Born Again

"Brianna! You fucking slut! Come here!" shouted Agatha.

Agatha Roman, she's the type of girl you don't wanna mess with because she's a member of the bully like what Brian said to me, she's also my friend because of Brianna. Agatha became her friend because they became neighbors since Brian immigrate here but tomorrow, Agatha will move on to another house far away from here that's why Brian introduce me to her and she's not hard to befriend. They became friends because, how would I say it.. because they have similarities to each other, perhaps?.

So here we are, at the fast-food chain we decided to eat together before we get separated before the enrollment of RU which is tomorrow, and Agatha in BU near their new house then Brian spotted some hot, cool guys pass through us then she immediately runs towards them and takes their numbers? I guess... Well, it became her hobby, Brian always gets any boys she wants, but it didn't take long, and broke up.. she's not taking any serious about relationships.. she's just playing it.

"Just face it Agatha your going to be an old woman with no boyfriend someday.." said Brianna while tapping in her phone, walking towards us.

"What did you just say?"

"Oh my god, you're getting old so fast! You can't even hear what I say!"Brianna said while laughing then sit in front of me and began eating her meal.

It's kinda weird how Brianna and I became friends, It's really an accident or fate? Maybe God decided to bring someone to me to make me feel not alone, maybe God pities me that's why God gave me Brian. I won't forget the day we've met.


"You stupid shit! Get away from me!!" a girl shouted at me when I am asking her to be friends with her.

"Weirdo! Why should I?" said the other one.

"Geez, fix yourself first before making friends with me!" that's the answer of all classmates I approached. I'm completely silent, I don't know what to do. Do I need to cry? Mad? Or hurt? But how can I do that if I don't know what it feels like? All I know is..nothing. I'm just a repeater in grade 1 because of my illness last year that's why it's kinda hard for me to be friends with them.

As we saw someone opened the door and a woman at the age of 25 came in we immediately rushed into our seats.

"Good morning class!"

"Good morning Ms. Pittsburgh!!" shouted my classmates then she sat in the chair and the desk in front of her. Then we take our seat. I am placed in the last row, it's really hot that day, but I feel so cozy and cold. I am totally dazed out of something, I keep asking myself what if I can feel something? What if I am like the others? Can feel pain, sorrow, joy, and other emotions that a person has? Will they be my friends?

"Today we are having a game and you need to choose your partner, okay?"

"Yes ma'am!"I didn't pay attention to what my teacher said, then everyone starts picking their partners, I know that no one will pick me because we are 15 students in the class, and I expected that only one of the students, which is me, will no have a partner.

So I decided to come towards my teacher and tell her that..' can I play by myself without a partner?'

"Oh, dear! I'm so sorry. Listen, class, one of you will be group as three so that Sapphire can join, who wants to pick her?" all I can hear is mumbling about me after my teacher said that, no one raises their hands, no one ever dared to be my partner. I already expected it and I was going to go out of the room when someone raised a hand.

"Ma'am I am willing to be her partner!"I get distracted by that person. I heard someone is willing to pick me. Is this true? Then everyone moved aside, so the girl who raised her hand came forward and looked at me directly.

"Hey! I'm Brianna Lackson, can I have you to be my partner?"

I hesitate at first but, I still agreed.


"Oh my gosh! Brianna! It's been a while? Finally, you come up to your senses and decided to go to school?" said the teacher in a calm tone but I can feel that she is mad. Did this girl Brianna know that Ms. Pittsburgh is mad at her?

"Geez, I get tired of coming to school. Sorry about that" said the girl named Brianna.

"Does this mean we are 16 students here in this class?"I asked my teacher. She looked at me and nodded.

"Yes, dear. I thought that BRIANNA" then she looked at her "will never come here to school and I thought she moved on to another school! Like what you said, Brianna!?"

"I was just joking ma'am. Don't take it seriously, haha!"

"Sigh! Anyways let's go back to our game" said Ms. Pittsburgh while massaging her forehead.

Since that day we became friends there's a lot of changes. I'm a transferee here in school and she's always cutting her classes before with her friends, always absent and sometimes she's acting like she has a fever or headache just to go home early, like what she told me.

Since I've met her, we became close. I am not alone anymore because she always there for me. We have lunch together, play together, share stories, and help each other. Even though her friends left her because of me.

"Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" said Brian while eating our lunch here at the rooftop. She really likes rooftops actually she's the one who told me that every time we take our lunch we're going to do it on the rooftop.

"Can you be my friend?"I asked then she laughed. I just want to make sure.

"We are always together. Helping each other, lunch together like this, like what friends do. I think we are already friends, aren't we?" she said.

"Really? Well yes, but I want to tell you that-"

"Shush, I already knew it. It was just hard to believe it at first, actually. But who knows, here in this world have a lot of different things that a person hard to believe those things that are rare. Like you"

Rare? Like me?

Maybe yes? Because I never met a person similar to my condition, maybe I can consider that me as a rare.. should I be happy?


"So, I am not regretting to have a friend like you, cause you are one of a limited edition. You only need to pretend to be happy or sad whenever you feel like you need to so that no one will avoid you or bully you. But if that's happened..." she stopped and stood up, clenched her fist, and say.

"...I will hurt them by myself." Even if she doesn't say it I can see it in her eyes, so determined eyes. And I'm grateful to have a friend like her.

End of Flashback

"You Bitch, go suck someone's dick!" said Agatha at Brian then she laughed, I just smiled while continue eating my meal. Brianna just rolled her eyes and continue eating. Then we hear Agatha's phone vibrated. She grabbed it from the table and looked at who message her while drinking her water.

"Mmm.." she stopped drinking and wiped the water from her mouth and looked at us

"Anyways bitches, Tia and Fiona are here so I'm going now, bye!" said Agatha and finished her last bite then stood up and walks away waving at us until she's out of the door. Brianna didn't wave, she just showed her middle finger at Agatha before she left.

"You are improving Sapphire!" said Brianna and took a sip of water in her bottle.

"Does it look normal?"

"Yes, why?" she curiously asked.

"Because sometimes I get tired of pretending, and I can't show her yet, about the truth, I don't know if I..."I stopped and sighed then continue eating and return to my normal face.

"Okay, it's up to you when will you say the truth to her, and it's still too early for that. But I just want to remind you, remember what I said?" she asked while playing with her noodles.

"Yes.. she is a member of a bully, luckily she didn't hurt me either bully me, "I said and stopped eating then drink my water.

"That's the good thing of pretending, you should know how to communicate with others so that they won't hurt you like...before," she said. She looked at me in serious eyes and continue "Don't be overconfident at her, maybe right now she's backstabbing us...but maybe not? Just be prepared, haha!" she said then laughed.

"Okay. I need to continue my new life. Like I was born again."