Not what they expected

"Just do it, already!" Osy's voice sounded a bit strained. "Why are you acting this way? It's not as if you will hurt me with this."

It was so frustrating for him to keep up with this.

"Forgive me, in case I get too reckless to listen to your voice of pleas!" Mar said before he drove in with much force, it caused Osy to move forward into the ground.

The force and how relentless he was, caused Osy to moan without restraint.

He was moaning with his arse sticking out as I was bent over.

It was supposed to embrace him that they were going at it in plain daylight, but he wasn't concerned about that.

"Yeah, Mar. Just like that!" He cried out when Mar drove in at a fast speed and hit a certain spot in his body.

"Yeah, that's it, Mar. I want more. Yeah, drive into me more."

Sly's words, pants, and moans caused Mar to hasten his thrusts. He was like a deranged man who wanted nothing but to hear more of the groans from his little wife.