traditional martial arts.

He could hack into the network of an international group of terrorists.

He could charge into battle at the frontline and would always return safely with merits.

This is a story of a recruit that could do anything.

25 Reviews
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these type of webnovels are very rare and are usually dropped in less than 10 chp hope this is released and continued for a long time very interesting topic

3 years ago

RAWS? ............................................................................................................................................

3 years ago

特种部队之铁血战士系统 is the raw name. Please give this review 100 likes...or not. Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

3 years ago

I hope this gets picked. I like this type of novel and they're rare so PLEASE Webnovel, just for once, pick a novel that I actually like, It's getting kinda frustrating.

3 years ago

I expected a more serious soldier novel.. but this reads somewhat like JP army novel. Girls in army, parents sending their sheltered flowers err.. kids as if on vacational camp instead to soldier academy. And the soldier sis tells these kids that she sent out their parents so that they don't see the harsher environment that they use to train them... i mean, why is it even a secret. And then they proceed to get instructed as to how to.. fold quilts hahaha this novel isn't for me

3 years ago

Hi so summary is inaccurate, first chapter gains the system AFTER entering the academy. This kinda changes the MC from someone who wants to make the most out of life to oh wow ima do military stuff because I want to be hokage. Also apparently reborn in a parallel world? Hardly see how this affects the character at all. So tldr clickbait summary: but it’s at least written okay so this story could develop into soemthing

3 years ago

interesting but nationalism npc opinion and hierarchism... would probably spoil ..............................................................................

3 years ago

Not very interesting in the first twenty chapters. No real dream training, very non specific system, leveling etc. Characters are ok, a little bit flat but it is only 20 chapters in . But there something missing if this was a meal it would be a small salad instead of a nice full course.

3 years ago

This is a story about a MC who wants to be a "King of Soldiers" but seems to know nothing about becoming a soldier. Everything about training to become a soldier seems to be surprising to the characters. If you know nothing about a soldiers training or have never read about the military you might enjoy this. It makes me think of a JP high school LN but it's a military academy instead. Not for me.

3 years ago

it's a good book, excellent writing style, good steady character development, well paced storyline not dragging it out, overall quality it's is great book

3 years ago

relatively good. i find it enjoyable but its not the type id read till more than 200 chapters. is more because i cant find anything else. but thats just my personal opinion it could be that others find it amazing[img=recommend][img=exp]

3 years ago

This seems one of the better trial reads... So far it's miles better than the trash of last week... good premise... Not too OP... balanced system... Hope this gets picked

3 years ago

It's a waste of time for this junk and a pile of nonsense. The author does not understand and does not know what he is writing about. Right from the very beginning, he treats the reader to stupid entries such as: A family of military men, dreams of being a warrior KING. We get a description of a person who thinks about being a KING and at the same time is weak. physically, lazy and without talent, but with a SYSTEM. The author's stupidity is striking from the very beginning. Rating minus 100.

6 months ago

Why they are so adamant about making China Great? They all look like Brain dead people to me. The Novel Is Still For Brain Dead People...................

2 years ago

The author didn't even bother to research how a military school works... even though it seems to be very serious, most of the moments are pure reviews, even with the instructors. mc "grew up" in a military family but didn't even know the basic behavior to be followed... it is mentioned that he did more push-ups than his superior but he is not punished for it??? would this clearly be an act of showing arrogance, something extremely derided in the army (he would be punished with jail for showing himself above his superior even when they are trying to teach equality) and about the bedspreads being made in a specific way? I don't know in china (bunch of sick people) but in other places this is not necessary... what is necessary is for the person to maintain order in his "personal space". is it serious about them taking up arms so soon??? It takes months of psychological training to ensure that there is no psychopath (not all countries have this procedure, as physical and mental tests are required to enter a military school, at least in public schools)

3 years ago