Narrow escape

It took all the strength Starry could muster, to kick Osy in the stomach.

Stunned, Osy stumbled back a bit.

Starry didn't waste any time at all, she raced towards Osy, and kicked him, causing Osy to fall to the floor.

Now, this got Kakuda's attention. Before this, he thought Osy was practising with the air, however, after seeing him stumble back, he wasn't sure of what he thought, any more.

He suddenly stood up straight and tried to see what was happening as clearly as he can.

And that was when the guard, with the bad timing, decided to fly past.

He glanced at Kakuda and smirked. The guard flapped his wings a bit and made it like he wanted to land on the floor before he picked off.

Kakuda sighed.

It's getting rather frustrating to have someone monitoring his every step.

Kakuda looked towards the garden, but she was unable to see anything.

How he would have wished to see the end of the fight.