The Beast named Zire and the Ghost named Ire

"Welcome home, Señorito!" greeted our maids when I came home. Zyna was there looking at me placing both hands in her hips and she was going to open her mouth when I stopped her showing my palm.

"Not now, little sis.."

"Why don't you just let our driver, pick you from school? You don't need to walk just to go home," she said. I just continue walking upstairs pretending I didn't hear anything.

"I'm just worried about you, brother. Lots of bad people are there and w—?"

"Don't worry Zyna, I can protect myself" I replied in a tired tone, and when I'm now in front of my room I went inside. Zyna's right, my room is more like a contaminated room. It's really messy, and I don't have time to clean this up, and I don't let anyone enter my room except me and her and add Aunt Six who's not here, yet.

I laid down in my bed, I opened the buttons in my shirt and took it off then tossed it away, so that the aircon will go into my body. I want to sleep but I can't.

Dhazzire Apollo!

A classmate of your daughter

and I am single...

I am single...

I am single...


"WHAT THE FUCK!!! WHY DID I DO THAT!!" I yelled while pulling my hair then rushed to my veranda and yelled.

{Meanwhile at Zyna's POV}

"I heard a scream from my brother's room, " I said then drop my notebook. One of the maids came near me.

"You want me to check it, Señorita?" asked the maid.

"No, just leave him, " I said and continue doing my homework in the living room. Aunt Six is not here right now, she went to her province to visit her relatives there. But five days from now she'll be back.

But I'm quite curious about my brother. Why is he yelling up there? Hmm, maybe he did something nasty or disgusting in school, or maybe get embarrassed in front of her crush.

Pft! Boys!

{Sapphire's POV}

"Hey, wake up darling, you have a visitor!" said mom while tapping me endlessly. I woke up and looked at my mom.

"Gosh, clean yourself first before going out okay?"

"What? But I'm hungry, can I eat first?" I asked while stretching my arms, and can't open my eyes. I'm still sleepy.

"No, I told you there's a boy waiting for you"

"Who is he?"I asked sleepily.

"Zire.." Mom said. Wait, what? Without a second Mom pulled me towards the bathroom, she prepared all my uniform and bag.

I took a shower, cleaned my body, take shampoo and conditioner, and so on.

What is he doing here?

After I took a bath I brushed my teeth then wear my uniform. I went outside and saw Zire talking to my dad on the couch and mom who's preparing breakfast for us.

Zire looked at me and smiled then dad moved her head to looked at me also.

"Morning," said Zire. Well, it looks like he goes back to normal not like yesterday.

"Morning" I greeted him, I went beside my dad and kissed his cheek, and greeted him too. I sat down next to my mom. We ate our breakfast, some bacon and sandwiches also pancakes.

Zire took some pancakes and bacon. He eats it like nobody here, he looks like a kid. He eats like a pig. Mom laughed.

"Are you really that hungry, Zire?" asked mom.

"No, but this food is so delicious! I can't remember eating this type of food since.." he stopped. I know he remembered her mom so I changed the subject.

"By the way, dad! Are you gonna drop us at school?" I asked my dad.

"Well, of course!" answered dad. When we finished eating our breakfast we went inside my father's car, I decided to sit down in the front seat next to my dad and Zire is in the back seat. But dad insisted me to sat down next to Zire in the back seat. So I did.

"Bye, mom!"I said.

"Bye Mrs. Saoirse!" he did too.

"Bye both of you! Take care!" said mom and give dad a flying kiss, which he instantly caught and placed in her heart. Zire laughed.

"You'll understand it someday, kid! Haha" laughed dad, I just smiled. Glad Dad is acting cool towards Zire.

"So kid, who is your father?" asked dad. I looked at him cuz I knew that it was a sensitive topic and looked at Zire, but he looks okay and ready to answer my dad.

"I never met him. He works out of town with our new mom.." he replied while looking outside the window. He lied. Then I just looked outside the window and let him be.

"Sorry, kid." dad apologizes.

After a minute, we are now outside the gate of our school we go out of my dad's car and say goodbye to him.

"Bye, kid. Bye, darling!"

