Chapter 36: An Ending

It has been three days since Eugene was moved to a private room in the hospital. When he woke up that afternoon from a nap, he felt his body aching for some reason. He wanted to walk towards the window and bask in good spot the sight of the glorious sunset, streaking through his room in golden and orange hues. The sun is melting on the thick clouds.

A few minutes later, as he was looking around, feeling bored and a little bit pained, he saw a folded paper on top of the drawer beside him. He grabbed and opened it and saw a letter written by Alicia.

Dear Eugene, my son…

First and foremost, I want to say sorry. Mommy was really tired, but I didn't mean to hurt you like that. I'm busy and I have a lot of things on my hand and I'm kind of embarrassed to show my face after the fight we had.

I've been coming to the hospital and meeting Dr. Reyes during the night when you're asleep. He's been telling me how you've been and still monitoring your condition.

I also admit that I was wrong to hide everything from you all along. You're a smart child, so I know you've got a clue, but I also know that you felt wronged to be kept in the dark.

You have a very lethal sickness and it's eating a lot in you, so we have to really be careful about your condition. That's why I thought you'd best stay in a private room.

You have cancer, Eugene. It's a scary disease, but I assure you that mommy's going to stay by your side and I promise to give my all so that you will get better. I will struggle till the end and make sure you're going to the amusement park again for your special days.

I'll make sure you'll eat your favorite meals again. You'll blow candles again. You'll stand on that stage for graduation while smiling for all your hard work.

You'll meet a girl you like and you'll marry her. You will be a grown-up and you will find a job or do a business.

You will do all the things that you love, I promise you. Because I'm here with you.

I'll apologize again when we meet in person. I just really have to do a lot of jobs, so until then, please be alright. Be okay and happy. I love you, Eugene, my son. Your mom loves you so much.

Love, Alicia

At first, Eugene felt somehow indifferent, but a part of him was throbbing in pain and anxiousness. He stared at the window again, but the sunset was gone already.

And when it was nightfall, Eugene was crying and sobbing so much. He felt something heavy in his heart and it seemed like the moonlight was sympathizing with him then.

Alicia arrived at the hospital that night, but she couldn't come into Eugene's room when she heard him crying. Her hands were shaking, gripping on the cold doorknob, and staying there as she heard everything.

Eugene was weeping, "If I were to die soon… let me have one more day. Just one more day, so that I could say sorry to mom. God, please… I want to apologize to her."

Alicia couldn't hold back her tears from behind that door, so she shut her lips with her hand enclosing it. She didn't know what to do.

Alicia kept on talking with Dr. Reyes about her son's condition for a while until almost a week has passed.

And then… Eugene died.