Respect Woman

Women are on the topmost rank in every religion.Women are those who are someone's sisters, wives and mothers.Misfortunately,

Woman has been the most victimized for thousand years.Every era female had been suspected no privileges , disgusting and character-less figure .Even the world in the middle age used to consider woman fully offensive and responsible for the exile of Heaven. Holy Quran articulate transparently,

"Both ADAM and EVE were equal on blunder". Afterwards, the female infants were buried alive after there birth in the Arabs illiteracy zone for the sake of consideration that the woman is vicious circle who will be repel the pride and prejudice.where as the hindus used to prevail SATTI custom as the widow was burnt alive with deadbody of her husband. From the beginning, the woman has been victim and assaulted .Woman has been the most innocent,on every occasion she has to be hunt of the obscene people,even when romans got victory over another's rule,they took the girls for their personal will .While the warrior used to apprehend the women for the vulgarity and entertainment.But when the world blinked the eyes from the illiteracy area , gradually the women has been popular and voted for equals in every aspect of life.On the other side where the world is upholding and nipping in the bud to illiterate concepts there the pakistani people are being crushed in the obscure of hanky-panky . Recently,the women were assaulted by the son of guns , amateurs and less-mannered figures .The women in Pakistan have been raped ,killed , kidnapped and fornicated .This is what? Where as Pakistan is Islamic Republican Country that follows rule and regulations of Islam ,does Islam favour these kinds of vices? Indeed not,Islam is fully against to these .How unfortunate our Muslims who consider themselves on the prodigiousness and differently are immerced in obscene as well as vulgar thoughts.Nearly the girl on 14th August independent day of the country ,went to Minar e Pakistan at Lahore to celebrate the day of the country.And what she obtained! SO SAD; that very Muslims have attacked her , harassed and tore her clothes,led her stripped ,even tried to naked her.This was such a very slammed and critical issue of the country that the woman is not safe in her own indigenous homeland . Conclusion,she must be provided justice ,every pakistani has to be awaken for the sake of the injustice of that mob of scoundral people.If this situation will be in full swing,no woman would have been safe from the paws of the bad men.

"Indeed Women are, by whom the races are grown", Anonymous.