36. Wheeling and dealing.

Everyone was on edge in the leaf, shit had really hit the fan in the last 24 hours. A tailed beast attack, 2 high ranking traitors, an army of hidden ninja, a hidden person just spewing out secrets like nobodies business.

Minato had his hands full with not only rebuilding the village but dealing with the irate clan leaders. After all if one of thier clanmates members can be used for experiments or killed off for thier eyes all of them could.

Hiruzen however was facing the most scrutiny after all it was his student and former squad leader who he had appointed as root leader. This was all on his hands.

"Everything can be discussed after we make sure the village is secure." Minato says once the dead bodies are cleaned up from the council room. "Everyone involved in this matter will be investigated including council members."

Some of the civilian council elders started to sweat internally. They had been allies to Danzo and may have assisted in some small things he requested.

Something nobody wanted to hear rang out through the room. "Wow so this is the leaf, killing off it's own clan members for eyes, destroying thier own heroes, did you guys know Danzo spread the rumors about the White Fang and was the main cause of his suicide because he was probably going to be the next Hokage, I also wonder what really happened to the little brother of Tsunade Senju under both the Snake and Danzo. Tsk tsk." the voice said.

A certain white haired Anbu froze in the shadows before a nasty killing intent spread out.

"Anyway, I'm going to borrow the scroll of seals for a bit, mine hasn't been upgraded in like 10 years or something." The voice says as Minato suddenly panics and disappears in a flash.

"Ah forgot to mention I already borrowed it. My bad. Heheh." The voice chuckles.

Ryan had taken the time to copy all the new jutsu that had been added over the years, including the 8 gates and various new sealing jutsu.

Minato appears back in a flash and a scroll drops from the ceiling.

"You!" He catches it quickly.

"Ah shut up, you should have seen the face of Orochimaru when he tried to get it and noticed it wasn't there. Priceless." This quickly shut up Minato. "Now, I have a lot of medicines and food I'm looking to sell. Are you interested in purchasing it?"

That pulls them up short. They were in desperate need of supplies.

"What do you want surely not money?" Minato asks with a frown.

"Actually yes money would be nice, I would also like a peace agreement between me and your village. Believe me that would benefit you immensely." The voice states.

"How can we trust you when you won't even show your face?" Minato asks frowning again.

"Didn't ask for your trust, I asked for a peace agreement. So do you want to buy my medicine and food or no?" The voice says.

Minato thinks for a second. "How much do you have?"

A purple portal opens up in the center of the room and various boxes start to drop out of it.

Anbu quickly open up the boxes to reveal all sorts of bandages, rations, medicines and other items they needed.

"Will that do or do you need more?" The voice asks.

"More would be helpful." Minato says looking over the supplies and calculating.

More boxes drop out of the portal. These were all things Ryan had stolen and had no use for but had mountains of. Why eat rations when he can have fresh meat and veggies?

"Just estimate everything in the boxes and give me a proper deal." The voice says.

"Alright, I'll make sure you are paid." The boxes are counted and then taken to the hospital and shelters quickly.

"Anyway I've got some stuff to do so have fun with your village." The voice says before vanishing.

"Wait! What about the fox!" Minato asks.

"That fox doesn't belong to you or anyone else, just because that idiot Hashirama caught them and handed them out doesn't make them his either. So stop worrying about it and worry about something that concerns you such as your village." The voice says.

The people in the chamber had an ugly look on thier faces.

After that the voice vanished and didn't answer and more questions.

Meanwhile Ryan was now going over items he would need to make sure his team was properly trained as ninja, which included going over new books in the various libraries around the village that he hadn't seen or didnt have.

After all the time he had robbed the shinobi world was different than now and many advancements had been made to various jutsu and combat methods. He didn't mind snatching a couple of things from certain ninja shops either around the village.

Expect the village to pay for his supplies? Maybe, but then again he could collect interest and update his own library and stock of equipment.

Of course after copying everything and printing them out he made sure to return what he borrowed. Good thing scanners and printers are such a convenient thing huh? Ot would be better if he could get his hands on some artificial intelligence that could sort everything and improve the skills for him.

An example would be the water dragon. technique from the Mist village, it had 43 hand signs, but the one from the leaf Tobirama had improved had only 5.

So how many more could be upgraded and it would also help with the creation of new jutsu such as crystal style. However there were only a couple of worlds woth artificial intelligence and he certainly didn't want to go there now.

Right now though he was just shopping for equipment his people would need, like targets for shurikenjutsu, and training equipment so they wouldn't hurt themselves after all they were still children and accidents happened.

But so far they were adjusting nicely to thier new home.