What Can You Do? Yes!

Zhou Lingrui recalled the food she had eaten before: kelp, hermit crab, and sea fish. When she was not able to harvest anything, she had even eaten wood. Moreover, because there was no fire source, everything was eaten raw. There was no question made whether there were parasites or not. Furthermore, it tasted was like chewing wax, and it was extremely fishy.

Later, before she found Chen Feng, she ate a pot of boiled sea fish and kelp from Tang Yucheng and his son. Although it was cooked, it had not tasted very good.

At this moment, she saw Chen Feng's stove.

She can understand where the lobster meat came from. Where did you find roast pork belly! This is too enviable!

No wonder so many people wanted to chop you to death on the chat channel!

If I watched you eat these things all day long, I would want to chop you to death too!

Zhou Lingrui was amazed, and her gaze was fixed on the roast meat on the stove as she kept swallowing his saliva.

However, as a goddess who used to be high and mighty, her dignity had not allowed her to gobble up the meat.

Zhou Lingrui turned her gaze and looked at Chen Feng with a hint of anticipation. It was as if she was waiting for Chen Feng to take the initiative to invite her.

Chen Feng first tied the aquatic monster Gina brought back to a tree with hemp rope made from [Manufacture]. Then, he stalled for a while.

He walked to the edge of the stove with Gina and took a bite of the roasted meat. Then, he said slowly, "Zhou Lingrui, what are you waiting for? Come over and eat something too!"

He invited me only after taking a bite!

Zhou Lingrui was furious. Just as she was about to be reserved, she suddenly saw Gina started to take big pieces of the roasted meat and stuff it into her mouth. She did not even chew it. If this continued, she would finish the food in a short while.

Zhou Lingrui panicked and hurriedly ran over. She could not care less. He grabbed a piece of shrimp tail meat, stuck out her pink tongue, and pushed the meat into her mouth.

Hmm, women are so pretentious.

As the shrimp meat entered her mouth, Zhou Lingrui felt that her soul had left her body. Her neck shrank, and his shoulders trembled with excitement because of the intense feeling on her tongue.

Salt! There was salt in this meat!

Zhou Lingrui suddenly had tears streaming down her face. She had never eaten anything salty in the past few days. As she ate, she was still sobbing.

"Oh, this is too good, this is really too good!"

With her mouth full of meat, it was not easy for anyone to understand what she was trying to say.

Zhou Lingrui and Gina's eating style made Chen Feng question their manners. He rolled his eyes, and Chen Feng also ate faster. Otherwise, there would have finished the food before he was full.

In about ten minutes, the three of them had finished nearly eight pounds of roasted meat.

Zhou Lingrui picked up the coke that Chen Feng had drunk and put it on her dry red lips. She gulped it down.


Zhou Lingrui burped. Her face was full of satisfaction. This was the most satisfying meal she had eaten in the past three days.

Chen Feng wiped the stove clean and put it back into the warehouse. He then added a stick of firewood to the seawater separator to keep it working.

Then, relying on the warmth provided by the firewood, Chen Feng retreated to a tree and instructed Gina to stay alert. Then, he began to close his eyes to rest.

Chen Feng did not want to negotiate much with Zhou Lingrui, even though she was considered very beautiful. Before he transmigrated, Chen Feng would not have even had the chance to talk to such a goddess.

However, in this game, what was the use of being pretty? Her waist was thin, and her legs were skinny. She could not run or fight, so she would not be of much help to him.

He would rest for the day and go his separate ways tomorrow morning.

Zhou Lingrui saw the seawater separator in the middle. The seawater in the glassware was bubbling non-stop. It was not difficult to tell that this was a distillation device.

She was shocked once again. No wonder Chen Feng sold fresh water in the trade. It turned out that freshwater was easy for him to obtain.

A rich dog!

Zhou Lingrui felt as if she had swallowed two lemons. Although it was very sour, she did not dare to steal the seawater separator while Chen Feng was resting. After all, Gina was still napping on the side.

Zhou Lingrui knew that even though Gina was napping, she could still feel that Gina was paying attention to her. If she made any big moves, it would lead to terrible consequences.

"Big brother Chen Feng, thank you for dinner. Can I follow you in the future?" Zhou Lingrui hesitated for a long time and finally could not help but ask. Her eyes were full of anticipation.

"Follow me?"

Chen Feng frowned as Zhou Lingrui's words woke Chen Feng up from his sleep. A low-level aquatic monster managed to chase her! Such a useless woman would only be a burden if she stayed by his side. She was not as capable as Gina. He immediately rejected her.

"Forget it. I still plan to go deep into treasure island. You should find someone else!"

"You..." Zhou Lingrui was furious. He was indeed a man. In the past, if she spoke to a man like that, that man would definitely faint from excitement.

After a while, Zhou Lingrui thought of something and continued, "How about this? I'll tell you a piece of information that is related to your life and death. I'll use this information to exchange for your willingness to take me in. Are you interested?"

Zhou Lingrui raised her eyebrows and was very confident.

"I'm not interested!"

"You!! ...In our region, the alliance led by Tang Yu was fake and was used to swindles our resources. I just escaped from them and overheard them mentioning that they wanted to kill you. Aren't you interested in this news?" After being speechless for a while, she simply said. Zhou Lingrui had not expected Chen Feng to turn her down.

"Tang Yucheng..." Chen Feng muttered to himself after he heard this name.

That was why Chen Feng had a vague feeling that there was something wrong with this person when he recruited him to join the alliance. Later on, he publicly slandered him in the chat channel. Now that Zhou Lingrui said this, Chen Feng finally understood.

However, how can they kill me? They can kill me just because they wanted to?

Chen Feng shook his head. No matter how powerful they were, they were nothing against him and the intermediate aquatic monster Gina?

"I'm not interested...tomorrow at dawn, you better go to the shore of treasure island. It's safe there."


Zhou Lingrui did not expect Chen Feng to be so stubborn. A trace of bitterness crept up in her heart. She had already said so much. Did she have to swallow whatever pride she had left and beg?

"Chen Feng, I'm begging you. Can you help me? I really don't want to live on my own anymore. This world is really too dangerous for me!"

Her trump card was useless. A trace of pleading appeared on Zhou Lingrui's face.

Chen Feng frowned. He had not rejected her because he was heartless, but because he had to go deeper into treasure island to collect more resources. If he brought her along, she could really be considered a burden.

He could only mock, "What can you do?"

When Zhou Lingrui heard this, he was stunned.


Finally, did Chen Feng reveal his true nature?

Was he the same as Tang Yucheng and the others?

All were coveting my body? Humph! Men are all pigs!

However, if one looked carefully, this Chen Feng was really handsome! He had a tall and sturdy figure, and one could even see his abdominal muscles!

He still had so many secrets on him. He had enough supplies, food, and drinks. He also had aquatic monster bodyguards. It was better to follow him than anyone else!

In just a few short seconds, Zhou Lingrui's mind was in turmoil, and his expression kept changing.

In the end, Zhou Lingrui's face turned red. She lowered her head and had not dared to look directly at Chen Feng, so she said shyly, "I can.."

