She's In Love with Him

"By the way kid, thanks for the lunch yesterday," said Dad while driving our car.

"Yeah, and next time invite me, kay?" said Brian to Zire. I sat in the front seat next to dad, then Zire sat on the back together with Brian.

He just smiled. I looked in the front mirror and saw Zire looking at me. Then he looked away.

Is there's something wrong? Is he not feeling well? His ears are turning red again, and I guess he's sweating.. maybe it's just my imagination.

He holds my hand yesterday, so what? He holds my hand too when we both walking and heading to the mall, then when he decided to went to the playground. And it's just a touch. I told Brian about this because she keeps asking me about what happened to me and Zire. Because she can't believe that we only have lunch together, so I told her to make her stop asking and I told her the whole story.

"I know she likes you!" said Brian.

"What? No way.."I replied

"Geez, still playing dumb both of you.."

It's quite unlikely that Zire has a crush on me or is in love with me. The word "love" is a powerful one. Aside from that, I'm not good for him. I'm still in this position, and if I don't fix this problem, I'll never be happy, and I'm sure he'll get tired of me. It's better to squander his time than to adore someone who isn't like me.

He's good to...


"Blue, you okay?"I came back to my senses when Dad touch my shoulder, I looked at him and nodded. I saw Zire and Brian is already outside the car. I kissed my dad on the cheeks and went outside.

I saw Zire standing there waiting for me, well both of them. He just smiled at me and looked away. Brian put her hands around my shoulder and continue walking.

Zire is in our back following us.

"By the way, Ire. I can't believe this man will visit you today!" says Brian.

"Yeah.."I replied. I take a small glance at him and I saw he is looking at me and I turned my eyes to Brian.

{At Zire's POV}

I saw Sapphire moved his head and I saw her eyes looked at me, when I looked at her she suddenly looked at Brian.

What the? What's wrong with her? Don't tell me it's about that touch yesterday? Well, when she looked at me recently I looked away too, is she getting her revenge?

"Sapphire! Brian!" yelled Shakira and waved her hand. Yeah, I guess she has forgotten something...

"Hey, Shakira!"I greeted and waved my hand.

"Hey Sapphire, are you done about our assignment?" asked Shakira and she didn't notice me... Yeah, nice! Someone just ignoring me and someone just thinks I'm invisible...

Wait what did Shakira said?

Are you done about our assignment?

About our assignment?



"Wait what!?"I yelled when the last word of Shakira slapped my brain.

"Oh Zire, you here!" said Shakira.

"No, I'm there."

"Ah haha. Your funny, dumbass!" yelled Monkey then Shakira laugh.

"Stop laughing! By the way Shakira, we have an assignment!?"

"Yes, in math. Don't you remember, and a quiz in Mr. Piasco?" she asked. What the fuck quiz?

"Do you think I'll ask you if I know?"I said sarcastically...

"Geez, just chill. Sapphire has done it yesterday so you can copy her assignment if she agreed.. and review later" said Brian and looked at Sapphire.

"Ahh, Sapphire? Will you help me with my assignment?"

"Just copy it!" yelled Brian.

"Shut!!"I said to Brian. Then I looked back at Sapphire.

"Will you help me?"I asked again.

Awkward..! Though she can't feel anything right?

"Okay. At the library, at lunchtime" she replied.

"O-oh okay" I stuttered while nodding. Then Shakira and Sapphire went inside first to our room. Shit!

I looked at my behind me when someone tapped my shoulder. I saw Brian smiling at me like she's witnessing some crime scene.

"What?"I asked angrily.

"She likes kind guys, gentleman, caring, understandable, loving son to his parents. Which there's nothing or anything in the list you have.." she said. Is she insulting me?

"What the fuck!? Why are you saying that to me?" I asked her, she just shrugged her shoulders then walk inside her room.

"Hey, Monkey!"I yelled, before she closed the door of her room she looked at me.

"Don't you just ignore your feelings, you like her don't you?"

"What? Why d—?"

"Your ears are turning red," she said and pulled her tongue out of her mouth to tease me then closed the door.

My ears? Are turning red?

{At Sapphire's POV inside the room}

"Hey, do you know about this equation?" asked Shakira while pointing the question number three in her math textbook.

"Yeah, it's just like this.."I replied then explained to her the answer.

"Get it?"

"Yeah! Thanks, Ire!" she yelled then she goes back to her textbook. I cast a quick peek towards Zire and noticed him going through his notes. I believe he is having trouble remembering his notes for our quiz in Mr. Piasco. After that, he massaged his back hair.

Then our teacher, Piasco, entered and began the quiz. I'm hoping Zire has already memorized everything.

{Meanwhile at Brian's POV}

I shut the door and took my seat. I sat down and placed my backpack on the floor beneath my desk. Lamenia approached me and smashed her fucking palm against my desk. But it didn't shock me at all; I just gave her a quick glance before returning to my desk.

"So you meet my sister huh?" she asked.


"So who do you think is the most beautiful?" she asked.


"Hahaha, Brian.." she laughed, I want to laugh with her too, but I can't. She looked at me worriedly.

"Hey, you okay?" she asked and lower her head to see my face, I looked at her and say YEAHH! I'M FINE! So that she'll agree and leave me.

"Okay then, by the way, you know, Mag and me...."

I'm not focusing on her story, my mind is playing about something. I merely gave her a serious look to show that I was paying attention. But my thoughts are elsewhere. Why does my heartache every time I see him? I already know he's in love with her, but he's not sure how he feels about it.

It's not right, I shouldn't bump into him on the first day. It irritates me greatly. I shouldn't fall for him, but I'm easily smitten, and he's also my dream man. I shouldn't fall for a man who is constantly grumpy, a jerk, and harsh towards women, but I can't help but fall in love with such a man, and plus, he's not that awful, he's quite a decent man but... Sigh, I shouldn't have fallen for you.
