Rebel leader

"We need to act," the queen turned to her son. "Your stepbrother has matured faster than I thought possible. We need to clip his wings." The queen was furious.

"What are you talking about, mother?" The second prince perfectly pretended as if he doesn't know what his mother was talking about. He made it seem as if those weren't also in his thoughts.

"He has got a second chance Ika or whatever he calls that. We can't allow him to ascend the throne, else we might find ourselves in the streets."

It's never a secret that the prince doesn't like the queen. Cyp and Mar were against the marriage when their father told them of it. That was why the queen thought to eliminate Mar when he was still a young Demon of 500 years, but she wasn't successful with that.

This time, she's determined to succeed. She won't let the small prince take the victory. It's all hers and has always been.