"For real Sadie, what are y'all putting in the water around here, these guys are hot to deaf." I asked, fanning my face for emphasis.

Sadie giggled. "Those are the princes of the neighboring country, and they come over regularly to check on your grandmother. They were your father's god sons."

"They look like regular underwear models to me. Are they gay?" I asked. The grooming was impeccable. Most men I knew didn't care about their clothes being so crisp.

This time Sadie blushed and giggled, "I have it on good authority that they are not. Prince Cornell is known for his adventures with women. They say he is a great lover."

Figures, but that didn't mean he was on the straight and narrow. "And he was...?"

"The one you kissed, princess." Sadie said, red as a tomato.

"What about the other one?" I asked.

"Prince Jeremiah is said to have a wild streak, but I've yet to hear any stories of him with different women."

"Will they be staying here?"

"Yes, I believe they will be here for a while. Their rooms were set up this morning." She replied.

I smiled, thinking this whole arrangement just got much more interesting. "Sadie, girl, we are really going to have some fun with these playboys," I said, my mind running a mile a minute.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Stick with me, kid," I said, smiling. "You'll be a natural in no time."


Two weeks Later,

I rounded a corner, quickly peeking before I did. This place was one huge maze, but everywhere I went someone was there, at every turn. I had ditched my ladies miles ago, trying to get some privacy, where I couldn't be found. You would think that would be easy in a place this big, but no, they were all over, bowing and asking if I needed help. No, I always replied, barley stopping myself from yelling and adding to never ask again. It was like the staff lived to help. They were conditioned.

I seemed to have finally found an area that was deserted, but no I heard footsteps and dashed into the first door I saw. I turned slowly, hoping it was deserted, too. Soon, I found myself inside a library. Jackpot. I had always wanted my very own library, I thought, looking around the room. It was simply furnished with about three couches and five chairs, a throw rug covered most of the floor, and a fireplace was roaring to my left. There were about twelve shelves stocked to the max with books, journals, maps, even one wall was covered in scrolls.

I slowly made my way through the rows of books and took out a cheesy romance novel. I curled into one armchair and began to read. I was also planning to call my friends to, which I really needed to get out of the way. So I laid the book down and called Tory. No answer.

"Damn." I whispered, even though no one was around. They were probably furious with me. I hadn't called since I got here, with all the appointments and princess training. I had been busy.

"Calling your boyfriend, back in America?" A voice said.

I peeked up and into those star-like blue eyes. How did he find me? When had he come in? I hadn't heard the door. He was sitting, more like lounging, on a couch in the corner of the room. He looked like he had been napping, his hair was messy and his shoes were kicked off, the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, showing off a tattoo. He looked human and comfortable.

Considering I had been avoiding him like the plague, all I wanted to do was run to another hopefully empty room. Why was I avoiding him. Well, after kissing him in the garden, I got the crazy idea to prank him. It must have been boredom, but I had gotten into a lot of trouble with G-ma. The prank? Well, I had strategically placed cooking oil on the floor right outside of his room. When he had stepped out, he fell like a tree. It had been hilarious, but I was the only one who thought so.

G-ma and the counsel had acted like it was an act of war. Telling me he could have died. Like one fall was gonna kill him. They acted like he couldn't take it, as he was a delicate flower. They couldn't have been more wrong. He was built like a god. All strong neck and and thick skin. They had all been pissed. Except for Prince Cornell, who had finally ended my torture and assured everyone he was fine. I had thought that was a very nice thing to do, until he turned to me and smirked, vengeance clear in his eyes. It only took me five seconds to realize he was going to try to get me back. So I had been avoiding him.

If he walked into a room, I walked out. If he sent flowers, which he did every day, I gave them away. If he sent a note, I had Sadie read it, and I ducked off as much as possible. The grin he had given me, let me know he already had a plan, and I wanted no part of it. However, here we were, alone in a room.

"No," I said, "No boyfriend, I'm not really into boys."

His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Girlfriend?"

I laughed really hard and looked towards the door. "No, not girls either. What about you? You into boys?"

He was shocked, but he recovered quickly, then he smiled and stood up slowly, and blocked my exit route. "I can have any woman I want, and I've been flirting endlessly with you, but you think I'm gay?"

"It was just a question, there's nothing wrong with being gay or lesbian." I looked into the fireplace, refusing to follow his movements around the room. I wish he'd stop moving already. I tried to look calm, but inside I was tense as a board.

