"Come on Eunoia! Hurry up! This will be so much fun!" Excitement was gleaming all over her face as she pulls me to the hallway. She had never let go of my hand after our class.

It was their plan, I had never agreed to go to a dangerous place such as a night-club. I prefer reading in a solemn place. Aside from still being minors, their parents and my brothers will surely kill us if they find out that we're sneaking into a club. But do I have a choice when these two little girls had blackmailed me? They said that they have a plan and we won't get caught. Well, I hope so.

Aside from that, they promised to buy me the latest book of my favorite fantasy book that hasn't been displayed to the market yet. Because of its popularity, reserving one copy will be like a needle hiding in haystacks. I've been dying for months waiting for its latest volume. Kyla's too confident knowing that her mother owns a publication company. The two of them really knows how to tie me down.

"Stop calling me by my second name Celine. It's too long, and it sound so awkward." I said with a bored face. "I really have a bad feeling about this Kyla." I look at my other friend and shook my head with disbelief when I saw her face more excited than Celine. Her hands had never let go of my arms as well, like a little monkey glued into it. They know I'll never agree to this.

"But Samantha is longer and Sammy is so cliché!" She said whining like a child. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that we're in our Senior years and not grade schoolers.

"Yeah, Sammy sounds so boyish." Kyla agreed teasingly, I gave them a glare but they just giggled.

I'm literally taller than these two girls that they're always being teased by our male classmates because of their height. They're stuck to me like a glue because they know most of the students at School is scared of me. They're maybe annoying sometimes but I'm really glad that I have them. Our friendships are much precious to me than any other books. Honestly, I agreed to this because I'm also worried about them. They might end up in a trouble without me.

"Hmm, really? Warren and Klaus loves calling me Sammy though. I'll tell them that you hate my nickname." I said as we entered the ancestral house of Kyla's parents.

"Hey! That's not fair!" They said in chorus that literally made me laugh. I'll never lose when it comes to teasing them knowing that they have a crush on each of my siblings.

I roam around my eyes and the beauty of the house never bores me, aside from its classical design, it somehow reminds me of Spain where my grandparents live. It screams western influence from the chandeliers to its ceilings, expensive porcelains, huge frames and statues. I shouldn't forget to take note of their grand staircases divided into two and meeting on its both ends. You could literally imagine a fairytale-like stairway.

Our house is also huge but sophisticated with modern style. Father never stops upgrading its system, from the voice command doors to remote controlled curtains, almost everything is touched by high technology. I find classical things more appealing.

"I'll never get used to their house Eunoia." I look at Celine and I saw on her face how we share each other's admiration. She looks at me and smile. That reminded me of her current situation where she has to runaway from home in order to survive.

"I feel you." I answered as I jokingly pat her head.

"Hey! Stop doing that like I'm a child! We're on the same age!" She pushed my hand jokingly but I know she likes being pampered like that.

"Yeah, right." She may look naïve, but I know deep inside, we share the same soul – the melancholy. "I'm months older than the two of you though." I laughed as I started to run upstairs. They started to follow me as we all sprinted like little kids.

We were all laughing when we arrived at Kyla's room. The maids have to hush us as our laughter echoed through the house. I laid down on the sofa at her room like I own the whole seat. Her parents are not home but everyone is already used seeing us here. Let's say that Samaniego works under Guevarra.

"I think this will do." Said Celine with a mischievous grin. My left brow immediately raised when I saw them piling clothes and cosmetics on the bed. Their arms were crossed as they looked at me and the clothes back and forth.

"What are you both doing?" I don't like the way they're looking at me. Their smile looks like they're planning on something that will not please me.

Sometimes, I wonder how they greatly reflect each other's personality. They're like positive poles and I am the negative one. I think the law of attraction was never been wrong after all, that opposite attracts.

"This is what we call; a disguise!" They said in chorus.

"What?!" My mouth remained agape. I was about to run through the door when they both blocked my way and forced me to sit in front of the mirror. "No way!" I hate putting on make ups and getting dressed!

"Yes way!" Celine said with an evil smile on her face.


"I hate this day." I said groaning at my stilettoes as we stoop down to the taxi we've rented.

We were greeted by the huge building. The different colors of lights is already blinding me and the music from inside can be heard where we were standing. The two bouncers outside look cranky like they're always ready to punch you if you ever want to mess with them.

