
Chen Feng had no issue with freshwater as he could produce it continuously.

Therefore, he placed all the remaining freshwater in the warehouse up for auction.

He had left some water for himself just in case.

He also placed the three kilograms of seafood in the auction because it was more troublesome to cook.

He left the instant noodles, sausages, pear and bread for himself because they were very convenient foods to eat.

Looking at the private messages, Chen Feng directly deleted some useless ones and picked some useful ones to read.

"Big brother Chen Feng, I have ten units of wood. I wonder if I can exchange it for 80ML of freshwater?"

This was a little expensive, but it was within the acceptable range. Chen Feng was too lazy to bargain, so he directly confirmed the trade with him.

"Hello, I have a fine iron harpoon here. I want to exchange it for 2,000G of seafood!" After saying that, the man even posted the attributes of the item.

[Fine iron harpoon: 2 meters long, hard]

Evaluation: Fishing, I'm serious!

Chen Feng shook his head and replied, "Not necessary for now."

This harpoon was considered a good tool for fishermen with fishing experience.

However, for Chen Feng, who had a 100% probability of fishing rod, he did not need it at the moment, and he asked for too much.

He continued to read...

In the end, after spending 2000G of food and 550ML of freshwater, Chen Feng traded for a lot of wood and plant fiber, but he did not fancy any weapons.

The materials needed to upgrade the raft now were [Wood *188] and [Plant fiber *95].

He had met the requirements for the upgrade.

"Upgrade!" Looking at the properties of the raft under his feet, Chen Feng shouted softly.

Shua Shua

Three white lights flashed.

The raft was directly upgraded by three levels.

[Ordinary raft]

Level: 5

Area: 8 *16M

Upgrade: Wood (remaining 48, requires 70), plant fiber (remaining 20, requires 35)

Evaluation: Although the raft has grown bigger, it is still a raft.

After upgrading three times, he had insufficient materials for the next upgrade.

The current raft had an area of 128 square meters, which was larger than Chen Feng's previous house. The raft looked much thicker and heavier, which gave Chen Feng a sense of security.

Even if the novice protection period ended, it would not be easy for the great white shark in front of him to break the raft.

Chen Feng was unable to continue trading because he did not have many resources left.

Chen Feng tried to walk to the edge of the raft. The great white shark in the distance only lingered there, and it had not come over. However, it did not leave either.

It seemed that it was planning to tired Chen Feng out before attacking.

He continued to add some seawater into the seawater separator.

Chen Feng sat on the edge of the raft, took out his fishing rod, and continued to fish.

The great white shark would not rush over as long as he did not stretch his body out of the raft.

While fishing, he sent a message on the chat channel.

"Everyone, from the time we transmigrated until now, I can be considered to have 'developed' quite well. Believe me when I say this, I know that everyone is short of food and water, but I have to warn everyone that you must not leave the raft unless it is absolutely necessary. The sea is more dangerous than we imagined. Great white shark. Picture. JPG. Sausage with bread. Picture. JPG."

He sent the message in the world chat channel once and then sent it ten times on the regional chat channel.

Chen Feng was only doing this to give a friendly reminder to his kind.

"Oh my God, is that Shark's fin? It looks so delicious!"

"You are making us scared of nothing! You are making things up! You are making things up! Speechless! Hopeless..."

"Thank you for your reminder, boss Chen Feng. I was thinking of going into the sea to catch some fish today. That broken fishing rod is too unreliable. I didn't expect there to be sharks in the sea. I have to be more careful!"

"Hey, hey, hey! If you're sending pictures of sharks, then send pictures of sharks. Why is there a picture of sausage at the back?"

"Ah! Sharks! Come on, Sharks! I'm starving! Quick, give me a shark to eat!"

"Upstairs, it's a wolf extermination!"

"Quick, where's my killing Chen Feng sword?"

"I'll go get it!"


Looking at everyone's replies, he could not care less.

Chen Feng laughed lightly. He had already reminded them. As for what other people's attitudes towards it were, he could not care less.

Chen Feng casually browsed through the new private messages that he had yet to read while fishing.

A private message from a female player named Zhou Lingrui attracted Chen Feng's attention.

Of course, he did not notice her message because she was so beautiful without any makeup. (Bah! Would you click on her profile picture if she was not pretty?)

"Hello, Chen Feng. I saw the transaction that you posted on the auction. I have something that can be considered a weapon. I wonder if you are interested!"

Below, it was pitch black...

The picture of the equipment.

[Solar paralyzing stun baton (white): 5% chance to trigger the paralyzing state for 5 seconds.]

Evaluation: Charge for 5 hours, discharge for 5 seconds. The feeling of being electrocuted will slowly appear.

Hmm? Chen Feng's interest was suddenly piqued when he read the introduction.

He had seen so many weapons and items in the auction, but none of them had any color suffixes. Her weapon was actually white in color.

And it actually had an entry.

Chen Feng was ecstatic when he saw this entry. He had to get this weapon. No matter how low the probability was, it would be 100% to him!

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Feng replied, "This weapon is average, and it's too useless. It only has a 5% chance of paralyzing. What do you want to exchange for it?"

After a while, Zhou Lingrui's profile picture flashed.

"Although it's useless, it still had an effect. For example...for example...Okay, I want to change to 3L water!" Zhou Lingrui stuttered. She really could not think of what the paralysis effect, which only had a 5% probability, could do.

She had tried it for herself. She placed it in the sun for five hours to charge. However, when she put it into the water to electrocute the fish, it only worked for 5 seconds. It had not even worked. She had wasted a few hours on it.

"Hehe, you know it's useless, right? 3L is impossible. I don't even have 3L. At most, I can only offer 1L!"

"..." Zhou Lingrui hesitated for a long time before she replied, "At least it's a white weapon. 1500ML of freshwater and a sausage you just ate!"

Looking at the message in the chatbox, Chen Feng could not help but smile.

If you want to eat sausages, you should have said so earlier!

"Alright, I'll reply to you tonight. I'm still busy right now!"

Chen Feng definitely had to buy this solar paralyzing electric baton. However, there were only a few hundred milliliters of freshwater in the warehouse now. He could only get it when the seawater separator produced more freshwater at night.

Therefore, Chen Feng first found an excuse to brush it off.

"Oh, okay, Boss!"

Zhou Lingrui knew that Chen Feng had just sent a picture of a shark. She guessed that he, a ruthless person, was still fighting the shark.

After receiving Chen Feng's reply, she was secretly happy. She did not dare to disturb him after that. After he replied her, there were no more messages from her.

Chen Feng poured some seawater into the seawater separator.

The water continued to be separated, and he continued to fish.

[A coral]

[A conch]

[A clam]


Chen Feng looked at the great white shark wandering in the distance and slowly formed a plan.