Survival Points and the Mall

[Yesterday's material acquisition assessment]

[Yesterday's vehicle upgrade evaluation]

[Materials obtained survival points: 106]

[Level obtained survival points: 30]

[Total survival points: 136]

[Survival points successfully activated, opening the mall system]

[The level of the mall is related to the raft. When the raft is level 1-9, the mall will be level 1. When the raft is level 10-19, the mall will be Level 2, and so on.]

[The current level of the mall is 1.]

In his daze, Chen Feng was woken up by a notification.

He fell asleep while fishing yesterday. When he opened his eyes, the sun was already high up in the sky.

He quickly got up and splashed his face with seawater to wake himself up.

"Survival points? The mall?"

The notification sounded again. Chen Feng guessed that he had unlocked a new function by reaching a specific requirement.

He opened the game interface.

[Survival points: 136] appeared at the bottom of the interface.

He clicked on it to take a look.

[Survival points are the points calculated based on the daily survival materials collected and raft level. It will be refreshed the next day. The points can be used to purchase goods in the mall.]

Chen Feng understood what it meant. The materials that he caught with the fishing rod yesterday and the upgraded wooden raft were evaluated by the system today, and the points were rewarded accordingly.

Other than [Chat] and other content, another [Mall] appeared in the game interface.

He opened it out of curiosity.


Level: 1

Item: Novice welfare treasure chest (98 survival points)

Purchase times: 1/1

Note: Upgrade your vehicle as soon as possible to increase the level of the mall and unlock more items.

There was only one item in the mall now. Chen Feng looked at it and he needed 98 survival points to purchase it.

He looked at the item's description.

[Beginner welfare treasures chest]

Use: 80% chance to get 10 items, 19% chance to get an item (white) , 0.9999% chance to get an item (Blue) , 0.0001% chance to get an item (purple) .

Evaluation: You won't regret it. You won't be fooled. Only 98 points. Buy it now!

"Welfare treasure chest?" Chen Feng pondered. Yesterday, he relied on his Emperor's luck and a fishing rod to guarantee a catch 100% of the time. He fished until late at night. Even with the materials he obtained and the upgraded wooden raft, he only managed to get 136 survival points.

Other players had to rely on the 1% fishing rod; therefore, their survival points were estimated to be single digits.

This novice welfare treasure chest would be very expensive to the other players.

Who knew what items could be obtained from it? Was it worth buying?

From the looks of it, the items were categorized by color: white, blue, and purple.

First, he looked at the [Chat] channel.

He opened the [World chat].

"How did I managed to survive until now! I feel like I won't be able to see the sun tomorrow, ah~"

"What the hell is this mall function? The novice welfare treasure chest actually costs 98 survival points. I only have 8 points. How many years till I would be able to afford it!"

"Survival points? I have 15 points. How many do you have?"

"I have 17 points!"

"Why do you have so many? I only have 3 points. Is my luck that bad?"

"With my many years of experience as a gamer, this treasure chest has an 80% chance of obtaining materials. Anyway, survival points can only be used in the mall. Where else are you going to spend it? Do you plan to keep it for your grandchildren?"

"Right, right, right! Let's gather the survival points as soon as possible. Also, I want to buy water; name your price!"


(1/1 Daily Post), (3.6 billion online)

That's right. The survival points can only be used in the mall at the moment, so why not buy it.

Chen Feng nodded and confirmed the purchase.

The survival points quickly decreased, and there were only 38 points left.

There was nothing else in the mall as the treasure chest could only be bought once.

Looking at the red treasure chest that appeared out of thin air on the raft, Chen Feng revealed a hint of anticipation.

After clicking confirm on the chest and a 10-second progress bar appeared.

[Probability item detected. Emperor's luck triggered. Probability modified to 100%]

A pile of items appeared on the raft with a ding, causing the raft to sink slightly.

"What? Emperor's luck can even affect treasure chests!"

Chen Feng shouted in surprise.

He initially thought that the Emperor's luck would only affect items with an entry, he had expected this kind of treasure chest to be affected by it.

