Probability 100%, Emperor’s luck

"Probability 100%! Emperor's luck?"

Chen Feng cried out in surprise when an announcement suddenly sounded in his head.

Chen Fend had played many games from countless games companies before he transmigrated. He always felt that he had terrible luck when it came to games.

When it came to first-person shooter games, his weapon would explode in his hands.

He would not stand a chance in obtaining legendary cards when it came to card games.

In fantasy games, his sword will always be half as strong as everyone else.

F*ck, Chen Feng would always be known as the person with rotten luck.

[Do you want to activate it? Counting down to five seconds, if you did not confirm, it would be forfeited! 5,4,3...]

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Activate it!"

The announcement pulled Chen Feng's attention back, and he hurriedly replied.

Of course, he wants the Emperor's luck. How could he not want it?


[Probability of success: Emperor's luck activated!]

[Skill description: When the host uses a tool with a probability in the game, the success rate will be 100%. Effective immediately.]


Chen Feng exclaimed in disbelief and quickly took a look at the chat channel.

Other than some distress messages, most of them were complaints about the fishing rod and that the probability of it catching anything was nearly nothing.

Finally, the one with the rotten luck seen a glimmer of hope and gotten the talent of luck!

"Am I the only one with this skill?" Chen Feng was ecstatic.

No longer caring about the other players, Chen Feng immediately picked up the fishing rod and let the fishing line float on the surface of the water.

He was ready to test if this skill was real.

After a while, Chen Feng felt that the fishing rod had become heavy.

"There's something!"

He picked up the fishing rod and finally saw what he had caught.

[A piece of wood]

Evaluation: Resource

"There really is something!"

He took the piece of wood off the fishing line, and it disappeared when he thought about it. He then looked at the warehouse.

[Wood *1]

"This is very convenient. I wonder how many similar items can be stacked in each slot."

Chen Feng continued to fish as he sat on the raft.

The fishing rod had a one-minute minute cooldown time. Chen Feng only felt that he had caught something after the one-minute mark.

[A conch shell]

Evaluation: Trash


[An empty plastic bottle]

Evaluation: container

[A crab]

Evaluation: Resource

"Eh? I finally caught something alive?"

Chen Feng said excitedly as he carefully grabbed the back of the crab, afraid that it would pinch him. 

The probability was indeed 100%. The fishing rod only had a 1% chance of catching something, and Chen Feng had caught something 100% of the time. Even though it was all kinds of things, the probability was indeed 100%. The Empire's luck is real!

Holding back his ecstasy, a man with rotten luck finally had the devil's luck.

He could eat the crabs, but Chen Feng did not have the habit of eating raw seafood. He put all the things he had just caught into the warehouse.

He continued to fish to see if he could catch anything strange.

[A stinky sock]

[A rusty iron pipe]

[An octopus]

[A pomfret fish]

[A giant lobster]

[A kelp]

[A thick geoduck]

[A wooden treasure chest]


According to the instructions, this fishing rod could only be used by players during the protection period. Once the novice protection period expired, the fishing rod would disappear.

Chen Feng had a plan.

With the 100% probability, during the three days of the newbie's protection, he would use the fishing rod as much as possible to gather resources. Besides eating, drinking, and sleeping, he would do nothing else. He would just be a crazy fisherman.

Time always passed by very quickly for a fisherman.

Half a day passed, and the sky gradually darkened. The scorching sun disappeared, and the faint moonlight reflected off the sea.

Chen Feng sat on the raft, and his mouth and tongue felt dry. He was so hungry that he had no choice but to stop fishing and count the items in the warehouse.

There were all kinds of items, as well as a lot of garbage, which he ignored.

[Wood *46]

[Iron *28]

[Container *16]

[Plant fiber *30]

[Aquatic product: 3000G]

[Wooden treasure chest *3]

These items and garbages only took up seven inventory slots. There was still a lot of space left.

"Although I don't have fresh water, at least I don't lack food. However, without a pot or fire, I can't cook! I can't just eat it raw!"

Chen Feng felt worried as he looked at the crabs, octopus, lobsters, and fish in his inventory.

Let's look at the other items.

