46. Upgrading.

The elevator dinged and we stepped put into a massive area filled with all kinds of busted and broken items, from robots, to spaceships, vehicles and weapons. All laying in heaps.

"This is where we keep all the destroyed junk from fighting villains. Can't just leave alien tech laying around for the public or government to get thier hands on. I've learned my lesson about that." Ben says as I look over the massive heaps of junk.

"Ben you can't just let a stranger have alien tech!" Gwen hisses.

"Ah Ryan's cool it will be fine." Ben says waving her off.

"If it makes you feel better I can show you everything I make. I mean it's not like I'm trying to hide anything." I offer to the red head. I wouldn't want to lose my source of free stuff after all. What is she expecting me to do? Make doomsday machines.

"Fine, I'm watching you buddy!" Gwen says as I hold up my hands in peace.

I open up a portal and step through.

"Sorry girls I'm going to need the base for a little bit. But I'll make it up to you, how about I build you guys something fun to play with?" I ask as the children, most of them are rather quiet and introverted. Konan doesn't talk much, Nagato doesn't say much, Kimimaro doesn't say much, Haku doesn't say much, Guren is probably the most talkative along with Yugito. Fuu is a baby and Anko is still getting over being abandoned by her former master and village.

All, in all it's pretty quiet.

But they look excited to have something to play with. "How about you girls come and watch?"

They all nod quickly and I pack up the base, it would be easier to upgrade as a whole in the tiny package and I could adjust things.

Stepping out with the children Ben greets them enthusiastically. "Hey girls how are you this morning?" He asks with a smile.

Most of them mumble good and look around curiously.

I plop my base on the ground before shifting into the enhanced Upgrade alien and latching onto it. Next I start to absorb various items from around the area and adjust my base.

Connect the food part of the greenhouse to the kitchens, I added more automated gardening abilities, watering, planting, picking, processing it into foods, just a fully automated kitchen and garden.

A different greenhouse was added onto the lab for medicine creation, which would still be useful for me even with my healing skills. Can't always be everywhere or show off my abilities.

I added things like 3D printers, more scanners, robotic assistants to help out with tasks, all sorts of advanced medical tech was left around like healing and stasis pods, which I of course snatched up. It would just rot here anyway.

Moving onto the gym, I had remembered the danger room from x-men that could run hardlight simulations and I wanted one, same for a gravity chamber and I could upgrade quite a bit of the equipment. The various training dummies all got upgrades and improvements, they could be programmed with various martial arts and work as teachers for weapons and hand to hand combat, they were also made self repairing so those guys could be thrashed and then fix themselves.

A new teaching area with robot teachers and interactive monitors was added to the base. The garage was completely overhauled and if I didnt take this time to nab myself my own spaceship and design some vehicles then I would be an idiot. The solar power was swapped over to fusion reactors to power everything and more.

For the kids I made a playground, swings, slides, monkey bars and climbing things, a little ferris wheel and a small roller coaster. I didn't have much for them to play with as this was a military base and not designed for children. I also threw together some games I know they would enjoy because I enjoy them, Skeeball, Pinball, Air Hockey, Bowling.

Made a storage area for extra junk I would probably need later on for building other things.

I of course added extra security features didn't want others hacking into my home or crap like that. Upgraded the tech in the house as a whole even more than Ben did.

Finally after an hour or so I was done with what I could as the girls had all gotten bored.

I opened up the portal once more and my new shiny base was finally revealed as I went back to my human form.

"Well let's go and see what kind of stuff I made hmm?" I ask the kids giving Konan a head rub who had latched onto my shirt.

"Yes!" Yugito shouts before running in excitedly.

Fire stop was of course the arcade with the little play area.

"Man I wished I had thought of this!" Been says excitedly looking at all the games.

"You used alien tech for bowling and playground equipment?" Gwen asks before sighing. "Boys."

"It can also make me bacon sandwiches and slushies at the press of a button." I show her the screen and click on the bacon sandwhich option with a nice Oran berry slushie.

"Ohoho nice! Why didn't I think of this?!" Ben says pressing the button for himself and Gwen just stares in disbelief as we are delived slushies and sandwiches via drones.

"What? It's for the greater good! Can't you see how perfectly crisp this bacon is?!? Look at it! Just look at it! Its perfect. Here listen to the crunch." I offer biting into the perfect sandwhich. "Yeahhh, that's the good stuff."

She just looks at me like I'm an idiot who didn't just create the worlds greatest thing since sliced bread.

Ben nodding beside me with his own sandwhich. "Seriously Gwen you gotta try this, I'm going to be putting something like this I'm the base as soon as we go back."

"You both are idiots." Gwen says pointing at us.