Chapter 12: In the Wine Cellar

Ali was clearly worried for Haru, so he assured him, "I'm alright."

"Head hurts," Ali slightly reached for his head. "From your memories. And Lady Camille's. What was that?"

Haru was startled, not only from how well and plenty Ali spoke, but also with the connection of memories.

It didn't seem like they could read each other's mind, but it feels like a triggered bad memory would suddenly connect the five of them.

It's strange.

Haru just exhaled and dismissed the conversation by consistently saying that 'it's nothing' and he's 'fine' to Ali.

When they met up with Camille, she was clearly glad that Haru finally found the little boy.

Aside from that, she happily presented to them a teardrop-shaped ruby, which she found from the golden table, according to her.

"The golden table?"

"Yeah! Apparently, it's hidden among the fruits like apples and strawberries," She replied. "It blended in quite well, actually."

"B-By the way, Camille," Haru hesitantly said. "About that…"

The smile got withdrawn from the lady's lips.

"Oh, you mean the memory you saw earlier? Hmm, it kind of just flicked in. I'm surprised about yours as well."

"You knew it was mine?"

Camille nodded, "I just figured it out. Was I wrong?"

Haru didn't answer, not wanting to talk about it.

Camille just tapped his shoulder, assuring him that she won't do anything he wouldn't like.

They went to the secret compartment again and placed the two rubies they found on the pentagon stone.

It's almost complete, they thought.

They found 3 out of 5 of the jewels.

"Hey, what do you think would happen if we complete this?" Camille wondered. "It glows after putting the rubies in, so something special would occur if we fill up the five of them, right?"

Haru scratched his head, "To be honest, I'm unsure as well. Ali and I just impulsively did this, since we can't find anything else like clues or hints about the world's whereabouts, so we might as well just try everything."

"You're right."


At the mansion of the Rousseau family…

"What is the meaning of this, Rosalina?" Mr. Albert Rousseau grumbled, holding up a piece of envelope containing a letter.

"It's… a letter of my resignation, sir," The maid called Rosalina answered with an indifferent expression, but with a respectful tone. "I wish to leave the mansion this instant, Mr. Rousseau."

Albert sighed, indecisive about the issue.

Soon, Mrs. Claire Rousseau entered her husband's office as well, hearing Rosalina's decision.

A distressed expression was splayed across her face.

"W-What's wrong? Why are you leaving the mansion, Rosalina? You're one of our best maids in the house, so I'm troubled about this."

"She's correct," Mr. Albert seconded. "Do you, perhaps, receive a better offer? Like a larger salary? Or a more excellent incentive? I'll give it to you as well!"

In their thoughts, it wasn't entirely just because Rosalina was a great maid.

She is supposed to be a lead and a clue for their missing daughter – Camille.

They would have less concern to deal with having Rosalina in their house, whether it's to blame her for the sake of their reputation as business people or to actually find Camille.

Either way, it will be more than convenient for the Rousseau couple to keep the excellent maid.

However, Rosalina doesn't have a single doubt of her decision.

She's dead-set on leaving the mansion and resigning from serving the Rousseau family, knowing her lady Camille will never return.