"I like women." He said suddenly behind me. I knew he was checking me out. Look all you want, I thought, just don't touch. For some reason, I just didn't like him. He had the whole I'm important, I'm rich, I'm sexy, I get what I want thing going on and it was a major turnoff. Too much arrogance and conceit equals an instant enemy.

"Truth or dare?" he said, the smirk irresistible.

He looked so sure of himself. I was never one to refuse a challenge, "truth."

"Do you think I'm sexy, princess?" He asked.

Typical, I thought, "Yeah, in a teddy bear kind of way."

This time, he threw his head back and laughed loudly. I couldn't help smiling at least. "You're sexy too, Victoria. I'm just curious here. What do you call what you have on. Is it a dress or shirt. Whatever it is, I like it."

"I just bet you do." I laughed, doing a spin for him. "it's both, a shirt dress, and thank you. Now you truth or dare?"

"I think I'd like you in just about anything." Cornell says, clearly avoiding my question.

"Eat your heart out." I tease.

"Is that an invitation?"

"An invitation for what?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"To take a bite," he replied, stepping int my person space in one long stride.

I quickly stepped back. My back coming into contact with a bookshelf and I realised I was cornered. Placing a hand on his chest keeping him away, I said, "Oh no, mister, you can keep your little crusty lips over there."

Cooly, he caged me in, a hand on each side of my head, as he towered over me, "I promise you, My lips are perfect."

He really didn't need to tell me that. I had great vision and this close I didn't see so much as a freckle on his perfect skin. His lips looked soft and kissable, definitely not crusty. "I don't know where they've been."

Swifty, I ducked under his arm and escaped his cage. Now I stood behind him, watching his back tense up. Under his crisp white shirt, I could see his muscles flex and strain. I'm sure it was an ego killer, wanting something you can't have. He stayed there for a second before turning and leaning against the shelf, arms folded.

"You're a fucking tease," he growled.

"Oh," I exclaimed, "Look at you, using big kid words and shit. I might be a tease,but you are a flirt."

"Only for you."

"Boy, stop," I said, cutting off whatever smooth ass line he had. "I heard you get around. I heard you have quite the reputation with the ladies, and since I don't want no problems, you didn't make my list."

"I assure you, I'm not as bad as they make me out to be. If you had caught me a few years ago, that may have been true. I'm twenty four now and chasing skirts dosen't appeal to me as much. Not to mention, my thoughts for the last few weeks have been filled with thoughts of a certain princess, who likes to play pranks and avoid the consequences."

"Me?" I questioned, feigning shock.

"No," he laughed, "the person behind you. Let me take you out of this palace. You have done nothing for days but train and follow rules. I'm sure you're ready for some fun."

"What is there to do here fun?" I asked, "Where can I go where people won't know who I am?"

"I know a few exclusive places."

"Prince Cornell," I said, "are you asking me on a date?"

"Probably," he replied. "That depends on if you're saying yes."

"Maybe I am." The thought of fun, with him immediately sent a thrill down my spine. I wanted to jump at the idea, but I didn't want to seem easy. I wanted him to work for it.

"I can give you three wonderful reasons you should," he said quickly, straightening from his perch on the bookshelf.

I folded my arms and waited, and he continued after a pause.

"Number one, you're intrigued. You also like me, but that's a given."

I snorted, but waited for him to finish.

"Two, I saved your ass in that meeting. You were definitely about to be beheaded, or at the very least locked in a tower somewhere. Number three, because we are both hot, and people love me. I'm a prince, you're a princess. It's almost my duty to help you out here and show you around. I can also show you how to do what you want without getting into trouble. We're going to be best friends, I can tell. Just consider me your new arm candy."

"Thats way, more than three reasons, besty," I said, rolling my eyes. "but, I can do with some fun and since my ladies are such prudes, I think you're my only hope."

"Then meet me in the rose garden at midnight, and dress like you are now." Cornell said, walking to the door.

"Wait," I called to his retreating form, "Truth or dare?"

He came close to me then, our noses almost touching. I could smell the mint from his breath and see the little scar next to his eye.

"Truth," he said, moving away just as quickly as he had come.

"Why did you save me in that meeting and why did you wait so long?"

"First," he said, still retreating, "that's two questions. You only get one, so I'll answer the first one. I stepped in because it was getting nowhere and I can take a joke. I have a few jokes of my own I'll share one day."

"Thank you for what you did that day. You may have saved my life. I'm not sure how things work here just yet."

