On the edge of the cliff, Bi Fang's arms rotated and wrapped around the rope, squatting low to lower his center of gravity, focusing all his attention on the other person.

"During a normal rescue, you can wrap the rope around appropriately to prevent slipping, but don't wrap it too tightly, or both people might end up in danger. I used a tightening noose to secure the other person, which is a very practical rope, similar to the lasso you often see in movies and TV shows."

"OK, can you raise your left hand a little higher, then bend your elbow and try to grab the rock beside you? There is a protruding rock a bit to the left below your left foot, about ten centimeters away. Your half-foot can probably step on it—can you try to step on it?"

Bi Fang observed the environment around the other person, instructing them to act as per his guidance. If there was a support point, the noose could be tightened even more.