Trying to prove my innocence

I hastily walk towards the elevator to avoid having any confrontation with the workers who are discreetly looking at me. I can tell how badly they want to ask questions. But couldn't do that.

Had it not been for Dozzy who called earlier this morning, I don't think I would have been here today.

I intended to stay in to think of how to go on with life, but Osy forced me to come here today.

He believes

"Good morning, Mr Osy—"

"I'm busy!" I rush towards the elevator and all but ran into it without looking back.

Having a confrontation with the workers of this place is far better than having one with BB, whose life duty is to gossip more than life itself.

I ran all the way to my office, and sat on my chair, heavily breathing as I thought about how today will be.

The moment my butt hit the chair, the office phone rang.


I groan in frustration.

"Good morning sir." After a moment of deliberation, I decided to pick up the phone.

"I want you in my office asap." He said before disconnecting the call.

What's it now?

I drop the phone back and walked to the door.

"It's alright Osy. Everything will be perfectly fine. The boss just called to ask the reasons for your absence yesterday. That's all, you don't have to worry. "

I walk out of my door, and looked left and right to make sure the coast was clear before I zoomed for the elevator.

" OSI!"

Too late, I was already in the elevator before BB can catch up with me.

The sight of BB made me grateful I decided to answer the calls of the boss instead of ignoring them like I intended to do.

Right now, answering the calls of the boss is far better than spending half my time talking to BB.

Knowing her, she's probably trying to get some juicy stuff out of this.

The elevator dinged to announce my arrival on the second to the last floor in the office building, and I hurried towards Mar's office, for fear I might encounter BB on the way.

And that right there isn't something I'm hoping on. In no way am I ready to have a meet with the Busy body.

I knocked on the door before entering.

"Good morning Sir," I greet the boss, who's leafing through some files on his table with a look of concentration.

"Osy?" He called out in a voice that made my heart skip a beat.


"Can you explain the meaning of this rubbish?" He turned the computer to face me, "this is an official site and not a porn site. If you wanted to badly market your goods, you should have done that on a normal porn site. Why must you do so in an office establishment?"

I took a very deep, steady breath.

" Those are not my pictures sir. My face is there, that's true, but those nude bodies aren't mine." I said in a calm, collected voice. One that's quite different from the storm I feel brewing inside me.

"And you want me to believe it? You want me to believe that these nudes aren't yours?" The boss raised a brow at me.

" Those pictures were photoshopped. My skin colour and my bodies aren't the same. Hell, my organ isn't as small as that. It's an insult to me."

I don't know why, but I need to prove I'm not the one in there to the boss. It's as if I don't want him to think bad about me.

"You are really adamant about this, aren't you?" He raised a brow at me.

" Are you still in doubt of this, I can show you?" I started unbuckling my trouser.

" It's alright—" He stopped me from proceeding with what I intended to do. " You don't have to show me your naked body to prove this isn't your picture." He swallowed deeply, his face showing how uncomfortable he is about this.

" I'm sorry," I looked down in embarrassment as I thought about my actions at the last minute.

There's no difference between what I did and the pictures on the net. Should someone have mistakenly entered the office at the same time I was trying to unbuckle my trouser, they will undoubtedly think I was trying to seduce the boss.

"It's okay. I understand. You can take your leave."

"Is that all?" I blink at him in surprise.

" That was the reason I called you. I have no reason else."

"I'll take my leave then?" I ask him.

" Yes, you can. I've gotten what I want, and that was your honest answer."

" I'll take my leave." I walk out of his office as hasty as I can so as not to make him change his mind.

The boss of now is far better than the one I've gotten used to.

Should I be asked to choose the one I want as a boss between the boss of today, and that of the other days, I'll choose the one of today.

"You're looking better compared to yesterday." Dozzy joined me for lunch. Smiling from ear to ear, he dropped my lunch on the table, "I figured you wouldn't go down for lunch, so I did it for you."

"Thanks." I smile brightly at him, "you are a lifesaver."

" Who knows what you would have done without me," He boasts.

"I would have been better off." I tried to take a sausage roll from the nylon, but he slapped my hand off the roll.

"Don't you dare take that. Last I checked, you said you would have been better off without me. Go ahead, mister, be better off on your own."

"You know, I don't mean it like that." I smile at him, "you're more than a darling to me. Who knows what I would have done without you. You're a lifesaver. The only male I love from east and back."