Chapter 565 How Much Is a Brown Bear Worth?

The short spear, a meter in length, pierced through the bear hide, firmly stabbing into the brown bear's body, fresh blood gushing down the shaft, soaking the fur, turning the already deep brown hairs completely black.

The fierce sun blazed like a furnace, rapidly clotting the blood into chunks, but the blood inside the skin didn't stop flowing; in fact, it speeded up towards the heart due to the violent movement.

The heart, nearly the size of a human head, pulsated violently, circulating blood throughout the brown bear's body like a sixteen-cylinder engine at full throttle, providing ample power.

Only now, the gasoline in the tank was mixed with water, and before long, the whole truck would start to smoke.

In the woods, the ground trembled slightly as Bi Fang hurdled over the bushes, running non-stop downhill, silently counting down in his heart, praying for the poison to take effect quickly.