The Ghost who annoys the Beast.

"Oh my god! I wish I saw him too.," said Brian. We're here inside our room talking about the guy I met before.

"By the way, it's kind of him to tell his name to you" she added. Well, it's not that really happened. I just saw his name in his ID that he's wearing that time, and he's not that kind actually...

When our next teacher arrived they went all in their seats, and Brian quickly ran outside the room and head to her room. Mr. Lussac Mondenierre came inside our room. Our Physical Education teacher. I was not paying attention to his discussion or what he's saying.

I'm not a lazy girl, but after I moved here to this school lots have happened just on the first day. My old acquaintances, that mysterious guy, and that guy named Zire.


"By the way class, we have a new student. He just enrolled here lately.." By the said of Mr. Mondenierre, took my attention. I moved my head to where's Mr. Mondenierre is. After that, he looked outside the door.

"Come inside, introduce yourself.," said Mr. Mondenierre to the person out of the room. All of us were looking outside the room, waiting for a person to come inside and examined him/her.

As I heard a tap of a shoe coming from outside, I saw a tall man, wearing his deep oxford blue bag on his left shoulder, dark golden hair, a little white skin tone made him even noticed more... He stopped in front of us besides Mr. Mondenierre. His thick eyebrows, two piercings on both sides of the lower pink lip made him looks like a bad boy.

"Hi," he said shortly and coldly. I've noticed some girls here are giggling, and admiring him. The boy's uniform really suits him. Maroon vest with long sleeves and a white polo shirt inside, the two buttons of his polo are openly showing his skin between his collar bone. Maroon pants of course and dark brown shoes. And the black necktie is not tightly placed, but it's good on him.

"I'm Zire Apollo.," he added. I saw Shakira shocked when he heard the name of that man. She instantly looked at me.

"Is he the man you are telling us about?" she whispered. I nodded and that made her giggled. All girls here in the classroom are giggling about him and as a person like me, don't care about it.

"You may sit down in that vacant seat.," said Mr. Mondenierre, he pointed to the seat next to mine, I remembered that there was a girl sat there next to me. I wonder where she is...

That guy Zire walk towards the seat where Mr. Mondenierre pointed out. Every time he takes a step it made lots of girls lost their breath. When Zire get nearer and nearer to me, Shakira froze for a minute till Zire went here and take his seat next to me.

All the girls' eyes glued at him. I can sense that this man Zire is getting uneasy because of the change in the atmosphere here in this room. Imagined all your classmates looked at you like an endless look I'm sure you'll get uncomfortable. He wrinkled his face, crossing his arms, and ignored my classmates.

"Ehem.." as our teacher coughs like he wants to get our attention we instantly looked at him and focus on what he's going to discuss.

HOUR passed our class ended, after two hours in Mapeh, a combination of music, arts, physical education, and health, the class is finally over.

"Finally. I can go home now, phew.. what a day!" said Shakira. She stretched her arms up to the air and yawned. All our classmates went outside to go home, they are very excited to lay their bodies in their beds.

"Yeah, finally we can go home," I said and packed my things, I saw Zire came inside the room from the CR I guess... Silence appeared between me and Shakira. I forgot to tell them the truth, maybe I won't tell them anymore...

I was going to head outside when Zire grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. I can feel his hard body next to mine. I saw Shakira shocked witnessing what just happened.

"I'm going now, Sapphire. See you tomorrow," she said and quickly ran outside. I looked at him thinking what he's doing to me, what he wants from me, again... about lately? saying he's a rapist? I actually don't know why I say that... I know it's too offensive so.

"What?"I asked with my normal look. He smirks and speaks.

"I told you.." he said, looking at me with his dark brown eyes, and placed his lips next to my ear and whispered...

"I'm not done with you, yet.."

{While at Brian's POV}

"Gosh, finally class is over. Darn, it's really boring here in school.."I said to myself while placing my chin at my desk.

"Your such a lazy person, Brianna!"

"Shut up, Lamenia! (pronunciation: La-men-ya)"I yelled at her.

"By the way, I'm going now cause I have a date and I don't want to be late.." she said while looking at me with her a little light brown and immediately grabbed her bag then went outside.

"Screw you and your boyfriend. No to FOREVER!"I yelled again, and before she leaves she glared at me and released her tongue to tease me.

That bitch!

Meet Lamenia Campbell a girl who is always broke by her boyfriend but still, she keeps coming back to him like a lost puppy, trying to fix their relationship even though it's already broken like a hammer with a bent nail. A girl with lots of patience to her loved Magnum Briddick, like a nun.

But still, I can't forget that man I just bumped lately when I went outside Sapphire's room.

I packed all my things and I was going to leave right now when I saw Shakira running through past me like she didn't even notice me.

"Hey, Shakira!"I yelled at her, she stopped and looked at me, I placed my both hands on my hip, and carefully looked at her.

"Why are you running?"I asked. Then I realized that my accent is similar to the trending video about a man asking the woman like {black American accent} ' why are you running?! WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?!'

"I'm searching for you, come hurry we-"

"What? You are looking for me but you instantly passed through me! If I didn't call you, you won't notice me!"I said to her. I see her eyes glimmered.

"The man... That Sapphire was talking about... Is our classmate!"

"The FUCK?! FOR REAL?!"I yelled. I grabbed her hand and we both run fast to where Ire is...

{Go back to Sapphire's POV}

"What are you doing?"I said (–__–)

He's on top of me, right now. I laid down at my desk because when I was trying to fight against his arms, we both fell.

"Look what you've done to me!"


"I can die because of you!"

"Well it's not my fault for having no-"I suddenly stopped when we heard the door plunged opened and I saw Brian and Shakira shocked because of what situation we are in right now.

Zire and Me looked at them both like we are asking them ' why?'. I remembered in some books I've read this situation we are in are supposed to do in some private places like what couples do... but the fact is we are not couples, we are strangers for both each other. And it's not what you think, maybe I'm a cold-blooded girl, but I won't give up my thingy for someone I just met.

"Hey, you! Get off to Ire! I'm going to accuse you a.... what was it again Shakira?"

"Sexual Harassment.," whispered Shakira to Brian.

"Yeah, Sexual Harassment! You rapist!!"Yelled Brian. Zire let go of me, and I get a chance to stand up, while he curiously looked at them and start to defend himself...

"What!! Were just talking about w-"

"Talking? In that situation!? Hell no, I'm not born yesterday boy! I thought you are perfect for her! Like what she told us about you" she yelled angrily. Shakira calmed Brian.

"Calm down, Brian. Don't be mad" said Shakira to her, then turn her head looked at Zire.

"You! I'm going to tell this to the Dean or I tell this to the Disciplinary Committee!!" said Shakira.

"What! FUCK just listen to me it's just a misunderstanding!!"

"You said some bad words to me!?" asked Shakira then cried. Brian calmed her.

"Calm now, Shakira. Don't cry" said Brian to her.

Zire tried to explain everything to them about what happened right now that it is just a little misunderstanding. I agreed so that they will stop overreacting.

"Ahh, that's what happen?" they both said.

"Well, how about the ' I can die because of you' thingy?" asked Brian.

"I'll explain it.."I said and they all sat down and ready to listen like a kid.