You are pregnant for me?

I checked the time on the wall clock for the seventh time since the craving started, and it has not been up to thirty minutes.

It was as if the clock decided to be a badass today.

Any time you want the time to rush, it always crawls like a snail. But should you want it to crawl like a snail, it will move at a pace faster than a hare and a cheetah.

I dialled Kel's number for the tenth time since I started waiting for his return, but it wasn't reachable.

What could be delaying him? I stood from the cushion I was sitting on and went to the kitchen.

I searched the entire place for any chocolate, but I saw none, which didn't come as a surprise to me at all, as I ate the bars of chocolate Kel stored in the fridge, yesterday.

You can call it long throat or anything that suits you, I don't care. All I know, I have a chocolate craving, and I can't fight against it.

I can't resist the urge.