The City looks quiet from afar. Every night you'll see the glimmer of the lights from each street and buildings. Seeing it from the top of this building makes them look like stars, another galaxy perhaps. It's really deceiving. But if you're going to look closely, your beautiful perspective will totally change because of its deep secrets. The city itself is being corrupted by people's greed and power.

The rain had totally stopped but the mysterious call a while ago didn't stop lingering inside my thoughts. The glass wall of my living room reflects my worried face as I slowly sip the wine inside my glass.

"I've finally found you… we will see each other soon." His voice keeps on repeating inside my head.

What does he want from me? I somehow feel like I've heard that voice somewhere before but could not remember when.

I fish out my phone inside my robe as I answered the call that I have been waiting for.

"Hey sis…" I heard Klaus sighed from the other line. He sounded worn-out. "How's my little Sammy? I've just read the messages you sent me earlier so I called immediately."

"I was fine but not until I've heard Warren's name in my building." I can feel him scratching the back of his head because of guilt. "What are those 'confidential' folders have to do with me? You're greatly aware that I don't do favors especially from him." I made sure that I gave emphasis to every word that I've said. I've tried my best not to surge my anger.

"Hey, calm down okay?" I heard him sighed. "Let's meet up tomorrow to talk about it. Even I don't have the slightest idea of what's in his mind these days. It feels like he's preparing for something. I was even surprised when I heard from his Secretary Semoun that he got to deliver a folder for you." I can hear the stress out of his tone.

Klaus being not aware of our brothers' movement feels new to me. He used to be well updated about everything from their company. I didn't mean to even stress him out but those folders are really getting into my nerves and he is greatly aware of how our Evil brother affects me.

"I thought I was crystal clear about being not involved in the family business, especially with these kinds of stuffs." I stand up as I went to the kitchen and put my glass to the sink. "I am planning to return those folders. Don't worry I haven't opened it yet." I said coldly as I went to the bathroom.

"Please don't. Let us talk about it tomorrow first, and I've also hired someone who's looking into the matter right now. I'm afraid that someday it'll greatly affect us somehow."

"With me? Being involved? How come? What do you mean?" I asked as I soak myself in the warm water of the bath tub.

"I don't know, something doesn't feel right. So, we really need to meet. I already have reserved us a lunch meeting at the usual restaurant." I groaned upon hearing him. What other choice do I have?

"Please, Sam?" I can literally see how he's making faces like a child. It's his habit especially when he wants something from me. Sometimes I'm not sure if he's really three years older than me.

"Okay fine! I'll cancel my lunch appointment with the writers tomorrow. So, stop pouting like a child because I feel like you're doing those things in your face again." I heard him chuckle from the other line. He always finds ways to lighten up the mood.

"I love you little sis. I'm sorry I forgot to inform you ahead of time about it. Problems at the company keep on coming up these days. I feel like Warren is planning on something, he's acting agitated these past few days." I smirked upon hearing it. It's not likely of Warren to be worried about small things.

I think there's something big going on. Well, for the sake of mystery and curiosity, I think I might look into the situation as well. It's been a long time since I've felt this kind of adrenaline and a scene of the crime is my forte.

"Did I forgot to mention that Gabriella came home last night and acted like she owns half of the company again? She even brought her own Attorney for Pete's sake."

"What?!" I literally sat up from my bath tub. "I thought she went home to Spain for good." I really thought that younger siblings are usually the one who gives the family a headache, but why does it feel like older ones are a pain in the ass right now.

"Beats me." I can hear him lying down. "I really need a vacation. Those two are making me feel less young." He added groaning.

"Oh, shut up Klaus. As if you have time for that." His works and our siblings might be the death of him.

Have I forgotten to tell you that I am not the only daughter of Guevarra?

