Treasure Island

World Chat (1/1 Daily Post)(3 billion online users).

"Help! A whale smashed my raft, and I don't know how to swim! Who can save me!?"

"Luckily, my raft has reached level 3. I'm safe!"

"Everyone must be careful. Those with wood and plant fibers quickly upgrade your raft. The sea creatures have begun to mutate. Some originally docile animals have begun to take the initiative to attack. The raft is the only thing we can rely on!"

"The person above is right. I've done some rough research. As long as we're not particularly unlucky and encounter sharks, whales, or other huge sea creatures, a level 2 raft can temporarily guarantee our safety!"

"Also... just now, a crab jumped onto my raft, cut off one of my arms, and ran away. Everyone, be careful! While on this topic, is there anyone who can trade me some first aid items or hemostatic medicine?"

"Everyone, go to Treasure Island in your respective areas as soon as possible. Marine creatures have suddenly mutated and become extremely aggressive. The island might be safe!"


Regional Chat channel (7031 online users)

"Treasure Island, just from the name alone, you can tell that there are treasures everywhere. I'm coming!"

"Haha, Treasure Island is right next to me. I can arrive on the island in half an hour!"

"Please add me as a friend. Once we're on the island, we can take care of each other!"

"Life and death depend on fate and wealth. If you want to prosper, the opportunity is right in front of you!"


There were a lot of messages on the chat channel. In just a short while, around 400 million players had disappeared from the world.

Mutated sea creatures had destroyed many people's rafts after the system update.

They sank into the sea, and no one knew whether they were dead or alive.

Some people upgraded their rafts and were temporarily safe, but many died because they were attacked by mutated sea creatures who jumped onto the rafts.

Most people were smart, and now they were all heading to Treasure Island in their respective regions.

After the map function was opened, some people were quite lucky. Their location was very close to Treasure Island. For them, if they stepped onto Treasure Island first, they might gain more than others.

Chen Feng had made Little Fatty pull the raft for nearly three hours.

The sun was slowly rising, and the temperature rose again.

Moving according to the map's location, Chen Feng finally saw a gray island in the distance. As they got closer, it was slowly growing larger.

"Little Fatty! Keep going. We're almost there!"

He could not help but urged Little Fatty. After drifting on the sea for three days, Chen Feng became a little excited when he saw land again.

Little Fatty, who had been swimming fast, was still energetic. He let out a strange cry and exerted more strength, making the raft speed up.

Finally, Chen Feng saw the golden beach. The island was so big that he could not see the end of each side from where he was.

The Treasure Island was massive. According to a rough estimate on the map, it was about 15,000 square kilometers, which was about one-third the size of Taiwan Province.

There were still more than 7,000 people in this area, so the probability of encountering other humans was not high unless they were good friends and knew each other's location.

The entire Treasure Island was not as green as Chen Feng had imagined. On the contrary, the whole island was surrounded by a gray fog, and the visibility was less than ten meters.

Looking from afar, it was a little strange.

Opening the map, he could only see the island's shape and not what was on the island.

Chen Feng looked at the strange island before him and slowly approached it, arriving at the golden beach.

The fog was thick, and he could not see anything inside the island. Who knew if there were any monsters inside.

Chen Feng was at the beach, carefully looking at everything in front of him.

It was better to open the chat channel first and see if anyone else had found anything.

They chatted in the world chat.

"I've already landed on the island. The island is very big. The only thing different from an ordinary island is that this island is filled with dense fog. So far, I haven't found any treasures."

"I've also landed on the island. What kind of place is this? It's so foggy!"

"Haha, I've already walked a long way into the island. There are so many trees here. I can cut down as many trees as I want. In fifteen days, my raft will definitely reach the maximum level!"

"There's another fruit in front of me. I'll go and pluck it. Ah, what the hell is this thing!"

"Get lost, get lost, help..."

"What happened upstairs?"

"Is the person upstairs still there? What did you see?"

"Is he dead?!"


Chen Feng frowned when he saw this.

A piece of news on the world channel made everyone's heart jump. There were monsters on Treasure Island!

Then, he looked at the regional chat.

"Hey, everyone on the world channel saw that there might be monsters on Treasure Island that can kill. Do you want to form a team? Add me as a friend. We'll gather at a place and go to the island together. It's safer that way!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Count me in if you are forming a team. Add me as a friend!"

"Everyone! I'm Tang Yucheng. Everyone who has joined the Alliance, add me as a friend. Gather at my spot first. We'll go to the island together. Those who haven't joined, it's not too late to join now!"


There were already people on Treasure Island in Chen Feng's area. However, because of the messages in the world chat, most people were not blinded by the temptation of Treasure Island.

Everyone chose their friends in the area and prepared to team up to go to the island.

Seeing this, Chen Feng shook his head. Team up? There were probably not many teams that could be formed.

First of all, it was a problem of trust. In an apocalypse without any laws, your teammates might kill you and plunder your resources in the next second.

Also, Chen Feng had been in this world for three days, but he had not met any humans at sea. There were 10,000 people in the entire area, but they had not met each other for three days. It was apparent that everyone was scattered.

Furthermore, due to the vast area of Treasure Island, walking on the island's periphery or paddling around on a raft to form a team would take too long.

When that time came, even if you successfully formed a team, regardless of whether there were monsters or treasures on the island, what would be left after so many people had plundered it?

Therefore, Chen Feng had already made a decision.

As long as he was brave, there was nothing he could not achieve!

Without high risks, there would be no high returns.

He landed on the island alone.

The fog on the island was thick, and he did not know what dangers lay in the depths. Chen Feng first planned to gather some wood and plant fibers at the periphery and quickly upgrade the raft to level 10.

When he unlocked level two of the mall, there might be some special items that could protect him. It would not be too late to explore further then.

Since it was already in the shallow waters, Little Fatty could not go any further.

"Little Fatty, I will go to the island to look for resources. It might take a few days. You should stay here to feed yourself. Don't run around. Wait for me to come back!"

Chen Feng jumped into the sea and patted Little Fatty's head. He untied the hemp rope that was tied to its body and fed it some seafood.

Currently, [loyalty 60%].


Little Fatty nodded and let out a weird cry before diving into the sea.

Chen Feng also wanted to put Little Fatty into the warehouse, but he decided against it. There was no seawater or food in the warehouse. He did not know how long he would be gone. It would not be good if it was dehydrated or starved to death.

After seeing Little Fatty disappear, he put the huge wooden raft into the warehouse.

This warehouse was really magical. Such a huge wooden raft actually only took up one item slot.

Chen Feng slowly walked into the fog with a knife in one hand and a solar stun baton in another.