The boss might have feelings for you

I had a long chat with Kel, and we discussed how to go about tracing the IP of the uploader.

"The person who did this isn't well versed when it comes to technological terms." He showed me something on his system," the address isn't stable at all. It changes every minute, and doesn't return to a place until he has gone around the world with his IP."

" What does that mean?" I look up, confused by his words. Aside from typing and formatting files, and the Creation of databases, I don't know anything when it comes to computer terms.

I'm not literate in that field.

"The uploader is trying not to get caught. He's aware of the fact that we're tracing him. But don't worry, I'll get him before you know it. I'm not known as a literate for naught."

" I see." I nod at the words he spoke, but the truth is this, I don't understand any one of them. All I know is he'll catch whoever thought to Photoshop my photos and upload them.



"Still no luck with that?" Dozzy asked as he plopped down on the cushion in my office.

"Nah, nothing about it. Kel said he's going to trace the address, but so far, he hasn't been successful in that. "

" Are you sure—" He paused in his words," oh my God!" His eyes widened.

"What's it?" I frown at him as I tried to make out the reason for his exclamation.

" Don't act dumb with me, young man." He frowned at me.

"What's wrong?"

"You didn't tell me you've got a new system!" He stood up and walked to my side.

"I was about to do that when you came in, but you were busy asking questions." I roll my eyes at him.

This morning, when I came into the office, I was surprised to see the ancient computer replaced by this sleek system. The laptop is just drooling worthy.

"Wow." He expertly ignored my words, "This is the latest in the market!" He gushed like a girl who just met her crush for the first time.

"I guess it is." Truth be told, I know the laptop must have cost a fortune, based on how beautiful and portable the system is. But I don't know its name.

Well, aside from the fact it's called a laptop.

"What's your guess?" He frowned at me, "you're currently making use of the latest laptop on the market!"

" Is that so?"

" Who bought it? Don't tell me—" His eyes widened.

" It's the boss. He was the one who bought it."

Dozzy looked dumbstruck at my words. His expression mirrored perfectly the one on my face when I saw the laptop for the first time.

"He did what?"

"He bought it," I shrug.

"Hmm." He gave me a suspicious look. "What did you do that made him decide to change it for you? Did you bite his ears off?"

"I did nothing of that sort." I roll my eyes at him. "He might have seen my sufferings, that's why he decided to change it for me."

"I see." Dozzy gave me a look, "what if he had other reasons for buying this for you?" his eyes gleaned mischievously as he leaned closer to me.

"What other reasons?" I frown at him.

"Could it be—" He trailed off?

"Could it be, what?"

"What if the boss likes you?"

My breath hitched. My heartbeat escalated.


It can't be. There's no way someone like Mar Will like a clumsy person like I. It's not possible at all.

He can do better than this.

But, I can't deny the fact I felt happy at the prospect of the boss returning my feelings. I know it's a wishful thought, but I can't stop my heart from wishing it to be true.

"That's not possible." I nervously coughed, "there's no way for that to be possible."

" It is. Can't you see all the things he has done for you? He not only had me take down those pictures, but sacked those who talked against you. Yet, he didn't stop at that, he hired a professional computer-literate to trace the IP of the uploader.

And now, he has surprised you with a new laptop. The latest apple version to be exact!"

" Stop talking trash. He's just doing that for—"

" I know what I'm saying, Osy. There's no way I can be mistaken."

" Yes, you are. In this case, you're mistaken."

Even though I denied it, I can't stop my heart from getting elated. I can't help but hope for it to be true.

" I'm not. Take a look around the entire complex, who do you think spends the most time in the boss's office?"

" I'm the one." I frown at him," but it's all because of work. I only go to his office almost all the time because I work for him."

And not to talk of the fact he most times calls me up, to annoy me.

"And you think you're the only one working for him? You think I don't work for him?"

" Of course you do."

" Why did you think he didn't allow anyone to change cards with you?"

" He wanted to humiliate me, that was his reason."

" And how many times has he done that?"

" Pardon?"

" How many times has he humiliated you ever since you started working with him at night?"

" None." I don't need to think about that.

"You see! The boss did like you. You're just too blind to see it."

"That's not true. Moreover, I intend to leave this place in two weeks and can't believe it's near.

The day I've been working towards, is finally here. But I don't feel any Joy about that. I felt sad at the thought of leaving this place.

Dozzy rolled his eyes at me. "You think he'll allow you to leave? He won't do that."

"He has no choice in this. It's my decision to leave the office when I'm through with my task."

" We shall see to that."