Yes, I have a stepsister. She's no other than Gabriella Camejo Guevarra, our father's daughter from his Spanish mistress. Our father was a pure Spanish and got married to our Filipina mother Samantha Gomez. It was a fixed marriage between our grandparents for some business purposes that's both beneficial to the two-combining family. Our parents eventually have learned to fell in love with each other as their goals became successful.

Even before, you can always imagine evening parties and series of business gatherings at our home since Father loves hosting those kinds of events. Those are the days where we were so close as siblings and my brothers will even help me to sneak out to the party, they are so protective from boys hovering around me even at the young age and I really don't mind at all. So, what I usually do is grab some chips and read some good books inside my room instead of socializing. While as teenagers, my brothers are always into parties, scanning for beautiful girls around the corner.

I was in my last year in primary school while Warren and Klaus were in their Junior and Senior when a woman came into our life claiming that he's our father's first love. Even Mother wasn't aware of it. Our family was once a happy one not until it almost broke up because of it.

Our late grandparents had made some arrangement with the Mistress. They did everything they could to avoid escalating some further scandals. Nuisance of being part of the upperclassmen is that everyone has always their nose around you.

Amanda Camejo left her daughters' custody to us. Gabriella hated her Mother for that. Our family had accepted her and with the family connections, she became registered as the twin sister of Warren which didn't please him but he had no choice but to accept her. They're always not in the good terms and the rumor about our father having a mistress had died eventually. You see, our family itself is full of lies.

Everything was getting back to normal to us. But not to our parents. Their fights are getting bad each day. Mother went cold at everything and almost forgot that she still has two sons and a daughter who's always looking up for her.

My mom used to be lively at everything, she was a brilliant businesswoman until she got drowned to her own depression and often drinks at night. She died when we were young. I blamed our Father for that.

But I choose not to give up on life. It was still painful. But I chose to live because if mother is seeing me right now, I know she'll be proud. She always wanted the best for us even if she fell out of love with Father.

Trust is the number one foundation of everything, and when its lost, its hard to earn it back.

But what made me who I am today – cold and adamant about bringing back our ruined family, wasn't because of losing mom or the death of our father from a mysterious accident. It's because of losing my trust from one of my brothers when we were on our college years. It was the root of every disaster that had happened and I've reached my own limit. I somehow feel how painful my mothers' trust issues are.

Warren is months older than Gabriella but she's viscous too. Klaus had become their referee who's two years younger than them.

We used to be close as well, as the youngest and only daughter of Guevarra, I find myself wanting to have a sister too. Chances had given it to me but everything changed when she got blinded by the golds and diamonds of her surrounding and the fact that mother did not accept her as part of our family wholeheartedly.

It also pained her that father left her with only few assets and now she even fights for the spot of being the CEO of the company. She became wicked. She wants revenge. She did everything she could to be accepted but she feels like everything she did was not worth it. If I'm going to put my shoes on hers, I'll feel the same. Father is not the kind of person to be pleased so easily.

I am telling you, my life is full of toxicity, I don't even know how I became used to the crap of my family. One of the reasons why I choose to play my own path and not to bother with their lives. The thing I am only concerned about now is Klaus. He's the middle child and literally at the middle of the war every time.

"Sometimes I wish you're here helping me with the company and managing your assets but seeing how complicated it is nowadays, I feel like your mind is safer outside of your stressors premises." I sighed. My brother had always been selfless. I already told him to give up my assets and just focus on our moms' share to the company but he's hardheaded as always.

Sometimes I wonder why his girlfriend Miley had broke up with him. They were college sweethearts. Miley was not a bad company and I saw how in love they were. It was the very first time I saw my brother a little less stressed in his life. But maybe the distance and the difference of their world of works made them fell apart. Miley is an international athlete and a sports ambassador of our country. The time they're spending to each other became lesser as time goes by.

"I am the one here who wishes that you should stop working there and come with me to Spain. It is much easier for you to start all over again." This topic wasn't the first time I have brought it and I know exactly how he'll respond. Though, it will not tire me trying to get him out of the devil's den.

