63. Gedo.

Since we didn't appear to have any customers today I just left the shop to Amelia to handle.

Seems i had frightened the other with my little display earlier, well at least the 3 newbies, Nie Li doesn't care and Ning'er got over it relatively quickly.

I had pulled my other bodies together as I wanted to try out the so called Demonic spirit possession of whatever they called it.

Focusing internally I could see my soul realm, I could also see a couple of other things such as my Gedo statue, my myriad pearl, my hell king, my summons, things like that.

Slowly I moved my Gedo statue over to the soul realm. It integrated pretty much instantly and I started to feed it my soul force. You have to feed demonic spirit to make them stronger after all to keep up with the user and improve abilities. My spirit cultivation dropped from silver rank 8 to silver rank 7 but my Gedo summon got to silver rank from it.

The armor on my specialized Gedo turned a bit more purplish black.

Standing up I shifted and found my body was now inside of a set of armor matching the Gedo set. I could easily see through the knight like armors visor and my body felt incredibly strong even if I was still human sized.


Honestly i found this much cooler than turning into some fat panda.

Shifting back i go back to cultivating, as my real drops but the statue gets stronger until we are even in cultivation.

I know it has special abilities but I can't just use them in the shop or I might damage things. So that is for later.

But both me and the statue are silver rank 4 now.

I'll split off a part when I cultivate to increase its capabilities alongside mine. I have quite a bit of time after all.

"100 spirit power for bronze rank, 1000 for silver, 10,000 for gold, 100,000 for black gold, then 1,000,000 for legend rank. I get about 1000 spirit power an hour so to reach legend rank it would be about 41 days, then if I add in the Gedo to match me. 81 days of 24 hour cultivation. But I have some medicines that can cut down on time like the purple smoke rock or black smoke rock at this point pills. Much better than the 3 years or whatever the original Nie Li took to reach black gold rank." I calculate before shrugging. I have nothing but time anyway.

I plan to halt at legend rank 10 or whatever mostly due to the lack of heavenly energy in this world which is needed to progress but also because I'm curious. What happens if I keep absorbing just normal spirit force? Most people move on to heavenly energy to increase rank, but if I don't does it just keep stacking up over time? Can I go beyond 10 million which by the way would probably take quite a while to reach. What is that 410 days of cultivation at 24 hours a day? Pretty hefty time. Then double it for a legend rank demonic spirit? Yeesh.

Then however long the other ranks above that take, no wonder Nie Li had to train quietly for hundreds of years with god level medicines he got donated.

I would love to get my hands on some of those puppies. For now though we just wait it out and experiment.

If anyone else heard of this crazy cultivation speed they would shit bricks, it took them decades to reach just black gold rank and struggled to even hit legend rank. As shown by there being a single legend rank in the entire glory city. Well now 2 thanks to the black smoke stone rock I had raised.

Hmm there seems to be something that I'm forgetting....

Looking over the city my gaze comes to a halt behind the school.

"That's it the sacred heavenly border or whatever with the thunder gods meteor sword. Man all the cool stuff is lightning based." With a flash of speed I vanish out of the shop and appear in front of the border. It was a small sub space held together by the thunder gods sword with high levels of energy.

That sword had been used to slaughter millions or demonic beasts and trap their souls inside. If I recall then it also has abundant energy stored in it same as the nightmare demon pot, which I stored seperate as I couldn't absorb it due to it being heavenly energy.

Making a familiar jar of sealing with a couple additions from the nightmare demon pot I step inside.

The sword was apparently a god level weapon and the spirits it killed were especially bloodthirsty and attacked all who approached it.

The energy rapidly was sucked into the pot as I walked towards the massive blade in the center I also accidentally sucked up a soul of an old man who was bound here. Ah well.

As soon as I make it in front if the blade a literal tidal wave of demonic spirits are sucked into the jar rapidly this continues for a while before it stops and the blade dims.

"Not falling for that." I suck the sword inside the jar as well.

[837,332,185 demonic spirits detected, can be converted into summons. New weapon has been scanned. 1 human soul has been detected. Massive energy source detected. Sword spirit detected. Spiritual imprint has been detected. Meteor metal has been added to list of weapon materials.]

I let out a whistle. That's a lot of fucking spirits.

"Alright seperate the energy and combine it with what we got from the nightmare demon pot, combine all the spirits into god rank spirits using the myriad pearl or deposit them and I'll do it later, erase the memory of the sword spirit it wouldn't listen to me anyway and I can use a fresh sword spirit, i don't care about spiritual imprint, its probably from that old guy Kong Ming or something still save it for later. As for the human soul well just keep him around for later, I don't have a body for him or anything so he would just disperse if let go." I order the matrix which follows the simple commands.

Such a useful item just laying around, shame I'm not interested in massive greatswords besides maybe Samehada. Or Clouds sword from final fantasy 7 always loved the buster blade.