Other people could only get one item from opening such a treasure chest, but Chen Feng got all kinds of items.

Chen Feng beamed with joy. The Emperor's luck was excellent. He started to count the items in front of him.

[King of Kings sausage (400G) *2]

Evaluation: Resource, King of Kings sausage, one section is even better than...

[Master Kang Lao Tan pickled cabbage beef noodles (cup) *5]

Evaluation: Resource, this is the real deal!

[Big pear *3]

Evaluation: Resource, Hey! Apple! What are you doing, Apple?

[Sunscreen (white)]

Evaluation: Apply it to your body to reduce the damage from the sun to a certain extent.

[Beast taming scroll (blue)]

Use: 10% chance of taming an animal.

Evaluation: Taming an animal? Is this some kind of magic tool?

[Seawater separator (purple)]

Use: Consumes firewood to burn seawater. You can obtain fresh water and coarse salt (2L, 50G/day)

Evaluation: With the seawater separator, mom doesn't have to worry about me anymore.

"Oh my god, this is going to be awesome!"

Chen Feng could not close his mouth when he saw the items before him.

He had not cared about the food for now and stored them in the warehouse. He did not need to use sunscreen for the time being.

Beast taming scroll? A 10% probability? Yes, it was a 100% probability for him. It was a godly item. He would give it a try when he had the time.

This seawater separator was also good.

He looked at the device made of multiple tubes and glassware.

The separator was less than a meter high. On top of it was a semi-enclosed glass frame that looked like a fish tank. Below it was a stove that was used to add firewood.

The structure was straightforward. It was foolproof.

He made a piece of firewood, put it in, and lit it up. Then he filled it with seawater with an empty plastic bottle.

After a while, the seawater in the glass tank started to boil. Fresh water and some coarse salt particles appeared in the smaller glass tanks on both sides.

Chen Feng quickly poured it into an empty bottle.

[Distilled freshwater (20ML)]

Evaluation: Drinking water that doesn't taste good

[Coarse salt (2G)]

Evaluation: It can satisfy human needs, but the like an armpit in summer.

After a short while, he separated a lot of fresh water and salt. Chen Feng was very happy.

The food in the warehouse was sufficient, but there was very little freshwater. Now that issue of water was solved, and he also solved the problem of salt. Perfect!

In a short while, he separated a lot of freshwater.

The water was still boiling hot. He should use the hot water and not waste the effect of the firewood.

Chen Feng took out a cup of Master Kang Lao Tan pickled cabbage beef noodles.

He added all the seasoning, sausage and poured the boiling hot water into it.

The sour smell of the pickled cabbage would make anyone drool.

He closed the lid and waited for 2 minutes and 55 seconds.

With a bang, he opened the lid.

"Wow, this is so sour and refreshing. It's authentic."

In the chat channel.

Picture sent!

"Hey, breakfast ham and instant noodles, what an unhealthy eating habit! Picture. JPG."

"Ah, boss Chen Feng is at Versailles again!"

"Where's my knife?"

"I'll go get it!"

"Boss, when you're done eating, can you trade the instant noodles to me? I want to drink some soup!"

"From upstairs! Don't throw the soup away after you finish it. Let me lick the cup. The kid next door is so hungry that he's crying!"


The two god-like messages allowed everyone in the world to get to know Chen Feng.

"Hehe, in the game world, this felt excellent!"

Chen Feng smiled faintly and finished the soup and noodles. He licked the cup clean and finally placed the empty cup into the warehouse.

[Container *1]

There was no lack of food and water. Now, he had to seize the time to upgrade the raft.

"I need to go to the toilet first. I'll continue fishing later. I need more wood and plant fiber. I don't even have enough resources to upgrade the Raft."

Chen Feng felt a surge of sympathy for the farmers working in the rice fields.

There was no toilet on the raft, so he could only lean to the side and hold the raft tightly with his hands to prevent himself from falling.

When Chen Feng was about to relieve himself, a triangular dorsal fin was riding the wind and breaking the waves in the distance, approaching him quickly!