The Reason to be Grim

After brother Zire threw the paper bag in the trash he immediately walks away heading somewhere inside the house. I decided to take a look at what's inside of the paper bag, I picked it up from the trash and looked at what's inside.


What the hell? What kind of gift is this from a girl!?

I immediately threw it back to the trash and search for my brother. I know that he's quite affected after that girl mentioned the name Raeve. He's always tough on the outside of his body, but his inner self is like a baby, so sensitive. I search for him everywhere, in the pool inside our mansion, in our gym, in our music room, in our library, and even in our sauna and hot spring but he's not there, I look like touring around or window shopping in the mall because of how huge this mansion for only the two of us and some maids who are staying here too. Then when I caught some maids near me, I decided to ask them.

"Have you seen Zire somewhere?"

"Yes Señorita, we saw him entered the Cinema room" they replied calmly as usual. I just nodded at them and head there. I open the door with a design of royal doors with a color of brown and a name written on it.

Cinema room

I open the door and step in, then close it slowly to avoid making such noise. I saw Zire sitting in the last row of the red fluffy seats of cinemas, watching the video clip that mom recorded. I sat next to him, and I guess he notices me.

"Hey, brother, who's that woman lately?"I asked him while playing with my thumb. This place was made by my Dad for our family, for us and we always stay here every Sunday after we went to the church when my mom was still alive. We have some good memories here, watching our favorite movie while all lights are turn off and the only light inside this room is from that big TV. Eating some popcorns that dad made and laugh together.

"She's nothing.." he replied coldly while watching, actually it's not a movie it's a film that mom recorded. Our mom loves to record all the happy things in her life, she also recorded the day my brother was born a day when the fall started, dad is so happy he almost cried actually. Then I was born right after the summer begins.

"Do you miss mom?" he asked to break the silence. He's still not looking at me, I take a small glance at him then back to the TV.

"Always" I replied while playing with my dress.

"Me too, I wish we can go back to the time. The time where Mom was still alive and to be happy like before. I wish dad never did those things..." he said then tears start to fall from his eyes, I came near him and hugged my brother. I remember after Mom died, how I know the truth about dad even though Zire thinks that I never understand anything.. by I do.


"Hi, mom" greeted brother Zire to our Mom on skype on our iPad. While both of us sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Hey, Zire and Zyna how are you? Are you done eating your breakfast?" asks Mom and we both nod.


"Mom, when will you come back?"I asked her, I really missed her so much. She looked away ignoring my question.

"I don't know.."

"But Mom how about Dad?"I asked her again then after that I saw Zire clench his right fist after I said the word, Dad.

"Don't ever say that name.." he said coldly. Zire's face was a wild beast like he's always been like that to ou Dad ever since Mom left. Then Mom looked at him.

"He's still your Dad, Zire"

"Then I hate him."

"Zire!" yelled Mom looking at him furiously. Zire is taken aback and turns aside, avoiding eye contact with Mom.

"Don't own our problem, Zire. He's your Dad yo—"

"I don't care I ha—" he stopped when we heard a noise in the airplane like there something is burning and something's wrong.

"Passengers of Massachusetts International Airplane, there's a problem about our engine please fasten your seatbelt because we're going to land," said the pilot from the speaker. Mom immediately fastened her seatbelt. Because all of the people began to fear, the video got jumbled.

"Mom? What's going on?"I ask.

"Our engine is burning so we're going to land in the ocean. Don't worry babies, we're fine" she said with a smile make us feel that everything will be fine. But she's not, she's scared.

"Mom..."I whispered then there's another noise coming from the engine of the airplane that makes the airplane moves fast.

"MOM!!!" we both yelled. She looked at us and smiled. We can't even hear what our Mom's trying to say because the scream and cries of the passengers are much more prevailing.

"I love you, babies," was the only thing I can hear before she kissed her screen then her phone dropped and lost its signal.

"Damn!" yelled my brother while trying to get back the signal when I saw the news from the T.V

"The Massachusetts International Airplane exploded when it tried to land in the ocean. We also saw a practice missile from nowhere and it aimed that airplane so it's impossible that someone survived in that accident" said the newscaster, I immediately high the volume to hear it more clearly. Brother Zire stopped looking at his iPad and turn his attention to the TV.

"Massachusetts International Airplane? Is that Mom's—"

"Y-yeah.." said brother Zire with his crack voice, while his lip is trembling.