"Bye, dad! Take care!"

"Bye Mr. Alessandro!" he said. I looked at him when my dad is out of sight.

"Why did you do that?"

"What?" he asked.

"Why you visited me?" I asked and started walking, I saw him follow me, holding his bag by his left shoulder, it doesn't look heavy at all. I think there's nothing inside his bag.

"Why not?" he said.

"I just want to know you and to make it clear what I said yesterday.." he said.

"Oh, that one?" I said and still remember what he said yesterday...

"Yeah, I'm just out of my mind that's why I said that, and also I already have a girlfriend.." he said while shuffling his back hair. Oh, that's good to hear, he just wants me to be his friend and no more. We walk through the hall and saw some girls staring at him, I looked at him and he felt uneasy that's why he became cranky. Again...

"Why are the—?"

"They're just bitches, that's all," he said and his face suddenly became expressionless. I know these girls heard him said that, but why are they still admiring him even though he is too bad towards them?

I felt someone put their shoulder around me and to Zire too then I saw Brian between us. Giving us a creepy smile while we continue to walk. Looking at me in a meaningful way. Lifting her eyebrows up and down to me.

"What's with you?" said Zire coldly he came back to who he is before, he looked at Brian who's in our center. Brian moves her head to him.

"Nothing, I just want to say good morning!"

"There's no good in the morning.." said Zire looking the other way. Brian pinches his shoulder.

"What did you say?"

"Ouch!, Nothing!" he yelled and remove Brian's arm out of his shoulder.

"Morning guys!" greeted Shakira when we get near the SHS building.

"Morning!"I greeted her with a smile. Zire still not smiling.

"Hey, smile you jerk!" joked Brian.

"And why should I!? How would I be supposed to smile!! Now I see you!!" yelled Zire.

"Wahahahh, don't be like that Zire!" laughed Brian. I looked at him and he looked back at me too, I looked at him saying 'that's not good'

"Tss.. fine.. sorry," said Zire and went inside the building leaving us here. Brian and Shakira suddenly opened their mouth wide, shocked they never imagined that Zire would say that even in a dream. Both of them looked at me.

Brian laughed and tapped my shoulder.

"How did you tame that tiger?" she asked. Then Shakira nodded.

"What? I didn't.. what are you saying?" I asked and they both laughed.

We went inside the room, talking about some things. Shakira, Brian, and I are chatting then, but then Brian brings up the topic of the man in the black.

"I was wondering.. is that man in the black studying here?" asked Brian.

"I dunno. If only we know about his name and his face.." said Shakira. I can't tell them now, that I saw this man in black on the front door of our club, yesterday, cause I'm not pretty sure about it... But I have this feeling that Zire is involved in this... maybe?

"Hey, you sleeping again?" said Brian while tapping Zire's shoulder.

"Mmnnhh.." said Zire.

"Geez, sleep tight little LAZY prince!"Joked Brian. The bell rang, so Brian went outside the room and goes towards her room. Mr. Liambao our substitute in Math came in because Ma'am Alperez is sick, and starts his discussion.

He looks like a scientist or professor to me, because of his white messy hair and white messy beard also his thick eyeglasses and adds his actions like a real scientist, always in a hurry.

"Zire Apollo? Answer this question!" said Mr. Liambao. I tapped Zire who is sleeping.

"Zire?" he asked again all of us looked at him. I even kicked his chair and table but still, he's sleeping.

"Zire..! Wake up..!" I whispered while tapping his back.

"Zire...! Mr. Liambao is here!" whispered Shakira. Mr. Liambao gets irritated rubbing his hair then walked towards Zire, to know what's happening to him. I slapped Zire's back, and I think it's really hurt cause it made a sound.

"55!" he yelled. All of us were shocked when Zire yelled the answer. Is he dreaming of the answer? Or calculating the equation in his dream?

"Good Mr. Zire, just pay attention next time, okay let's continue," said Mr. Liambao and went back to the whiteboard.

Zire looked at me, rubbing his back where I slapped it so hard.

"What happened?" he asked while frowning.

"Nothing, go back to sleep"