"You know I can't just leave mothers' shares and assets. Let hem fight over fathers' riches but I will not give up on one thing that makes me hold on to our family."

"Suit yourself. But remember that my offer stands. I am ready to leave this place whenever you are."

"I know, take some rest now. And always do remember too, my faith to our family is much stronger than you can ever imagine. I'll see you tomorrow." I massaged my forehead hearing those things. He always follows his heart's desire before his head.

"One of the reasons why you can't settle into marrying is that you're still holding into something that is already been broken." I am not good at comforting people because my words are always like daggers. I just want him to wake up from the reality.

"Hey! You're a very mean little sister. That was below the brief y'know!" he said jokingly. I just shook my head.

"You're getting cornier these days." I heard him chuckle from the other line. "Well, I got to go. I have to make a phone call to a friend."

"Sammy…" I heard him sigh before continuing his words. "I don't know what's happening yet, but I want you to be more careful."

"Yeah." It made me pause for a second before getting out the tub. "But you're the one who has to be more careful these days Klaus. You're surrounded by much bigger problems than I am." I said before hanging up.

I look into the mirror as I let go a deep sigh and stare into my paper white skin.

My eyes normally look like a razor blade whenever I stare into something or have a deep thought. Maybe, one of the reasons why I intimidate people easily just by looking at them is that my eyes always do its job even if I'm not trying. I have a petite body and a typical height for a mestiza – maybe more or less than a hundred and seventy centimeters.

For a second, I've forgotten my own problem and if there's something coming, I'm always ready for it.

My long dark hair was still dripping from the bath when I heard my landline phone at the living room ringing. I immediately put on my robe as I went out of my bathroom to answer.

I wasn't expecting a call from my landline tonight because I often use my cellphone or office landline for clients. I've also noticed that few of my main lights are turned off. I am not sure if I was the one who have turned it off.

"Hello?" I was drying my hair when I heard a deep sigh from the other line. It made me pause for a second.

"You sure had made me wait for too long, Ms. Guevarra." I thought I had become mute for a second. My body instantly stoned where I am standing right now.

Its him. The caller from earlier. His voice didn't leave my head that I had recognized it immediately. I press the loudspeaker of my landline and recorded our conversation.

"What the hell do you want from me?!" My grip on the phone became tighter as I tried to calm down.

"Do you know that I have to ring your phone just to get you out of the bathroom?" He didn't answer my question and I can feel his menacing grin from the other line. He's playing with me.

I immediately looked at my surrounding when I've realized something. How did he know that I was taking a bath earlier?

But all I could see is darkness. I went to the main switch but none of my lights isn't working. The only thing that makes me see are those yellow lamp shades at the corner of my room.

"The expression of your face is priceless." I heard his chuckle from the other line that made me even angrier.

"Who the h*ll are you?!" I shouted out of frustration. I even almost tripped as I keep on scanning my whole unit. I've searched for my gun in one of my drawers but I got even more frustrated when I can't find it. Whoever this person is, he surely has access to my CCTV and security system.

"My… my… look at that rage." He said mockingly.

I stopped at my room as my hands are already shaking when I took my other phone to call the police.

"Don't even think about calling someone for help." I got stuck to where I am standing as I heard footsteps getting closer from the walk-in closet behind me. I was about to look when I felt a presence from behind and a familiar click from a gun trigger.

"Don't move and put your phone down." I gasp for an air as the cold metal touches the back of my head. His voice wasn't from the phone anymore. I can now hear his clear and deep voice.

I close my eyes letting go of my phone. I waited for its loud thud on my carpet but I saw in my peripheral vision how his hand caught it first before my phone landed. He's agile!

"I've told you we'll see each other soon, didn't I?" I can feel the taunting from his voice.

I think the word "soon" was earlier than what I have expected.

- END OF CHAP. 2 -