I look at my two companions, and right now, I literally can see the sparkles in their eyes that they almost want to shriek because of excitement. They're totally ignoring my complaints for the whole afternoon. Who would've like wearing a spaghetti strap and tight pants? Not me, not ever.

"Did you bring what I've told you?" asked Kyla to Celine. "I've borrowed my tutor for this in exchange for a one-week supply of Milk tea. Geez that gluttony lady. I told her it's for a research and she totally believed me because of my bargain." She waved the cards on her hand giggling like she had won a grand prize.

What are they talking about?

"Yes of course, I did the same thing to my cousin. Did the make up made me look like her?" Kyla answered as she posed like a model. It literally made me face-palmed.

"You what?!" How did they come up with these ideas? Both of them grin with my reaction. "I can't believe I'm with two evil dwarves." They both glare at me.

"Your meanie Eunoia!" Celine's pointing at her finger at me.

"Come on you evil witch!" They're both laughing as they pull me to the entrance. I followed them marching with my gut feeling telling me that this day will never end without a disaster.

I actually don't worry about myself because I can easily made up some things to my brothers. I'm more worried with these silly girls. They can't handle trouble as much as I can.

As expected, the guard didn't suspect us, with our heavy make-up and outfits, everyone will never think that we were just Senior students. Perks of Kyla being a natural make-up artist.

We were greeted by the loud music that I can't hear even my own voice. It's literally dark with blinding lights, huge but crowded, annoying and the smell of smoke and alcohols are everywhere. Oh! I hate this kind of place.

"We're in! Yeah!" Screamed by the both of them as they joined the crowd at the center of the club, bouncing in every beat of the music like wild animals in the dance floor. These girls are crazy. This kind of moment makes me wonder why I become friends with them.

They tried to pull me into the dance floor but the people are flooding and bumping into me as they dance. I got annoyed so I have to let go of their hands and tried my best to find the safest place. Luckily, I got the view of a place where I can seat my soaring ankle.

I even got bumped into a tall guy and fell into the ground. He's wearing a cap and he looks pissed and serious as he scans the crowd looking for someone or something. He's undeniably handsome but he looks like he never came here to party. I literally can tell with his annoyed face. It took him a few seconds to pay attention at my glaring gaze. I surprisingly scoffed when he just looks at me with the same intensity of glare as he left me without even saying sorry.

"What a jerk!" I retorted as I march my feet to the stools.

Being annoyed and trying to survive the night, I just let it pass as I finally got the freedom to breathe when I've finally reached the counter in front of a performing bartender. Thankfully, there were just few people seated enjoying chattering and being entertained. The waiter even offered me a drink but I didn't take it.

"It's an offer for an apology young lady." The waiter even insisted but I just glared at him and didn't care about what he just said.

I'm totally not in a mood for a talk. I didn't even bother to look at the guy that he is pointing at the VIP seat. Seeing that I am annoyed, he immediately stopped bothering me.

"Samantha!" My gaze immediately went a familiar voice. After half of an hour of solitude, I finally saw Celine and Kyla waving at me while smiling from ear to ear as they run towards me. They really look satisfied while I am here at the corner, feeling sullen and wanting to throw away this stupid stilettoes at any moment.

"I feel like I almost died back there!" I screamed at their faces when they finally got near me. "I'm going home!" I said as I stood ready to leave.

"Hey! Wait!" Celine retorted as she pulled me back to my seat.

"The party is just getting started! The band will finally perform in a minute!" Kyla gave me the saddest look. I look at them with disbeliefs.

"Aren't you guys tired?" They didn't hear me as the DJ caught everyone's attention when he announces the arrival of the band that almost everyone in the club has been waiting for.

Yes, that's the main reason why we were here. 'Smug wolves' are going to perform, their favorite band. A typical dream boy of high schoolers. I mentally face palmed as they shrieked that almost broke my eardrums.

"Oh! I think I'm in love." Kyla's typical reaction whenever she sees one of her many crushes.

Yes, aside from having a crush on my brother Klaus, she also likes that drummer boy named Kurt Toshi which happens to be my brothers' classmate as well. Celine on the other hand has her eyes only to my brother Warren. We've been keeping that secret for a long time.

The bands performance wasn't bad, they got potential to become superstars someday. They're already popular in the city and social media, I won't get surprise to see them in the newspaper someday. But I couldn't care less as I am not a fan of these kind of things. I feel like I want to lay in one of the couches in the corner.

