Chapter 371: Maximum Oxygen Uptake


The breath control Bi Fang had maintained for so long suddenly collapsed, his breathing became abruptly heavy, and his heart started to beat violently. His chest was filled with tremendous joy, and in a matter of seconds, his expressions nearly made the passersby on the side take notice.

Bi Fang's wildness from living in the wilderness for so long was starkly distinct from the comfort of the city. This was due to the high pressure causing a surge in hormone secretion, often referred to as the scent of a man. Many special forces soldiers and frontline detectives possess a similar aura. It is for this reason that people with similar experiences and heightened sensitivity could exchange glances and immediately sense that there's something extraordinary about the other person.

Such a man, when mixed into the city, is like a drop of red ink in a pool of plaster, naturally eye-catching. At this moment, Bi Fang was particularly noticeable.

This guy, he looks so familiar.