Zhou Lingrui

Zhou Lingrui looked at the food that the fat man had casually thrown in front of her and frowned. She then sighed and picked them up.

There were two pieces of yellowish kelp, a large row of bread that was obtained from a treasure chest, two palm-sized mackerel fish, and a bottle of freshwater that had about half a liter left.

This was the food for four people, and it was pretty miserable.

This was undoubtedly torture for Zhou Lingrui, who lived a bourgeois life before she transmigrated and was used to better food.

However, she had no choice now. It had been three and a half days since she transmigrated. Besides the bread and sausage she had traded with Chen Feng, Zhou Lingrui never had a proper meal.

Now she can barely survive with the bit of food she has.

Zhou Lingrui took out wood and an iron basin and lit the firewood with a lighter. Then, she threw all the ingredients into the basin and poured some freshwater into it. That is what she had considered was cooking.

Zhou Lingrui had no choice but to stay here.

After Zhou Lingrui transmigrated, she drifted on the sea for three days. She could only stay on the raft without any survival skills and rely on the novice fishing rod to fish for supplies.

Her luck was terrible. She could only catch one or two things in an hour. There was also some garbage such as rotten wood, conch shells, and so on. There was a pitiful amount of food and freshwater.

Once, she was fortunate. She caught a wooden treasure chest and obtained a solar paralyzing electric rod. She exchanged some freshwater and food with a big shot named Chen Feng with this somewhat useless thing.

However, the big shot would not keep trading with her. After she had no item of value, Zhou Lingrui was once again troubled by the lack of food and freshwater.

She wanted to ask the big shot for some charity. In the past, Zhou Lingrui was a good-looking white-collar worker with financial freedom in the city. The number of people chasing her was in the three digits and never less than two digits. Now, she had to put down her pride and ask for food from those smelly men.

When she had no choice, Zhou Lingrui remembered flirting with Chen Feng.

She had thought that any man would quickly help out a beautiful woman like her? She did not expect that man not to send any messages afterward. She was not taken seriously at all!

Zhou Lingrui's confidence suffered a blow. She did not have the confidence to ask for help anymore.

But suddenly, Zhou Lingrui saw a message in the regional chat from a very famous business executive in Nanjing. His name was Tang Yucheng, and he actually called on the players to unite and help each other in the foreign world to survive together by forming an alliance.

Seeing this, Zhou Lingrui thought she had found an organization, so she was naturally was delighted to join the Alliance.

When she had just joined, Zhou Lingrui immediately felt the warmth of the alliance. Tang Yucheng had given her half a bottle of mineral water and a small amount of food when she was hungry and thirsty, allowing her to get through these challenging times.

Zhou Lingrui also knew that the alliance would allow many other players to survive.

Afterward, the alliance asked everyone to hand over materials that they would not use for the time being, such as extra freshwater, food, wood, plant fiber, iron, and others.

Zhou Lingrui thought for a moment. She did not have freshwater and food, and other things could not fill her stomach, so she handed them over. It was not a big deal.

After that, the novice period ended, and the entire game began to update. The creatures in the sea started to take the initiative and attacked the raft.

At this time, Zhou Lingrui had just learned from the chat channel that she needed to collect materials to upgrade the raft, but her items were stored in the Alliance led by Tang Yucheng. There was nothing left in her warehouse.

When she asked Tang Yucheng for them, she heard that the wood and plant fibers had been distributed to those who needed them more. The alliance only told its members to hurry to treasure island and gathered there.

Zhou Lingrui had no choice but to use her broken raft and rushed to treasure island, hoping to avoid being attacked by sea creatures.

Fortunately, Zhou Lingrui's location was very close to Treasure Island. Along the way, not many animals attacked her, and she could deal with small fish and shrimps. Relying on the two wooden oars, she rowed until her arms were sore and numb and finally reached Treasure Island.

After arriving on the island, Zhou Lingrui relied on the positioning of the map to successfully find Tang Yucheng. At this time, she discovered that there were already two people by his side. One was his son, Tang Xiaosi, and the other was a woman named Bai Ling. The other members had not arrived yet.

However, Zhou Lingrui only realized Tang Yucheng's true intentions after they met.

From their unrestrained conversation, Zhou Lingrui realized that the so-called alliance was just a pretense. After giving away some freshwater and resources to others, they swindled a large number of resources from them. In the name of mutual help and unified management, they stole from everyone.

In fact, it was Tang Yucheng and his son who had worked together and won the trust of others with their pre-transmigration reputation. Not only did they had an abundance of resources, but they also obtained a large number of survival points.

They did not care about the lives of others at all.

At this time, Zhou Lingrui wanted to leave. Firstly, Tang Yucheng and his son would disagree, and secondly, this treasure island did not seem safe.

After Tang Yucheng and his son worked together to kill an aquatic monster and displayed their strength, Zhou Lingrui was even more conflicted about leaving them.

Zhou Lingrui also found out about their plan towards Chen Feng from their conversation just now.

They actually wanted to kill Chen Feng! When Zhou Lingrui found out about this information, she was shocked. It was not that she was concerned about Chen Feng, but she was truly shocked awake at this moment. The rules of this post-apocalyptic world were that there were no rules, and no one would punish those murderers.

Due to Tang Yucheng's character, Zhou Lingrui did not reveal that she had successfully added Chen Feng as a friend.

Zhou Lingrui looked at the flames from the firewood and could vaguely hear the noise coming from the side. It was making her feel nauseous.

This woman called Bai Ling had sacrificed her dignity to earn some favor from Tang Yucheng. She was even doing it with the father and son. This made Zhou Lingrui loathe her, but at the same time, she was also worried about herself.

Tang Yucheng was still manageable. He was old, so he probably did not have any shameful thoughts. She was only afraid of his fat son, Tang Xiaosi.

Zhou Lingrui had seen something in Tang Xiaosi's eyes from the first time they met. It was hard to say if she would covet him in the future.

He was not afraid to give in to his temptation and coercion her. This fat man was too disgusting.

Zhou Lingrui muttered in his heart and could not help but worry about her own safety.

She would rather be killed by those ugly aquatic monsters than be ruined by Tang Yucheng and his son.

"What should I do?" Zhou Lingrui remembered that she still had a lot of resources that were taken away by Tang Yucheng and his son. If she did not get them back, she would not be able to survive.

If she left them, she did not know how she could survive.

Zhou Lingrui, who was in a dilemma, suddenly remembered Chen Feng and hurriedly opened the [Map] function.

Zhou Lingrui saw Chen Feng's location on the map, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

The distance between them was only 20 kilometers!