Arcus felt like her own soul had been stolen. She reached out her dark hand, and grabbed onto a pillar to balance herself. Her golden hair flew behind her in the wind, and now that she was balanced, she was prepared. She felt a strange sensation that told her the soul was in the waterfall. So she jumped in, and about halfway down, she found a entrance to a cave. She grabbed onto it and pulled herself inside. Lanterns that glowed blue were strung up on the walls to light the cave. She soon reached a fork, and she felt the tugging sensation lead her to the left side. The light danced across the walls, lighting up beautiful crystals. But the cave had a creepy sensation. She followed the tugging, and it lead her to a dead end. There in the dead end was something terrifying. A ghost was feasting on Flosi's soul. She had brought her sword along incase she'd need to, and it had something coated on it that made it so it could interact with ghosts. For some reason the ghost seemed familiar. The she looked at its eyes. They had been stabbed, and the ghost appeared to be quite muscly. This must be Ares, after all, she had seen Flosi stab both his eyes.

"Hey! Leave the soul alone!" Arcus screamed.

"Hmm... Welp, might as well devour an extra soul." Ares responded.

They fought for a while, before Arcus found a gap, and slashed off his sword hand. Ares grabbed the sword with his other hand, and as he did, the part of the soul that he had ate came back up and rejoined itself with the other part of Flosi's soul. They fought and fought, block after block, parry after parry, sword swing after sword swing. The fighting went on and on, until she eventual managed to kill his ghost, meaning that she could return Flosi's soul. She reached out her hand and touched Flosi's soul, and she entered a portal, still holding the soul. Light and time seemed to disappear. She was stuck in the portal, all she saw was blackness. Darkness. Somehow she felt like she was inside Flosi's body. She soon realized that she must let go of the soul. The soul created a path of golden light which she followed, then settled into a nook. The place instantly came alive with color, and she was returned back to her bedroom, and she was sitting right next to Flosi.