"These are the names of all passengers who died in that plane." said the newscaster. The news also showed the plane who's in a half..... and still burning. I know seeing that airplane there's no possible passenger who'll survive, but I still hoped...

Then the list showed that I don't want to search for my mom's name, but when it first showed up, our mom's name is the first on the list of passengers who died in the plane crash.

"Irenic Yna Schneider Raeve"

I immediately fell to my knees and sat on the floor when I saw the name of my mom while my hot tears ran down my cheeks.

"Brother Zire, mom..."I can't even finish my statement because I feel like all of my power has vanished so quickly, and I witnessed my brother striking the wall. I attempted to rise up and walk to him, but my legs trembled, so I fell again and yelled out loudly.

"Dad.."I called in a low tone. He's in his room, I'm sure he already heard the news, and I want him to come here to stop my brother punching the wall, I saw his fists are all red and bleeding. Then the door swung open, and Dad entered the room, and I extended my hand to him.

"Dad.."I whispered but Zire walk to him immediately to punch him, but Dad immediately catches Zire's fist before it hit his face.

"It's all because of you!! If you hadn't cheated on Mom, she wouldn't have run away from us and perished on that stupid aircraft!!" said brother. Wait, cheated?

"If she only... agreed to use our private plane. That would never happen–"

"FUCK!" screamed Zire to get Dad to stop. Then Zire laughs out loud, as if he's lost his mind, and stares at our Dad.

"Heh, now Mom is dead. Are you gonna marry that fucking woman?" said Zire and look at the woman behind dad. When did she go there? Then I noticed Dad talking to the woman as if to ask her, "Why are you here?" But the woman only blinks and stares at Zire. Dad is staring at him as well.

"I hate that woman," said Zire while looking to the both of them.

"Stop it, Dhazzire!" yelled Dad.

"NO! Your the one who'll stop!!" yelled brother Zire and walks away. After that, I now realize and understand everything, and also about why my brother changes so much towards our Dad.

End of Flashback

"But sadly, we can't. We can't undo our fate, all we need to do is to accept it and move on" I said and closed my eyes to stop my eyes to let out its tears, it hurts inside of me, remembering my old family so happy before, but now it's ruined. Broken. Unable to fix it anymore. Shattered into pieces...

"Why us? All I wish is to have a complete family, I don't wish to be rich, all I need is to have a family a house that I can call home..." he said and clenched his fist, I know that it was hard for him. I approached him and soothed him by caressing his back.

"We need to be strong brother, it's just you and me left in this house and memories of our mom," I said then hugged him tightly.

"Thanks, sis..." he said forcing himself not to cry. I want you to stay strong, brother; you may express yourself to me.

"Your not a devil right now" he added. What a devil? I push him a little and look at his face raising my left eyebrow.

"What? Did you just say I'm Devil you old hag?"

"Who's old hag?!" he asks. I stand up put my hands on my hips and looked at him.

"Duh, it's you! My dumb brother!"I teased and grin.

"You—" he looks at me angrily but he stops then we both laugh and pulled me closer to him.

"Thank you sis"

"I always have your back" and I hugged him back tightly.

{Meanwhile at Irashelyn's POV}

"Ms. Moon we are here," my driver said then I nodded. We are presently standing in front of my father's place of work. The Moonlight Company. My driver opened the door for me, and I walked outside. A huge number of colleagues from our firm greeted me. I just ignored them and went directly to my father's office.

Lara, my father's secretary, stops me as I approach his office. I glared furiously at her. I noticed her legs shaking, indicating that she is becoming nervous.

"What?"I asked looking directly into her eyes.

"Ma'am y-your father is on a meeting right n-now," she said.

"I don't care I just want to see him right NOW!"I yelled and lots of people here put their attention on me and this secretary.

"But ma'am—!"

"I'll do WHAT I WANT to do! And nothing can stop me! Now move!"I yelled again and pushed her aside. I clean myself, my hair, and my elegant black slim backless dress. And before I came in I knock first preparing myself to act kind in front of his board meeting like what I always do, and open the door.

I saw them looked at me especially my father who sat in the front.

"Dad, I need to talk to you," I said in my kind voice and smile. Most of them admired me, telling me pretty, kind, and such.

"Excuse me for a moment," he said to them and come towards me went out and closed the door, and look at me.

"What do you want?" he asks.

"Oh, dad. I know you have a partnership with Raeve Company group."


"So, I have an idea to get that company too. But in order to do that, I need your help" I said to him.

"What idea?"

Then I gave him a smile.