Chapter 34: If We Could Return

"Let's go back in. We have to check the amenities."

Ali nodded. They went back to the Castellia Fort and warily entered the castle once more. As expected, the first thing that greeted them was the banquet table.

Even the castle's interior seems like it is fading into white as its colors thinned and became dull. It isn't as elegant to look at anymore. They tried touching the food, but their hands only passed through.

It felt like they became ghosts in that world.

They checked the treasure room, confectionary room, and smoking room as well. They couldn't touch or hold the gold and gems anymore, they couldn't taste the sweets anymore, and they couldn't smell the smoke anymore.

Haru skipped the wine cellar and before stepping back into the Tale Park World, he and Ali kneeled in pain because of a headache. It's starting again—the memories from Alicia.

Eugene, Alicia's son, stayed in that hospital for much longer than he expected. Alicia couldn't bear it to tell her son about his disease yet at an early time. She wanted to move Eugene to a private room, but after learning about it, Eugene insisted that he stays at the shared room with the other patients.

"I'm doing okay here, mom!" He asserted. "It'll only be a few days anyway, so I'd rather stay here! Besides, a private room costs a lot more, right? I don't want that!"

"But Eugene, dear…"

"I'm also having fun with them, mom! Look, I peel oranges and apples for that old woman over there and I play cards with that other boy, so he won't get bored. I also assist that uncle when he wants to drink water or something, since he can't walk. C'mon mom, I want to stay here. Please?"

Alicia stared at her son's innocent and clueless face, feeling more and more undeserving of the child.

She let out a sigh, "Alright, I'll allow this for now. However! If I deem that you really need to move to a private room or you voluntarily decide to move, I'll immediately have the private room prepared. Don't dare hold back because it costs a lot, alright? Don't underestimate your mom, Eugene!"

"I know, mom," He giggled. "You're strong and reliable! How could I do that?"

"It's good you understand."

"We'll take care of him as well, madam," The sick old woman croaked. "He's a kind and smart boy."

Despite the goodwill of the patients around Eugene, Alicia couldn't help but still feel anxious about all these. But that was only the start.

Alicia began taking up other jobs to shoulder all the expenses needed for Eugene's treatments, maintenance, and confinement in the hospital because of his frightening disease. Alicia didn't even want to sleep a single wink, worrying about her child.

Soon, Alicia and her son got into more disagreements as the weeks and months passed because of misunderstandings.

Alicia would always refuse to let Eugene go home and Eugene kept asking why he needs to stay.

She wouldn't let him help the patients around him, fearing this would overwork or harm his body, but he wanted to do things his way.

She kept on insisting on the private room in the hospital and Eugene began getting more and more annoyed.

Almost a year flew by and they cracked like pots full of anger, confusion, annoyance, exhaustion, pain, sadness, and anxiety.

"Just get the hell out of here, mom!" Eugene yelled. "You're not helping! You don't even understand!"

Alicia's head and heart burst into turmoil. "Eugene! Do not talk to me like that! I am your mother!"

"I'm your son, but you don't tell me anything! I don't even know what's happening to me and you keep meddling on my business! I'm getting sick of you!"

The patients around them are getting nervous and distressed, but they're too afraid to step in.

"What do you mean you're getting sick of me?! It's because you keep on doing chores for these patients when they're not even your responsibility! Just call the nurses or something!" Alicia kept on yelling mindlessly. "Stop hanging around with them!"

"Why are you telling me what to do?! Shut up!"

"No, young man! You shut up! I'm working my ass off here to save you and you're gonna talk to me like that?!"

"Did I ask you to do that?! Just let me get sick, then! Leave me alone!"

"That's it! I'm going to arrange for your private room now!"

"No! I don't want to! I'm already used to being here! You can't do this!"

"Oh, yes I can! Stop being so stubborn and just do what I say!"

"Shut up! Shut up! I hate you! It's your fault that I don't have a father! I wish I had a father instead of you!"

Alicia was taken aback with that. It was silent for a while until Eugene realized what he just said. Alicia held back, stood firm, and suppressed her tears.

"I'm still going to push through that private room even if you hate me, Eugene."

With that, Alicia immediately left the room and hurriedly went back home. As soon as she shut the door, she slid downwards, ending up sitting on the ground. She cried and wailed and sobbed like a little child she was back then.

She was tired, angry, conflicted, and hurt.

And the words that came out of her son's mouth kept ringing and echoing at the back of her head.

It was so painful.