CHAPTER 3: Miss or Keep Falling?

"This love is bitter, should I wither?"

"Either I choose to run away or keep loving the ruthless demon"

Loa continues writing sadly in her diary as her phone rings loudly.

"Hello?" she said anxiously waiting for a response.

"Little Ling" Jon teased

"I will kill you Jon! Where is your hideout?" she squeal jokingly and they laugh.

"I decided to stay 100 meters away from you to avoid the punch of little goliath" he exaggerates jokingly.

"I miss you anyways" she curls to the pillow.

"How is it going? Is he still raping you?" he teased thus making them to laugh for the second time.

"Don't say these to the demon hearing. I'm married to him so I have no choice" she said sadly.

Ling walk into the bedroom and she immediately hangs up and approaches Ling "Hubby" she smile.

"Why are you so happy?" Ling ask while sitting on the decently arranged bed.

"I miss you so much" she squeals happily while Ling sigh and leaves the room heading downstairs, she follows.

Ling was still on his business wear except for the absent of his black suit jacket, he seats on the dining table while Loa girdle around him.

Old Sung served Ling his lunch perfectly and greets with a bow.

"What is this?" Ling asks with an irritated look.

"Master, it ---"

"It's black bean cake perfectly and specially made by me. It is for you, hubby" Loa cut Old Sung off with a polite smile.

"Take this off and prepare something else" Ling stands up from the seat.

"Master, please give it a try. Mistress as tired but she insisted on baking it for you" Old Sung convince Ling and pleads on Loa's behalf but Ling sigh

"And for you, don't sleep in any of the rooms. You can sleep in the garage, laundry room or balcony, not my room!" he leaves the dining room angrily as Loa fall on the dining seat sadly.

"What did I do again?"

"Do I deserve this punishment for doing good or what?"

She complains as Old Sung observes with no expression or comment and leaves to the kitchen.

"Kill them all if they still refuse to talk".

"Yes boss!"

Ling heads downstairs as he hangs up the call. Loa lies on the living room sofa as she curl like a snake shutting her eyes tightly as if she was afraid and angry, Ling walk toward her direction holding a duvet as he kneels closer to her and whisper softly;

"Your black bean cake was so delicious and the best I have ever had".

He stands up and covers Loa with the duvet.

"Goodnight Little Ling" he plants a kiss on Loa's forehead with a small smile.

"Ohh!"Loa stretch and cover her eyes from the bright sun rays.

"Good morning Mistress Ling" Old Sung greets courteously and Loa stare and look around the bedroom in confusion.

"Did you bring me here?" she asks anxiously.

"No, Mistress Ling" She replies politely.

"Then it's my hubby!" she exclaims happily and runs out of the bedroom before Old Sung could complete her statement.

"Mistress Ling, you are still on your under wears".


"Hubby! My hubby!" Loa runs wild like a little child and embrace Ling who was facing backward, his guards close their eyes not to see Loa's dressing which may cause their death.

"What are you wearing?" Ling turns to Loa with a stern expression.

"I just woke up. Hubby, did you take me to the room last night?" Loa ask with a toothy smile.

"No, I didn't" he angrily walks into the car.

"Then did I ---", the car drives speedily away "walk into the room myself?" she completes the statement to herself sadly and walk into the building.

"Bro, will you take Loa along to the vacation on the ship cruise?" Jon types on the laptop swiftly like an expert.

"No!" Ling respond ajar.

"Chill out man, she is your wife" Jon teases as he drinks the coffee.

"She is my compensation" he sent a text message to someone which made Jon smile.

"You just sent her a text. Stop being the Lion when you are only a cat" Jon teases and stands up from the seat immediately.

"Where are you running to?" Ling ask with an intimidating look.

"I have to go before I become your punching bag" Jon leaves with the laptop while Ling exhales with a smile.

"WHOA!" Loa's scream echoes within the neighborhoods as she dance happily on the bed re-reading and admiring the text message from Ling, a knock comes from the door as Old Sung said from outside;

"Mistress Ling, are you okay?"

"Yes, I am!" she replies and head to the wardrobe.

"Hey little thing, will you join me to the new cruise ship for three days vacation?"

These words dance in Loa's head as she changes into a very beautiful clothe, did her makeup, styled her hair and leaves the building.

"Hey bitch, you mean the demon asked you out again? For real?" Kim asks anxiously.

"Yes babe and its hell three days! I can't wait already" Loa chant happily as the car pulled over to the park.

"I got to go babe, I will post a lot on instagram" Loa said quickly, hangs up and highlighted from the car.

Shit! Ling is so handsome, putting his ruthless behavior aside he is a damn Greek god. He looks so gently and more attractive on the Tuxedo suit he was wearing and holding a small rolling bag, Loa approach him with a bright smile.

They admired each other for some couple of minute speechless and didn't break the stare, Jon walks toward them but his presence was not noticed "Uh—hu" he clears his throat making them to look away from each other.

"Let's go" Ling said professionally and they head into the ship rolling their boxes along.

"Welcome Mr. Ling" the receptionist greets with a wide flirtatious smile but Ling ignores her while Loa roll her eyes angrily from behind.

"We want three rooms" Ling aid with a stern expression.

"Oh no so sorry sir, it's unavailable" "But we have one premium and one single room" the receptionist said politely.

"Hubby, we can share the premium, can't we?" Loa hurdle up and grab Ling's arm strongly, he fake a smile trying not to push her way.

"We will take the two rooms" Jon said and collects the keys from the receptionist.

"Here" he hands a bunch key to Ling and they head upstairs in search of their rooms.

"See you both downstairs" Jon said as he unlock his room and enters same did Ling.

"Woa! Wide room and great view" Loa runs around the house and head to the window.

"Hubby, this is beautiful!" she exclaims as Ling approach her.

"Loa!" he calls and she replies absentmindedly "Yes?"

"Don't you dare hold my hands publicly" he said angrily, Loa who was lost in the beauty of the ocean answers unconsciously;

"But I like you, I really do!"

"What?" he was astonished and Loa turns away in embarrassment.

"I mean I like this room" she lied and leaves to the bedroom.

Hand in hand Loa and Ling held each other as they head to the ship restaurant. The music playing was a countryside one thus it was romantic, immediately Ling pull his arm off Loa's arm which startled her.

"Are you okay?" she asks nervously.

"Emm" he nods in response as they sit on the reserve table.

"Where is Jon?" Ling ask Loa while taking the cutlery.

"Here he comes" Loa teases as Jon approach them with a smile.

"You both are early" he sits smoothly.


The days on the ship were dream for Loa and she wished never to wake up, this was like an Eternal love of dream.

Ling cared for Loa, he didn't make any call and he was always with her. It was on the last day he embarrassed her in front on everyone calling her;

"You are a gift card to me. Your father presented you to me as his last token".

The statement melt into Loa's head and broke the remaining heart of hers making her look unconsciously mad.


"A moment of love and a moment of pain and regrets"

"Is this it?"

She thought sadly to herself.

"Maybe I made the wrong choice and was so lost in loving a ruthless bastard who has no feelings".

The passengers comes out of the ship numerically while Ling keeps abusing Loa, Jon was worn out on consoling and pleading so he kept his distance.

Loa on stepping down from the ship weakly, lost her balance and fall helplessly into the deep dark and cold ocean, everyone scattered in fear while Ling dives into the ocean immediately his guards follows.