"That was so painful to watch, I'd definitely stop playing VR after that experience" Shrugged Luo Yi after he watched his first player brutally speared to death in the butt by his dwarves.
"Son of a Bitch!" Long Zi took off his VR Headset after a shocking yet traumatic gaming experience, the faces of the Dwarven soldiers still linger on his head, the mockery and the muscular butts will haunt him for life. Long Zi has never felt so much humiliation in his entire life, the last time he experienced such humiliation was during a preliminary of a big tournament that he and his friends had participated, they lost without having to score a single point against the enemy team, they were young and amateurs back then, now they were professionals. While fuming with anger and the drive to redeem himself, he opened his team's group chat and found there were 3 of his friends online.
Zhong Yu: "Great News! Great News! This daddy has found a new spot for us to farm for hours, imagine the gold we could get"
Xia Ba: "Oh my God, Daddy Yu back at it again with another farming spot"
Wan: "where it at thou?"
Long Zi: "Great News? Great News!? while you were looking for farming areas, this grandfather was Ganked and beaten to death by midgets, do you know how much this grandfather has suffered? none of you could imagine the torture I went through! to hell with your farming spot, come help this grandfather seek revenge or were no longer friends"
Wan: "Wait what!? Is it those guys from the Oriental Guild? Dammit I should've have known they wouldn't leave us alone after I flirted with the Guild master's sister"
"What?" Asked Everyone
Wan: "Ha?"
Zhong Yu: Long Zi relax, tell us which Guild attacked you, although we might be a new Guild, we still have a small bit of honor left and were willing to apologize and kowtow"
Long Zi: "what? I wasn't attacked by any guilds, I was attacked by a bunch of Dwarves in a new game I recently discovered, you won't believe me but the game actually has 100% Simulation. It was like a whole new world, I felt like I reincarnated and I've never felt so happy and new in my life, but before I could explore the game further, I was slayed by Dwarves and died in battle with a spear pierced before my heart. I still remember their bearded faces filled with mockery"
Xia Ba: "Oh, Cool story bro, so daddy Yu about that farming spot when are we going to start farming? Midterms are coming and I really need some cash for my school fees"
Zhong Yu: "Well we need a tank for it to be farmable, are you in Long Zi?"
Long Zi: Stop ignoring me, I'm not crazy! I'm not lying please believe me, how about this, come with me to play this new game and I'll give you all my gold, no strings attached"
Wan: "Can I get your sister's number?"
Long Zi: "hell you can even get my grandma's number, now come and play this game with me!"
Zhong Yu: "Ok. We'll play this game with you, not just for the gold because as a New Guild we care for our member's mental healh"
Wan: "I care for your sister"
Xia Ba: "I agree with Daddy Yu, were a team and should take care of each other, so where can we download this game you found?"
Long Zi introduced them to Redemption Online, after they were done downloading, the trio put on the VR headset together with Long Zi
Once again, they were greeted by the snowy environment, cold winds. First of all, they were just in it for the sister, gold and gold but now they were shocked, the realistic graphics had left them in stunned silence. After choosing their race, to which Long Zi's advice was to choose the Giant Race, and so they did. With the same experience as Long Zi, they were killed by their characters and woke up in a noisy Village.
"Yu, Wan, Xia! Where are you?" Shouted Long Zi as he searched for 3 weirdo giants, after looking for a short while he found his friends pinching themselves, touching each other, and even found Wan licking the ground with a perverted face that shouldn't exist in this world.
"Long Zi is that you? Long Zii! Why didn't you tell us this sooner, this is such a great game, the entire gaming industry should be prepared to be swept away by this!"
"This is what I've been telling you, but that's not important! I called you here not just to experience this world together, but to help me in my quest for vengeance"
"Oh did you just say quest!?" Asked Xia Ba, after he realized there has been no quests after they came in because usually in fantasy games there would be quests that would guide new players.
"No, I've never seen a quest since I started the game, but follow me" Persuaded Long Zi as they walked through the village, to the noisy part just north of the Village where a skirmish between Giants and Dwarves were happening.
"This really is cool, it's unlike Battle of World, I can feel the temperature and my strong giant body"
"Tell your sister I won't be chatting her for a while"
"Long Zi, I've never heard of this game before? Can you tell us something?" Asked Zhong Yu as they hurriedly walked to the noisy part of the village.
"I don't know anything actually, but all I knew was that I was the first player to die, meaning we could actually be the first players in the game and considering that it is still in Closed Beta, I might be correct"
In a snowy area, filled with giant Pine trees. A squad of dwarves were in a skirmish against Giant Villagers, they were ordered by Dwarven King Balmo to wipe out every Giant village near the kingdom. This was their 1st village and didn't want to disappoint their king so they prepared well until they met a very weird giant but that wasn't important currently as they were in a verge of winning.
"Is this the end?" said an old giant, this old giant was familiar, yes it was the first person Long Zi met after he joined the game albeit this giant is currently injured, with spear wounds all over his body. Before he could shut his eyes down and give up because there was nothing they could do, they were outnumbered, he heard a familiar voice.
"WAKE UP SOLDIER! It is shameful to sleep during a Raid, attack!" shouted a young man's voice.
The old giant opened his eyes once again, his eyes met with the young giant who seemed familiar with a certain young giant he met who fearlessly stormed through the battle with a face that showed no fear instead happiness. Then he remembered.
"You..Did you not die? who are you?"
"I'am vengeance"