"Guys!" Kyla and I both look at Celine who looks like she has seen a ghost while holding three glasses of juices. "You wouldn't believe whom I saw!" She said in a rush.

"Spill it." I said as I feel like what she was about to say will definitely not the good news for the three of us.

"As you can see, I get us a drink. But when I was about to leave the counter, I saw Warren around the corner with few of his college friends. I think he's with Klaus too. They're drinking with the Smug wolves!" Our eyes went wide.

"That's definitely the bad news. We have to leave, now!" I said as we grab our things in panic.

"Guys…" we both look at Kyla who's now looking on the corner, feeling uneasy. "We're maybe too late now." She said as we look into the crowd and saw Warren walking towards us with a stern look on his face like he's seeing an unpleasant sight in front of him.

He's eyes darted directly at the clothes I am wearing that made him more irritated. Celine's right, Klaus is with him. We definitely had an eye-contact. He saw the panic in my eyes as he immediately understood how deep the sh*ts that I am in right now. He's much more like a happy-go-luck guy while Warren on the other hand is cold yet caring. Too caring that made him so strict at almost everything.

Klaus and I are much closer. He definitely got the tension that's building at the moment as he grabs Warren's arm like trying to convince him that it is not me that he saw. But Warren just shook he's hand away and looks determined to confront me. Yes, we're definitely in big trouble.

"Guys, I think we really need to run!" I yelled as the three of us sprint to the flood of people to hide from his sight as we search for the exit of the building.

"I think we lost him." I'm glad I finally found the exit. We were almost outside while catching our breathes when Kyla and I noticed that Celine wasn't with us.

"Where is she?" we said in chorus. I stroked my long hair with frustration.

"She maybe got lost in the crowd while we were running." She's more agitated than I am.

"I'm going back in and search for her. Stay here, and if I didn't get back after fifteen minutes, call a taxi and leave first."

"But Samantha! I want to find her too." she retorted.

"Look, I can't risk having the three of us in the same trouble. I can handle my brothers as long as they won't tell it to father, but how about you? Your parents will roar in anger once they know that you're with me. Celine on the other hand lives alone with her nanny as an exchange student. I can't leave her alone. We can figure things out after this." I said determined.

Kyla's family – the Samaniego, is also influential as much as ours. Her mother trust her so much as an only child. I can't let this mess get even bigger. She's also fragile. Celine on the other hand is much independent and tough. But this is not her hometown and merely accustomed with the people around. She's an exchange student from Spain that's why we understood each other somehow.

"Sammy, I'm so sorry. I didn't expect for this to happen, especially to Celine. You know that I love the both of you!" I can definitely sense that she's about to cry.

"Yes, I know! And please don't be sorry Kyla. Whatever happens, this is no one's fault. If you ever see someone who knows us, try your best to hide. And if things goes wrong, don't ever say that you're with us tonight. Understood?" My heart crumpled when she tried her best not to cry. She knows I hate seeing people crying.

"Understood Kyla?" I repeated. She nodded her head as I gave her a hug.

I left her in a bench where few people from the club are resting to take some fresh air. I also made sure that the people around her doesn't look dangerous or suspicious before I took my leave.

"Take care Sammy! I'll be right here." I nodded as I went to the entrance once more.

I went to the second floor of the club and scan the crowd trying my best not to bump into someone I know, especially to my brothers. But it's really hard to find Celine in the dark with few flashes of lights. The loud music inside is not helping my agitated state.

I was about to proceed to the next spot to look for her when I heard something that had perked my attention

"Did you find him?" I heard the man with a beard and tattoos beside me talking to his phone. He looks like he's also looking for someone. "The girl Montenegro is also here?"

Montenegro? That's Celine's surname.

"You caught her? I think we've hit the jackpot! Stop looking for his brother, that girl is enough! Just put her in the van. I'll be there in a minute."

I feel like my heart is about to burst upon hearing what that man have said as I remembered the secret that Celine and I have shared a few days ago. Her family got involved in a trouble. That's one of the reasons why she agreed on participating in an exchange student program, it's to hide from the dangerous people who's after them. I really hope that the guy is talking about a different person.

Because of great terror and curiosity, I followed the guy and found myself in a dark alley. I tried my best to hold my breathing as I hide in a narrow space pathway, meters away from the guy I was following.

I felt more terrified than ever as the scene I wasn't hoping for is happening before my eyes.