"This wooden treasure chest should be the same as any other game. I should be able to get something else!"

Chen Feng took out the three treasure chests from the warehouse and placed them on the wooden raft.


A progress bar appeared on the wooden treasure chest in front of him. Three seconds passed, and the treasure chest opened.

Chen Feng looked inside.

[A bag of tomato seeds]

[Ice dew mineral water 550ML *3]

[Wooden raft upgrade blueprint]

"Water, there's finally water!"

Chen Feng's lips were dry and cracked after being exposed to the sun for a day.

When he saw the water, he hurriedly opened the bottle.

Gulp Gulp Gulp Gulp

He drank half of it in four big gulps.

He had not continued drinking after that. After fishing for a long time, he only got three bottles of water. He should drink sparingly and not drink it all at once.

After relieving his thirst, Chen Feng stored the three bottles of water in the warehouse.

Tomato seeds?

He placed them back in the warehouse because there was no soil and no place to plant them now.

[Raft upgrade blueprint]

Function: Able to upgrade your raft to level10 by providing the required materials.

Number of uses: 1

Evaluation: A must-have item in the early stage of the game.

After reading the introduction, Chen Feng immediately clicked on it to use it.

A light flashed on the blueprint, and then the raft under his feet shook.

After using the blueprint, it disappeared.

Chen Feng then looked at the raft under his feet.

[Rough raft]

Level: 1

Area: 5 *10M

Upgrade: Wood (remaining 46, requires 30), plant fiber (remaining 30, requires 15)

Evaluation: It's even more broken than it looks.

Chen Feng's lower body was still wet even after staying on this raft for a day; not only was the raft space small, but it could not keep the seawater out. 


Chen Feng's voice faded away.

The amount of wood and plant fiber in the warehouse decreased quite a bit. The raft under his feet flashed with white light, and immediately, a change occurred.

The area was slightly larger than before, and the connection between the wooden planks was slightly denser, allowing for less of the seawater to slip in.

[Rough wooden raft]

Level: 2

Area: 6 *12M

Upgrade: Wood (remaining 16, requires 30), plant fibers (remaining 15, requires 20)

Evaluation: It looks like a proper wooden raft.

Chen Feng, who still wanted to level it up, realized that he did not have enough materials, so he could only give up on it for now.

Game interface.

[Novice protection period: 2 days, 11 hours, 03 minutes]

[First natural disaster sea storm: 29 days, 11 hours, 03 minutes]

This countdown made Chen Feng frown.

The danger will be happening in three days, and a natural disaster will happen in 30 days. This was indeed worrisome.

Upgrading the vehicle was the only choice against the storm at sea.

Chen Feng thought to himself, "It seemed that wood and plant fibers were important."

[World chat]

"Is there anyone who can save me? I feel like I'm going to die soon. Please give me a sip of water!"

"Everyone, remember, don't drink seawater!"

"Anyone who gives me some food and water, I promise to give you 100 million after we leave this game!"

"Which little brother will give me some water? I will let you do whatever you want to me!"

"A lobster for 1L water. If you want, I'll trade with you!"

"Collecting any thirst-quenching liquid, name your price. Whoever is selling urine, get lost!"


The message became much slower. As the day had passed, and most people had already used their daily message.

Looking at these chat messages, Chen Feng knew that water was still very scarce.

An average person would need to drink about 1,200ML daily. If they do not drink water for three days, they will die of thirst.

The players were immersed in seawater during the day, coupled with being baked under the sun; this made everyone similar to salted fish that is exposed to the sun for a day.

In the current situation, they probably would not last for two days if they did not have drinking water.

The number of online users had decreased from 4 billion to 3.8 billion.

In just a dozen hours, 200 million people died. They were all young and strong. Chen Feng had not known how they died.

Chen Feng was a little shocked. Unless he died of thirst or hunger, he would not receive any other injuries as long as he stayed on the raft.

From the number of players that had died, excluding those who had committed suicide from despair, he knew the sea in front of him was not normal. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he would not leave the raft for the time being.

He looked at the auction in [Trade].

After a dozen hours, rows and rows of goods were displayed on the interface as many people had managed to get their hands on some items.