The Annoying Jacob

"Okay then wait for your prize," said the fat old man. Then she opened the glass door and take the two big bunnies. Shakira chose the pink one and I love the blue one so I chose it.

"It's cute!" yelled Shakira.

"Yeah super!"I exclaimed.

"Let's go back home?" she offered. I check my watch to see what time it is. It's still early in the afternoon, 3:44 p.m., and I'm sure Mom will be late again. But, seeing how exhausted she was, I agreed. We exited the mall and noticed Shakira's father waiting for us. Shakira approached his father, as did I, to introduce myself.

"Hi, Sir I'm Brianna Lackson, one of the friends of Shakira"

"Hi, I'm Drake Hernandez. Nice to meet you" he said then we both shake our hands. When Shakira said goodbye and went inside their car, I waved too and say goodbye until they are out of sight.

Sigh! So what now?

Looking at this face who is smiling at me with his huge green eyes that look like X eyes and long ears sleeping down while holding my blue bunny. Ugh! Why did I recall that guy? He's always quiet, and when we ate together in the RU cafeteria, he merely drank his coffee quietly. I'm curious whether his status as a quiet poke guy has earned him any friends.

Geez, what shall I do now? Find Ire and Zire and join them?

No, I'm going to be a third party.

Then what?

I stopped thinking when I saw a male kid, crying sitting on the bench. I look around to see who's the owner of this little kid. I mean where he's parents or something.

But there's no one then I sat next to him.

"Hey, kid. Why are you crying?"I asked.

"I can't find my daddy" he replied while still crying. I rubbed his back to calm him.

"Hey, don't worry I'll help you find your daddy," I said and that made him stop crying and looked at me.


"Yes. By the way, I'm Brianna Lackson just call me Brian" I introduced myself to him with a smile.

"Okay, Lana," he said. I raise my left eyebrow, what the heck? Who's Lana? It sounds like a Lama.

"Ahh, who's Lana?" I asked.



"But I prefer Brian hehe"

"Lana has suited you, that's final"

I'm gonna punch this kid.

I just smiled at him and gritted my teeth holding my anger.

"Okays let's just change the subject before I forget you're a kid" I mumbled. He looks at me saying what? "What's your name, kid?" I asked to change the subject.

"I'm Jacob" he introduced then wipe the tears on his cheeks. Then look at my bunny.

"I like your bunny," he said while pointing it.


"I want that Bunny" he continued. What if I just go and left this kid alone? No one would ever dare to kidnap this kid for sure. I look at him trying to smile and shook my head.

"Sorry Jacob, but this bunny is off-limits. You don't know what we've–"

"I don't care, I want that, " He told me. That's it, I'm out. I stand up and turn to go to leave that brat alone when he cried so loud, all the people here start to look at him.

"( T 3 T ), she's leaving me alone! What a bad sister she is to me!" he shouts. I look back at him looking at him saying SERIOUSLY!? Then the people start mumbling and say...

"What a bad sister is she.."

"Yeah, she has no mercy leaving a young boy alone.."


I don't want to be a bad person to everyone yes I always saying bad words but being a bad sister or a bad person to a young kid? Accusing me of leaving that brat? Well, I don't know if I can handle him maybe, later on, I will cook him. Sigh! I look back at him looking at him so intensely and he just sat there giving me a teasing smile.

I walk towards him to make him stop crying.

"Okay, I'll help you find your daddy," I said with a meh face. He stops crying and smiled at me.

"Nice, thanks Lana," he said and he was going to take my bunny when I move my bunny away from him. He stops and looks at me, oh no not again! Like I thought he cried again...

"Okay okay! But I'm letting you BORROW it only okay?" I said and he nods then take my bunny and hug it tightly. I just sigh, who's the father of this kid? I'm sure he looks like him too, like father like son. Maybe his daddy is crying now..pffft.

"Okay then, where did you last saw your daddy?"

"In the Pom's World," he replied.

Pom's World? Wow, I can't believe that an old man playing in the arcade leaving his child alone.

We head inside the mall I hold his hand so that he won't be lost while walking I ask him if he saw his dad in Pom's World why did he wait outside the mall?

"I don't know"

What a fucking answer...

"What if someone (hopefully)kidnaps you, back there? What will you do?"I ask and now I can see the Pom's World only meters away.

"I guess no one would ever dare to do that, especially on me" he replied. I look at him confused.

"Wha–? How did you say that?"

"Because I'm a special child," he said. I stopped him from walking while putting my hand on his shoulder and he looks at me.

"Oh my goodness! Do you have a syndrome?"

"No! I'm totally normal," he replied then continue walking.

"By the way, what's the name of this Bunny?" he asks while hugging the stuffed toy.

"Annoying Jacob"I mumbled while looking away.

"Stop mumbling, what's the name?"

Acting an adult than me ( – __ – ×)

"His name is Mr. Jack the Bunny" I replied with a forced smile.

"What an ugly name." To be honest, Jack is a short name for Jacob.

"Joke, I like it!" he said and smiled at me. My anger suddenly fades away when I saw him smile and it was so beautiful, I can't stop smiling back too. I guess having a younger brother, is nice too... but with his attitude sometimes? Nah, I dunno. We are now in front of Pom's World, I hold his hand tightly so that he won't get away from me and lost.

"Don't let go"

"Okay" then we started to search for his father. He said his father is an Ice King. So we're searching for Jack Frost huh?

"What kind of describing is that? That is so helpful Jacob" I said sarcastically.

"You will know him," he said then we continue looking. Walking around like an idiot we still can't find his father, but then he shouts.

"Daddy!" he yelled. He let go of my hand and run away, you know we are on the edge of this room then he runs outside leaving me behind.

Nice one kid! Leaving me in this crowd is totally good...

"Jacob! Wait!"I yelled to stop him but he still running then he was out of sight, I run towards the kid where I last saw him.

"Excuse me. Please excuse me!"I said in my fucking calm tone to hold my anger. But they aren't even listening!

Calm down, Brian. You'll find him soon.

Then some girls bump on me. And she didn't even say sorry instead she rolled her eyes at me.

"Stupid Bitch" she mumbled but I can STILL HEAR IT!

"What did you say, you fucking slut?"I said that made her stopped and look at me. Now, I can't stop myself to burn.

"Sorry did you say something?-"

"Yes, I did say something to you, girl. So, open your ears and pay attention. You fucking slut, you bumped into me and didn't even apologize; instead, you simply rolled your fucking eyes at me. What the freaking hell? And guess what? You're calling me a STUPID BITCH! Take a peek at yourself. Do you require a mirror? What a fucking whore you are, bitch. You're a filthy, muddy puddle of Peppa pig, fucking whore, slut, and bitch." Everyone in the room was surprised and staring at us when I said that. She didn't say anything and then left because she was embarrassed; I'm guessing she wept. I looked around at the individuals who were staring at me.

"What?" I then ask that they all return to what they were doing. Now, where were we? Ahh about Jacob... And finally, I saw Jacob standing outside the Pom's world talking to someone, I ran to him and call out his name.

"Jacob!" then fell to my knees to hugged him so tight.

"You little kid, you made me worried! I told you not to let go right!?" I said still hugging him.

"I can't breathe....!"

"Oooops, sorry, "I said then let go of hugging him. He then smiled at me.

"By the way, Lana. I found my daddy" he said then point his finger to a tall man, wearing a dark blue shirt and dirty white ripped jeans, and dark grey shoes. I stood up and see.
