Chapter 677: Harvesting the Spoils of War

As an experienced veteran hunter, Bi Fang clearly possessed a great deal of patience. Accompanied by Sanshao (Three Fools), he followed the musk ox at a leisurely pace, maintaining a distance that ensured he would not be discovered, so as to avoid a desperate struggle.

On the snowy plains, the musk ox's massive body comically sported a "toothpick," which was actually the short spear that Bi Fang, named Dart, had thrown.

Originally there were two, but as the musk ox entered a narrow thicket, it brushed against a tree, and one of the spears broke off and fell to the ground.

"I can feel its status getting worse and worse, its moving speed is changing, and the resting periods are getting longer."

Bi Fang picked up the broken short spear from the ground, which had obvious blood stains on it, the fresh blood from the musk ox's wound had dripped down along the shaft.

For this moment, he had waited a full three hours, but it was all worth it.