74. Soi Fon.

"So you are the new person Lady Yoruichi has picked up for the 3rd seat." A seemingly displeased voice says as I enter the 2nd squad barracks.

I literally just arrived and already someone is hating on me? Jeez.

Turning around I see a short petite woman with a lieutenants badge on her chest. She has a pixie like haircut with 2 long braids. I recognize her as Soi Fon, the stalker of Yoruichi and future 2nd squad captain.

Hey man, i didn't expect this shit either i was expecting a bit higher seat not the 3rd one. i just got bored and ended up sparring with the teachers so that i could learn more.

"Some untested brat right out if the academy getting promoted right away probably due to your status as a noble." Soi Fon says with a frown. "I don't understand what the captain commander or Lady Yoruichi are doing, however I won't let you drag down the name of Squad 2."

I just stand there and wait for her to finish bitching.

"Regardless, Lady Yoruichi has given me a task of seeing that you are properly fielded in the killing of hollows so follow me." Soi Fon says quickly flashing away and I follow behind her.

We arrive in front of the travel gate to the human world and she presents a paper to one of the gate operators before he nods and a paper door like portal opens up.

We quickly rush through before finding ourselves in some old style japanese town.

My eyes lock onto several hollows roaming around the area as my vision has expanded over the past year.

"There are 10 low ranking hollows in this area, if you can't handle them I'll personally demote you back to the academy begin." Soi Fon says.

"There are 13 low ranking hollows in this area get your numbers right or you could get your subordinates killed in the future." I tell her before happily speeding off towards the nearest hollow.

Arriving quickly in front of the black humanoid figure with a pale white mask I deliver a reitsu enhanced punch to the face.


[Hollow spirit acquired.]

That was all I needed.

The mask of the hollow easily exploded on impact killing the beast.

Hopping into the air I pull out Mimic.

It splits into 12 small globs of metal which take on the form of throwing knives as I lock onto each hollow.

With a whooshing sound they blast off faster than most normal eyes can see easily hitting the forehead of each Hollow and shattering the ghoulish masks.

Mimic quickly reforms in my hand and they all disperse.

"Good job." I pat the little slime who wiggles happily. I turn towards Soi Fon who is frowning. "Job complete lieutenant."

"I see that." She opens up the gate back to soul society without another word and we head back through.

Man what a stiff woman.

Heading right back to the 2nd squad barracks as soon as we enter soul society.

"I will report mission complete to Lady Yoruichi." She says before vanishing.

Shaking my head I just go off to find my room.

~With Soi Fon.~

Appearing in the captains room she sees Yoruichi in her chair just relaxing.

"Ah Soi Fon weren't you supposed to take the new Boyo out and test him against hollows in the human world. You aren't getting lazy on me are you?" Yoruichi chuckles.

"Lady Yoruichi the mission is complete, I've already gone to the human world with 3rd seat Grim and completed the mission. I wrote my report on the way back." She says holding up a scroll.

"Oh? Did you only encounter a single hollow?" Yoruichi asks taking the scroll and opening it before reading. It was a full investigative analysis on Ryan in the 5 minutes that Soi Fon had been with him.

"Moves silently, not easy to anger, speed able to keep up with a lieutenant, perfectly hidden spirit pressure, able to sense hollows from up to 5 miles, able to instant kill multiple hollows from up to 5 miles, double checks information of superiors, this is high praise coming from you Soi Fon." Yoruichi chuckles. "So his shikai can shape shift and turned into throwing knives he can mentally control. I wonder what it's limits are."

"Wouls you like me to test them?" Soi Fon asks.

"Well we do need a proper understanding of our new little recruit don't we. Hmm he did want to learn some hand to hand combat. Let's go. I want to see his so called genius for myself." Yoruichi says standing up and tossing the scroll to a hidden gaurd.

~With Ryan.~

"You know appearing behind people like that could get you killed." I say dodging the hand about to land on my shoulder and turning to face the purple haired woman.

"Oh you noticed me?" Yoruichi says with a grin. "And you managed to dodge. Impressive, seems you were hiding your capabilities in the academy."

"Not needing to use them is more accurate, now what can I do to help you captain?" I ask politely.

"You can follow me, we are going to have a little sparring match, I want to see your skills first hand. Is that your Shikai?" She asks her golden eyes locking onto the little slime.

"Yes." I hold it out and she pokes it curiously.

That's all it needs for the copy ability to activate, a single touch.

"Cute, well then let's go. I'm a busy person after all." She says before speeding off with me following and we arrive in a training ground with a bunch of ninja looking people.

They all quickly move to the side and line up once Yoruichi appears and give a simple salute.

"Alright Boyo, let's see how good you are at hand to hand, you requested to come to this squad to learn from me. So Hapkuda and Flash step only for this round." Yoruichi states before stretching a bit.

"Alright then." this was what I wanted after all.