He collected his shoes and crept towards the door. "Don't sweat it princess, I'll always have your back, even when you don't want me to. You should give me a chance. I might not be as stuck up as you think I am." Then he left, and I quietly watched him go.

What the hell just happened? I asked myself, even though I knew. We had struck a truce, I guess. At least for now. Maybe he wasn't all bad. I also just him, but why? He was nowhere near my type. He was a fucking prince. He was probably married to some super model princess, and he was just fooling around with me. He said he had my back. As far as I was concerned, that remained to be seen.

I needed to vent now more than ever, so I searched desperately for my phone, which had somehow ended up on the floor next to the chair. That lil preppy ass boy had me so discombobulated I needed guidance now. Since I had already tried Tory and she did not answer, I called, Nasha.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, HEFFER," She screamed in my ear. "You just drop off the face of the earth and didn't even bother to tell your besties. Everybody and they grand mama's been looking for you. I thought we were closer than that Vic. I'm really hurt and so is Tory, who by the way probably won't talk to you if you called her. But I'm gone listen and this better be good."

I smiled with tears in my eyes damn I missed my bitches and I felt terrible for neglecting them. I could understand their frustration. I would have been the same in their shoes. So I took a deep breath and told her everything. I told her about the palace and the plane ride and how fast it all happened. I told her about the training and the dresses. For one, she said nothing and let me just talk. The only real words from her were "No shit?" and "Hell naw." When I was done with my story, she started talking.

"Okay, so that was a lot," Nasha finally said. "Talk about rags to riches. I would think, knowing you, you would not just be okay with this. So how are you really?"

I sighed and thought it was a good thing I had gotten ahold of Nasha. Tory would have told me to put my big girl panties on and show out, while Nasha was worried about how I felt. "I don't know Nasha. Truth be told, I don't think it has sunk in yet. I mean, I know everything now, but I don't feel different."

"Well, you will always be you Vic." She said and I could tell she was smiling. "Even if you are a few oceans away."

I laughed. "No changing here I'm going to always be the princess from the hood, which will probably be my legacy."

"Damn right, my best friends, a fucking princess from the hood. I can't wait to come and crash your palace. You got like servants and stuff, oh what are the men like up there are they sexy or the lil scrawny types?" Nasha said really fast. I guess she was excited now that she knew I had no intention of reforming.

"Girl, they spitting them out like Greek gods. Whatever is in the water, they need to send it to the lovely US of A." I said.

"Okay, so who you eyeing, you little flirt." Nasha said with a mouth full of food. I bet she was eating rap snacks.

"Well sense I have been here, there is this really fine stable boy, he's going to give me riding lessons." I said sneakily.

"Riding Lessons, huh?" Nasha said, smacking her lips together. "What you trying to ride him or a horse?"

"A horse, of course," I said, cracking up.

Nasha tutted and asked, "How fine is he?"

"Buff, 6'1, brown hair, blue eyes, and accented. He got it going on, girl." I replied. Hayden would definitely be my boyfriend number two after a certain prince.

"Um Umm and who else, I know this is going somewhere deeper." Nasha snooped more. I knew I was going to tell her, anyway.

"Well....." I said, drawing out the word, "I kind of had got .... thing with a prince."

Nasha was quiet for a minute again, which is unusual for her. "What kind of thing?" She asked. I told her what had just happened, and she was hooting and hollering by the time I was done.

"Are you freaking kidding me? Girl, stop playing around and hop on his sexy prince's ass. GET HIM GIRL! I say you play this game with him, and see where it goes. He might be the truth." Nasha said, she was a lot more sure than me.

"Whatever, he might be the one that send me to a foreign prison. He cute and all but he preppy and arrogant as hell. He pushes all my wrong buttons, he's so full of himself." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I still say you can have a little fun with him." She said, and I could just picture her pouty face. "So when can I come see you, it ain't like you got school or nothing,"

"I'll have to talk to the grandmother, but I don't think it will be a problem. I'll do it at dinner tonight, which I might need to go get ready for now. I'll holla at you later." I said, standing and stretching.

"YOU BETTER, Your Highness." Nasha yelled. Damn, that girl was loud and who was she calling your highness.

"Whatever." I said, disconnecting the call.

Next I called my mama, to see when she would be coming. She told me would not be joining me. To say this pissed me off would be an understatement. I was livid. Apparently, my mother had been banished, and no one wanted to tell me. Grandma was playing dirty. That she thought my mother would not tell me was just stupid. LIke I would not ask. One way or another, I was going to get my mother here.