The Unwanted Visitor

"So this place is your new Job?" said Zire while examining the outside place of the Seong'sue Cafe.

"Yes, and everyone here is so kind," I said.

"Yeah, and our manager is so damn hot!" yelled Brian. Zire crossing his eyebrows.

"Yeah? But I guess, I'm the most handsome guy here in Massachusetts" he boasted.

"Whatever, you can go now! Shoo!" said Brian. I looked at Zire and thank him for having time to walk us here. But then right in time, our manager came out.

"What a surprise! Long time no see, Zire" greeted Mr. Pierce to him, Zire who's going to walk away but suddenly stopped when he heard Mr. Pierce voice. He looked at him shocked then after a sec he gives him a smirk.

"So your the one who's calling Brian as a most handsome here in Cafe"

"What the—!?" mumbled Brian to herself.

"I've never seen you for years, Pierce Monde—"Zire suddenly stopped when Brian slapped the back head of Zire.

"What the–?!"

"You can leave us now, Zire...!" said Brian and pushed Zire away from us.

"Okay, okay... You don't need to push me" said Zire then walk away.

"Geez! That brat! By the way, Mr. Pierce here we are ready to start!" says Brian, and I nodded then he let us come in and head to the employee's room to get change.

"This looks good," I said. We're wearing black pants and a white blouse together with black shoes are our uniforms here in Cafe.

"Yeah, also it shows my curve body of mine but not that too much," Brian said and I nodded. Then we go out of the employee's room. Mr. Pierce told us we are the waitress here in Cafe, as usual, you're going to take their orders then gave it to them after you give the order to the kitchen.

"Yeah, we know that," said Brian.

"Yes, we'll be good at this," I said then he nods.

"Okay then, let's start!" said Martha. And Brian and I nodded. June 15 our first day of work, I hope it all goes well. Then our customer came in, Brian went to her and take her order with a smile. Then next an old man then Martha take the order of him.

"Hey, Sapphire!" said Mr. Pierce.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Good luck," he said. I nodded then went to the upcoming customers.

All we did for over an hour was serve our customers and keep them happy while they are waiting for their orders. It is hardly busy here, but standing for more than an hour can tire you out. It's great that I now have a job where I can support my parents, but is it enough merely to make that sort of money? Then out of a sudden, I heard a woman wearing a black slim backless and sleeveless dress yelling at the girl who's wearing a casual outfit, a simple shirt, and jeans.

"You steal my boyfriend!" yelled again the woman in black. The girl who's sitting there looking at the girl with a boring look.

"I didn't steal anything"

"Liar!" said the black girl and then she was going to slap the girl but then Mr. Pierce grabs the hand of the girl in black.

"What are you doing?! Let go of me!" she yelled.

"Ma'am if you want to make a scene you can go out of this shop," said Mr. Pierce then he let go of the hand of a girl. The black woman looked around and saw many people looking at her with a disgusting look. She then cleaned her posture and walk away.

His line. It looks familiar...

Then he smiled at our customer then go back to his business. If he is the mysterious guy why are his eyes are green? Or maybe it's just the light of the bulb in the boss's office that makes his eyes, green...

"Dear, here's my order"I came back to my senses and looked at the old woman infront of me sitting while holding our menu.

"Ahh, right," I said and wrote down her orders.

I want to know if it's him...


"Ahhh! Finally, I can now have a rest" said Brian while yawning. Finally, we are done with our tiring job. On the first day of our job, There's already a scene. We both laid our bodies on our beds. Then we heard a knock.

"Darling, and Brian. I made some milk for both of you, to help you get some sleep" said Mom. She went in and gave us the milk.

"Thank you, Aunt Saoirse," said Brian and drink her milk


"Thanks, Mom, "I said. She smiled and sat down on my bed.

"So tell me what happened to your first day of work?" asked Mom.

"It was so tiring! As in Auntie."

"Brian's right. There's this girl who wore all black yelling at a girl, I think they're talking about a man, then gladly our Manager Mr. Pierce stopped her before slapping the girl" I explained, Mom made a face like it's saying Oooohhh

"Okay, okay. I guess you need to take some rest because you still have classes tomorrow" Mom said then we both laid on our bed after we finished drinking the milk. Mom kissed my forehead then to Brian too and say goodnight and take the empty glass then she went out of my room.

Minutes have passed, I can't sleep.

"Hey Brian, are you asleep?"I asked.

"Nope, I can't" she replied. Maybe I need to tell her about what I saw on Facebook, about Agatha and the others.

"Well, there's something I want to tell you"

{Meanwhile at Zire's POV}

Shit! That monkey pushed me away from that Pierce. A person who I wish I don't wanna see again. My rival back then...

I head to my mansion by walking alone as usual. At least it gives me some exercise a little bit. Then when I'm finally got home, I immediately sat down on our couch. Leaning my head on the couch and take a deep breath.

"Aunt Six, can you give me some water?"I pleaded. But no one answered. By the way, I noticed, the maids and the bodyguards are all dressed up, looks like their waiting for someone special.

"Hey, brother!"It made me jump a little bit then I saw Zyna behind me. She then went infront of me standing there looking straight to the door.

"What is happening here?"I asked her. I notice she's wearing a formal dress right now, a red Chinese dress, and red shoes. I really want to laugh this time seeing her outfit but her face is so damn serious.

"She is here," she said without looking at me.

"Who?"I asked again confused. Then a white Chevrolet Corvette car stopped infront of our door, the guards immediately opened the door. Red pointed heels went out from the car then I saw a woman wearing a red slim dress, holding her red shiny bag on her left arm, red lips, and wavey short shoulder-length hair. Then I can barely see her face.

"Well, it looks like a demon finally visits her house," I said and stood up while crossing my arms. Looking at her damn straight.

"You still haven't changed, Zire," she said while walking towards me while the maids are following her.

"And you still a slut woman who I knew back then..."I replied, she gritted her teeth and glared at me. I came near her with my teasing eyes. Then I continued.

".. Cecilia"