Do you like my body?

The next morning, Sabrina woke up just before dawn. She was lying next to Kavan on his bed. He is still sleeping soundly, snoring lightly, sprawled across half the bed, one of his legs flung across hers. It was such a shame that all they did was literally slept with each other. Minus the excitement. Minus any action. Zero action actually.

Just sleeping. And drooling, on her part and possibly on Kavan's part too. And snoring, mostly on Kavan's part. She wiped the drool from her chin and stretched her body. It was so uncomfortable sleeping on his small bed with the cheap hard mattress. She suppose she will have to get used to it if she plans to seduce him and get him into bed with her.

Wait. She already got him into bed with her, literally. But this was not what she meant. Innocently sleeping next to each other, fully clothed without even a passionate french kiss with tongues and all, is much too PG13 for her taste. They are not even half naked for dragons' sake. She is losing her touch!

She got up and stared down at the sleeping man. He still smell like puke and alcohol. Ugh. Okay, so not very appealing. But his long lashes sweeping down on his high cheekbones are so gorgeous. He looks even more handsome asleep. She sighed. So, she won't jump his bones just yet. She will let him sleep off his alcohol.

She scrawled a note to tell him that she went back to pack her stuffs and that she will meet him at the studio. Then, she left. She will text him when she goes to his studio. She remembered he has a class in the morning at 8 o'clock. She hoped he can wake up for it. She made a mental note to give him a wake up call.

Her driver was waiting for her when she left the flat. After reaching home, she took a nice luxurious shower and changed into fresh clothes. Then she packed her bare necessities, some make up, toiletries and a few basic clothes that didn't look too expensive since she still has to keep up with her 'poor' image. By then it was after seven so she called Kavan but he didn't pick up. She kept calling him but it kept going to voice mail. He must be more drunk than she thought. She headed back to his flat and breezed inside. She had taken the liberty of keeping his set of keys and made a new set for herself.

Kavan was still out cold on his bed in his room. She went in and tried to wake him up but he merely mumbled and push her away. She went to his bathroom and found a small towel. She wet it and then used it to wipe his face. The cold water from the towel woke him right up. He gasped and opened his eyes. He looked at her, disorientated.

"Waaa…what are you doing here?" he said, sitting up blearily and rubbing his eyes. As desirable as he looked, she still couldn't stand the reek of puke and alcohol clinging to him. She threw the wet towel at his face.

"Wake up and go get cleaned up. You're gonna be late for your morning class and you can't be late, you're the teacher," she told him.

He dragged the towel off his face, got up and groaned, swaying slightly. It was obvious he's gonna have a killer hangover.

"What time is it?" he asked.

"You have 30 minutes…no, scratch that…you have 20 minutes to wash up, change and rush over to your studio," she told him, looking at her expensive Patik Philipe watch. Darn it. She forgot to change her watch to the cheaper Tisot brand. She hoped he won't notice and quickly hid her wrist behind her.

Kavan was not even looking at her. He was shambling to his tiny bathroom while pulling off his shirt. She stared appreciatively at his wide back, the lean muscles rippling underneath and she almost drooled at the sight. He really shouldn't be showing off his physique if he's not gonna let her touch him, she thought. Then he closed the door and the show was over.

Nothing more to see, she left the room and went to the other room in the flat. It's a two-bedroom flat so the other room must be the spare room he was talking about. She opened the door. It is just as minimally furnished as his room. A bed and a plain cupboard. No dresser. No vanity table. The room is the same size as his room, smaller than her walk-in closet at home. No ensuite bathroom! This means she has to use the bathroom outside, next to the living room.

Ahh…that gives her plenty of opportunity to walk around naked…she thought. She rubbed her hands together in anticipation. Just he wait. He will be getting more than he bargained for. She placed her mid-size luggage on the floor next to the small bed. She will unpack later. Fortunately, she didn't pack much, anticipating the lack of space here. She might as well change into her yoga attire. She had specifically chosen extra tight leggings and another pretty sexy sports bra.

She took off her clothes, wearing only her panties, and opened her luggage to dig for her yoga attire. As she was digging through her luggage, Kavan knocked lightly and opened the door.

"Are you ready?" he said and she stood up, naked except for her panties, to look at him.

He gaped at her and instead of covering her bare naked chest, she proudly arch them higher while holding her sports bra and leggings in her hands.

"Err..sorry…I shouldn't have…err…" he stammered, flustered, and froze for a few seconds. She noticed him staring at her chest before he quickly turned around and leave.

She chuckled. He got an eyeful and there will be more to come too. Surely he will not be able to resist her one of these days, she thought. She dressed quickly and went out to see him standing nervously at the front door.

"Ready to go?" he asked, not looking at her.

"Let's go!" she said cheerily and placed her hand on the crook of his arm easily.

He looked surprised and gently push her hand away.

"Er, I…er…we…let's just not do that," he stammered.

She shrugged.

"Okay, if you say so, although that was nothing…not after you saw me naked, no, stare at me like that," she said.

He gulped and cleared his throat.

"Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, I will remember not to walk into your room like that in future," he said.

She grinned at him.

"It's okay, I don't mind. Do you like my body?" she asked frankly.

He blushed beet red and didn't reply.

"I am sure you like my body…otherwise you would not have stood there and stare for at least 10 seconds before turning away," she goaded him.

"I did not!" he denied, affronted by her suggestion.

"Yes, you did! I am sure you must have committed every single detail of my body into your brain…burned into your brains, so to speak," she teased.

He cleared his threat uncomfortably.

"Thats…err…that's not true," he denied, haltingly.

She again grabbed his arm and rubbed her ample chest against his arm intentionally.

"Aww..own up Kavan! You like what you saw!" she said.

"I…er…Sabrina, we shouldn't be doing this…" he replied and again extricated his arm from her hands and hastened his pace.

His flat is near the studio so they obviously walked to the studio. It was just a 10-minute walk but in his haste, he almost ran there, it took them only five minutes to reach. By the time they reached the studio, some of his students are already waiting outside. Sabrina realised she forgot to bring her mat. Not that it mattered. She was there to 'work' in return for the free lodging with Kavan.

The class went by really fast and since Sabrina was helping out and not joining the class, she noticed that most of the women in the class were doing what she had been doing in the other sessions. Pretending to wobble and seeking Kavan's attention. A few tried to get him to hold them and show them the correct poses.

Sluts, she thought.

She narrowed her eyes at a few of them, especially the few good looking young girls. There were a few good looking middle aged women too. Damn MILFs, she thought. She never realised so many of them had the hots for Kavan. She wanted to snap at each of them to tell them that Kavan belongs to her so they better back off. It was fortunate that Kavan seemed unaffected by the women's extra attention and the way they fawned over him. He did not even seem to notice. He was highly professional throughout the session and she was glad.

If only he is not as professional with her too, she thought. After the class is over and the students have left, she helped him clean and sanitised the space. It was not hard work at all. She could totally handle it. After they had pulled down the blinds, she found another opportunity to 'accidentally' jump on Kavan. He was walking towards her and she pretended to trip and launched herself on him. His arms came up, thanks to his super fast reflex, but she was faster so she crashed into him before he could hold her and they both fell over onto the floor.

They lay there for a moment, both of them winded. She lying on top of him and he looking up at her dazed. Then she kissed him deeply, snaking her hands into his hair and pulling him close to her. Arousal sang in her blood and she was buzzing with the feel of his lips on hers, his chest against hers, their hearts thumping loudly together. Unlike yesterday, he kissed her back, his arms went around her waist and held her.