"Look Sabrina, I don't think it is funny at all that you are lying to me now," Kavan said. He looked annoyed, angry even. The mild mannered gentle Kavan angry. That's something she has not seen before.
He stood up, towering over her.
"I think you should pack and go back home, I can't keep you here, it's not right," he said vehemently.
She looked at him. He looked serious. And there was a look of betrayal on his face. He must think that she had lied to him and is now resorting to outlandish lies about dragon shapeshifters.
Humans rarely want to believe that shapeshifters or dragons are real. Sure, they love watching movies and reading fantasy books about such things but in real life? They can't deal with it. There were so many stories of dragons who couldn't persuade their human matches to marry them because the humans just could not accept it. So, there were only a few dragons that managed to get human matches to marry them or to mate with them for offsprings. There were not that many dragon shapeshifters around as a result since not all of the offsprings grow up to become shapeshifters. Their only redeeming point was that they are immortal so their numbers are not depleting.
"Kavan, I am telling you the truth! I am a dragon shapeshifter, so is Dashen and he is my clan leader so I was ordered to pose as his wife in this human world," she tried again.
This time he looked furious. His dark eyes are glinting dangerously.
"You must think I am a fool," he bit out. "Why are you telling me more lies? What do you gain from this? Is this a game to you? Is that what you do? Play around with your nice friendly yoga teacher, make fun of him and then go home and laugh at him with your husband? Is that it?" he asked coldly.
She had no choice then. She stood up and faced him squarely. Her eyes glinted green. And she transformed into her true form. Just as she turned into her long sleek green form, Kavan stumbled away from her, gasping loudly.
"What in the….F*CK!" he swore, staring at her in shock.
Good. Now that she got his attention. She turned back into her human form. He continued to gape at her in shock. She waved a hand in front of his eyes but he didn't blink. Confound it. She hoped she didn't break him. Or render him insane. She cursed her impulsiveness. Not all humans can handle watching a shapeshifter transform from human to dragon. It's too much to process. She went near him and waved.
He scrambled away from her in fear. "What are you???" he asked, holding his hands out. "Don't come near me!"
"I was trying to make you believe what I told you…now you believe me?" she asked.
He nodded slowly.
"Just don't come near me," he said. Realising he was crouched on the floor like some scared cornered kitten, he cleared his throat and stood up, embarrassed. He rubbed his nape nervously.
"So, do you eat humans?" he asked, trying to sound casual.
Sabrina rolled her eyes. Really? Of all the questions…he is worried about her eating him? Although…if he meant 'eat' in a different sense…she licked her lips. For sure, she doesn't mind 'eating' him.
"If by eat…you mean in the bedroom naughty sense…I can show you," she offered seductively while sliding her eyes down his body to stare at his crotch meaningfully. He quickly covered his crotch with his hands and backed away from her.
"Ahem..that's not what I meant!" he said. Sweat beaded his forehead. Was it fear…or something else, she wondered.
"Oh well, then no, we don't eat humans. That's so ridiculous. Why in the world would we want to eat humans? Yuck," she said.
"So, what is it that you want from me?" he asked.
She sashayed to him and placed a hand on his chest. He tried to back away but he had already backed himself into a corner.
"I want you, simple and easy…I find you so sexy and desirable," she told him boldly. She trailed a finger down his cheek and leaned on his firm body. He moved his face away and gulped but didn't push her away. That was a good sign, she thought.
"Is that even possible?" he asked, intrigued. It would seem his curiosity got the better of his fear.
"Is what possible? Sex between a dragon shapeshifter and a human?" she asked in return. He merely nodded in reply.
She leaned and whispered into his ears, "We can try and you will know whether it's possible or just plain amazing," then she flitted a tongue to touch his earlobe briefly. He suppressed a groan.
She rubbed her chest against his and link her hands behind his neck.
"I am sure we will have the most amazing time…I can make you come like never before," she said and licked her lips yet again. His eyes were drawn to her luscious lips and he swallowed.
"What if I say no? Will you turn me into stone or burn me to death?" he ventured.
What? She was so sure that he is equally aroused by her and he desired her. The kiss at his studio this morning proved it! They would have gone all the way if that annoying asshole Dashen didn't turn up.
"What do you mean?? All I would do is turn this as hard as stone and the only burning we do is to burn the bedsheets with our actions," she said and she grabbed his crotch, caressing it, rubbing it. He flinched but his eyes darkened with desire. He may look frightened but his manhood is unfurling and swelling in her hands underneath his pants.
He felt huge even under his pants. She can't wait to take it out and ride it like there's no tomorrow.
"I have a lot of experience…and it will be the best sex you've ever had, I promise," she said, still fondling him and he was not making any effort to stop her.
He cleared his throat and placed both hands on her waist, gripping it tight.
"Look, I find you desirable and you are sexy but…." he paused. He gently push her hand away from his crotch, then he was lifting her and placing her a few feet away from him. "I think we should not complicate things further," he said.
He took a deep breath and despite the huge bulge under his pants, he faced her and told her to leave, calmly.
"So, I believe you but I need time to think about this," he said. "You are still someone's wife and I don't even know whether you are lying about the fake marriage part because your husband didn't say anything about that,"
She wanted to kill Dashen at this moment. Just stab him a million times. Okay, so you can't exactly kill a 3,000 year old dragon easily especially not a clan leader but still.
"What can I say to convince you that I am not actually his wife? Okay, so maybe legally, here in the human world, I am his wife but it is only by name!" she said.
He held up his hands to stop her.
"Look, I am getting a headache from all this. I am still getting my head wrapped around the idea of dragons…what you call yourselves? Shapeshifters? I need some time to process this," he told her.
She sighed heavily. This is all Dashen's fault. She must plan a huge revenge to get even with her clan leader. Damn the elder dragon.
"Fine, but at least let me stay here? I don't want to go home…my things are here anyway," she said. He doesn't have to know that she has more stuffs at her quarters in Dashen's mansion than here.
He considered her request for a moment and nodded. "Fine, just don't try to jump me or anything, please," he said.
Bless his kind heart. She knew he would never kick her out. And he seemed to have accepted her as a dragon shapeshifter easily. That's a plus point.
"So, do you want to eat dinner? These looks like it's for two," he asked her tentatively. She nodded happily.
Oh, her sweet Kavan. This is why she wanted him so badly. He can never be mean and he has such a golden kind heart. She can only hope he will open up to her soon.