Chapter 22: The Ride

"Eugene. He's my only son. And I'm his only parent. His father died years ago, just a little after his birth."

"Wait, does that mean… he's alone right now? Since you're the only one he has, then he's alone, right? Is that why you're anxious about returning to our original world?"

Alicia came out of the comfort room and stared at him with a serious look.

"Unlike a dying old man or youngsters without many responsibilities, I have someone who needs me back home, Haru. I need to return!"

"I understand."

Alicia sighed, walked out bravely, and sat on a stone bench facing a meadow landscape.

She could only feel repulsive glancing at the beautiful sight behind her.

Haru followed her.

"I'll try to find out more, Alicia. I… I am not the most reliable person, but I promise to help."

As Haru ran off, Alicia let out a chuckle. "Saying you're unreliable when you're doing all that, doesn't feel convincing at all, young man."

Haru met up with the others as well and asked Camille if she could find someplace comfortable and away from the sight of the amusement park.

Haru hesitated to approach Mr. Wang, but the old man just walked away as if not interested to concern himself with others.

Ali went with Haru to explore the place more and find a lead for their next portal.

The last time they were in the castle, he had already discussed everything they found out.

In a bedroom from the Castellia Fort, a few hours ago…

"What are the other things you found out, Haru?" Alicia asked with a serious tone.

"We'll have to go through a series of worlds. If we follow this pattern, in each of these worlds, there should be some kind of an item similar to the pentagon stone where we have to fill it with jewels. The location of these jewels are usually the places the devil wants us to see."

"Oh, that made sense. That's why the jewels were mostly in special rooms."

"From its narrative, it seemed like the world—our original world is ending. And we are somewhat like test subjects to experience this alternative world to save humans."

"Whoa, alright," Alicia raised her hand. "This feels like an overstretch. And it's overwhelming if it's true!"

"And why would the devil want to save us humans?" Camille curiously asked. "I mean, wasn't he depicted to be the bad guy, wishing for humanity's demise? Or is it something like that?"

Haru looked confused as well. "From what I've read, it feels like this devil is not how we perceive him to be the king of evil. He sympathizes with humans and wishes to save them. It's as if… he was cursed."

Haru ended it by saying that's all he knows and telling them he's just as in the dark as to how many worlds they have to go through before this ends.

When Haru went out of the room, Mr. Wang followed him.

"I thought you'd deny it for a little longer," The old man taunted.

Haru looked sideways, barely gazing at the old man. "I wasn't purposely keeping it."

"Then why didn't you tell them in the first place? If I hadn't interfered, you weren't planning to tell them anything, were you?"

Haru clenched his fist. "You're right, Mr. Wang. If I had the choice and if it wasn't necessary, I wouldn't tell anyone about it.."

"And why is that?"