The Wishes of the Three Princes

"Why did you do that, Auntie?"I ask when we are now inside our mansion. She smiled at me and I was like WHAT THE HECK!?


"I just want to know her parents, Señorito. Our future Mrs. Raeve" I was shocked when I heard her saying that. I feel my ears are burning.


"And by the way, why did you stop Zyna telling her full name to them. Including the name Raeve?" I froze. I remember that I never told them before what is the reason why I hate my name Raeve.


First day in grade 3. The teacher introduced me in front of the class. I think to myself that it is too easy for me to get some friends whatever I want and how many I want because I am a Raeve. The richest family of Massachusetts.

I sat down in the vacant seat. And focus on the discussions. I can sense someone is staring at me so I looked around. I saw five male kids looking at me one of them is a fat kid wearing a red stripe shirt and indigo's shorts, as a new student here in school I need to be kind towards them, but I can't, because I'm not that a kind of person smiling so whatever and I am not that bad too, I just don't like smiling on someone I don't know. I just looked at them. And I feel like those stares are not new to me like it's happened to me before... I just don't remember when.

So the break time comes and all of the kids immediately ran outside and head back to the playground. I came to a group of kids and offered them to play with me.

"Hey, wanna play with me?"I ask. They hesitate at first but when I show them the toys that my bodyguard brought to me they agreed.

If I wanna play with them I usually gave them some toys. For example, if I wanna play basketball with the other kids, I give them lots of balls so I can join them, if I wanna join them in making sandcastles I give them a lot of basket and shovel toys to play with.

They agreed always, usually most girls are kind to me, but most of the boys are just ignoring me. My bodyguards are always there whenever I go outside or play outside with my friends.

So the day of September 21st, lunchtime, I told my bodyguards to stay in their van and they did. I am eating with my friends but then five male kids went to us.

"Hey, rich kid." said the fat male kid eating his lollipop. I look at my back to face him.

"What?"I ask.

"Tss! You're a Raeve right?" he asks.


"Bullshit!" he yelled then grabbed me in my collar and lift me up. His four friends glared at me like they are going to hit me any minute now. My bodyguards are not here, because they are in front of the schoolyard inside the van and I am here at the back.

"What are you doing?"I ask.

"I hate Raeve's," he said then punch me right in my face. I fall down and touch my nose that is bleeding right now. I look at him confused.

"Why?"I ask.

"Because they are spoilers! Spoil Brats! And your fucking father fired my dad for no reason! So Bullshit!" he said then kick my stomach.

"You know what kid? You don't have any friends"

"You're wrong their here," I said and point to my friends who are sitting there shocked and paralyzed.

"Is that what you called friends? Can't even protect you, kid!" yelled the fat boy and kick me again.

"Here's the truth they became your friends because of your a Raeve, the richest kid here in Massachusetts. And also they are afraid to say 'no' to you because of your fucking bodyguards!" he added.

"That's not true!"I yelled and I can't stop my eyes to let out my tears from it. My friends stood up from their sits and stood beside the fat kid.

"He's right, Zire. We are not your friend. We are getting tired of you, yes, you always gave us what we need but, I can't handle it anymore. I hate you, cause Raeve is so bad towards us, your father fired our parents and killed our relatives because of business and some small mistakes, and we never felt happy around you" said Ronald, and they left me, alone. The fat kid laughs at me then leaves me with a heavy kick.

Since that day, the father decided to track them down. I tried to stop him but its useless. My father can control the police and he also has gangs whose job is to kill, to haunt, and to.. obey every command of my father. Then after that, I just saw on TV that my friends and the bullies are already dead. Dad will never be arrested because he can also control the policemen like what I just said, they just made some stories on how they died. And because of money and because of fucking kindness of my dad, they believe it.

That is also the reason why I became a rebel towards him, I don't want to be a part of a family who's a murderer and I don't want Zyna to be like him. Since then I have hated the name Raeve. So as much as possible I will get away from him.

End of Flashback

Zyna my younger sister doesn't know about this, neither does Aunt Six. I already knew what she's gonna say if I tell her about what happened before, only Mom and Me who knew about it but still she always saying that no matter what happens he is still my dad.

My fucking dad!

" Auntie I need to get ready for lunch," I said and then I head towards my room. I went to my terrace and then sat down in my glass chair, looking down at the garden, and stay here just for a little bit.

They think Raeve's never felt bullied by people who came from a rich family, but the truth is they felt it too, especially on me. I'm happy that Siren and X became my friends when I transferred to Raeve's University in junior high, they knew about my last name because sigh we are cousins.

There are three families here in Massachusetts who are the richest. 3rd on the list is the Urie's Family. X doesn't care about his last name, he doesn't care if all of the people here knew about his last name, because he can handle everything he's the genius among us three but he's not into crowded places, he doesn't want to have some friend, he's usually alone too. His family owns 78 hotels throughout the world, 67, resorts and also their favorite business is printed works, and Urie's expensive perfume.

2nd the Black's Family owns 92 hotels and resorts, and their family has known business the Blackhawks wine and the school too, the BU. The most expensive wine, Siren also doesn't want to tell his last name, he just doesn't want to, maybe because he's afraid to have some fake friends who only want his money so he just uses a fake surname, or sometimes he didn't say it to others, he's the hunter among us.

Then lastly 1st the Raeve, we own 123 resorts, 156 hotels, 345 businesses, and school too, the RU here in Massachusetts and through the world then our family knew us from our chocolate's business, sweet right? But yes that's our business too... Mom's business is that Dad tried his best to grow it up. I'm the fighter among us three because it's the only way I can let out my anger.. some people know us and some are not. And we don't really give any care about it.

A person like us wants to be free of those who admire us, not because of our looks, but because of our wealth. Many individuals want to be wealthy, therefore they will go to any length, even if it means causing harm to others. That's what I despise the most, and it's why I don't want to make new acquaintances because I'm terrified of making the incorrect choice.

Our only wish is to have some friends who don't care about our last name, who doesn't care about our situation in life, who doesn't care that we are the richest family here in Massachusetts, who doesn't know us. We want to be normal like the others.

You can't find happiness if money surrounds you. You'll be surrounded by thousands of people with hidden personalities.

But I will tell them sooner or later if they earn my trust.

I also talk to the Dean, my uncle in RU to not write my last name in my ID, just Dhazzire Apollo. I want to have some friends, true friends that will never take advantage of me. And I found it to Sapphire and I hope it is, she's the only one that I can talk about my problems and I am shocked telling her those at the garden, and even cared for me to listen about it even though I'm just nothing for her. For all the girls I met admiring me and flirting with me, she's the only one who stood there and show her true colors. When we first met she just glared at me and also made me scared, then because of her, I met some new friends, Shakira and Brian. I don't know if they already knew that I am a Raeve, but I'm glad that I can consider them as my... friends. I smiled while looking at the garden and the wind blows to my face...

I can't wait to have lunch with her family...