"Geez, you have a fever brother," said Zyna while putting her hands to my forehead.
"You got fever because you are all wet yesterday when you came home and didn't change your clothes quickly," said Aunt Six.
"Yeah, why did you take a bath in the rain?" asks Zyna.
"None of your business, "I said coldly without opening my eyes, laying my body above my big bedroom, and covering myself with this thick white blanket. I'm feeling.. cold...
"Yeah, yeah. Can you handle yourself while I and Auntie are going to the church?" she asked. I gave her a thumbs up.
"Okay then bye," she said then Auntie put a warm towel above my forehead.
"I'll bring you some presents," she said and kiss my forehead then went outside.
Yeah, why did you decide to take a bath in the rain?
Ugh! Why do I do that? Walking in the rain isn't romantic if you're alone. Geez, Zire cut it out. I can't believe you got sick just because of a girl.