Mar is married?

I tilt my head to the side, "what do you want to check? Don't worry, my coffee and yours aren't of the same taste. He said mine is the house special."

I tilt the cup as I tried to check for anything strange about it, but I saw none. There was nothing strange about the cup of coffee in my hand.

I made to drink the coffee. It's getting warm. Very soon it will go cold.

"Bring it here."

"Why?" But despite my question, I walk toward him, this time around. "Here it is, what do you want to do with it?" I quirk a brow, "I don't know what you want to do with it, but be fast about it. I want to have my coffee, unlike someone I know." I gave the coffee on his table a look.

"Do I have the need to tell you everything I would like to do?" He took the cup from my hand and stood up.

"Where are you going with it?" I ask in alarm when he started walking towards the bathroom.

"Watch and see."

And like he asked, I watched as he poured the coffee, down the drain.

"What did you do?" I widen my eyes in disbelief.

"What did it look like I did?" He threw the can into the waste bin. "I gave you the card, so you can buy anything you want. I won't condone the act of accepting drinks from strangers." He frowned, "don't go about taking stuff from strangers. You don't know who is out to hurt you."

"He's not a stranger, he's a friend!" I fold my arm in anger, "why did you throw the coffee away? I wanted to drink that."

"Oh?" He frowns, "he's your friend?" He balled his palm into a fist.

"Of course, he is my friend. He gave me that coffee. There is no way he can think to hurt me."

"How sure are you about it?" He raised a brow, "how long have you known him?"

"I want to drink that coffee." I look at the waste bin, "I had my mouth prepared to have some coffee, but you thwarted my plans."

"You can have mine if you badly would like to drink coffee."

"I don't want yours. I want that coffee. Your coffee is as bitter as Ileum."

What a waste!

And I badly wanted to drink that coffee. Now it's lost in the drain. Gone, all because the most think it's likely poisoned.

As if someone will be out to hurt me. I've not pissed anyone, enough for them to contemplate taking my life.

"I can order another one for you." He brought out his phone and dialed a number.

"You don't —"

"I need two cups of coffee. One as dark as I like taking it, and another one has to have two spoons of sugar and cream." He said before he disconnected from the call.

"You asked for dark coffee, I got one for you already." I point at the coffee on his table, "are you that caffeine hungry?"

He gave the coffee on the table a look before he wrinkled his nose in disgust. "I don't like their coffee anymore. It's not as dark as I loved it."

"What?" I blink confused as I tried to process his words.

"You have no reason to return to that Café, I will be ordering it from my Café."

"You have a café?"

"Of course, I do." He smirked, "there are things about me that you don't know. This company isn't mine, I'm just overseeing it for my friend. I have my companies."

"Who's overseeing them, then?"

"Are you worried about my company?"

"As if." I fold my arm, "I still don't understand why you poured the coffee down the drain. There was nothing wrong with it."

"The fact you took it from another, is what's wrong with it." He walked closer to me.

"What are you doing?" I took a step back as I tried to keep as much distance as I can from him.

"What does it seem like I'm doing?" Smirking, he kept advancing toward me.

"Stop!" I flay my hands when I tripped on the cushion behind me.

He caught me before I can fall to the floor, he circled his arm around me.

"Steady," he smirked, but didn't make any move to let go of my waist.

I swallowed deeply when we locked eyes. It felt as if time stopped, and I and Mar exists on a plain that was solely ours.

I can feel the outline of his body on mine, and that made me blush like a fool. My cheeks must be blazing hot.

We stayed that way, and would have stayed there, like forever, had it not been for the knock on the door.

Mar instantly dropped me to the floor as if I were hot potatoes.

In this context, I think hot potatoes are better than mine.

"Argh!" I cried out in pain when my poor butt made a collision with the floor. It felt as if my bones were about to break into two.

Rubbing on it, I glare at Mar.

"Sorry," he gave me his, and I took it. "I do apologize for that. I wasn't aware of my actions."

"It's okay."

The knock on the door sounded once more.

"Come in."

A young lady who's dressed in designers' slack walked in. Her dark luscious hair was twisted in such a way, it made her hair seem small, but you can see it's not.

She had red cherry-coloured lipstick on, and she walked with a confidence that can only be seen in females that have achieved something in life.

Her brown eyes have intelligence in them. She might look young, but her eyes speak volumes. It shows you years of diligence.

In her hands are two cups of coffee.

"When will I tell you I'm not a servant you can order around? I'm your wife, for god's sake!" She growled in frustration.