82. Explaining.

The duo of hollows watched kinda as I dragged out a large crystal with machines attached to it.

"Okay, first off let me explain a few things. As hollows you are currently in the form of an adjucha which is the 3rd form in a serious of evolutions. First is normal hollows, then gillian which are big tall hollows, then finally adjuchas which take the form of an animal most times. Now after this evolution comes a vasto lorde, which is more human in shape. You following me so far?" I ask the two.

They both nod.

"Good, now to evolve you have ti absorb soul force which is what you feel on your bodies from the surroundings or eating other hollows. Starkk if you could put your paw on the stone for me." I ask and the puppy like hollow nods before putting a paw on the crystal.

"437 Million soul force." Amelia says from the machine.

"Who was that?!" Starkk asks looking around in confusion.

"That is Amelia I'll explain her later. Anyway you two know how to count right?" I ask.

"Of course!"

The bat in the tree nods.

"Good, well at 500 million soul force you can unlock a new form which is human shaped. However I don't want you to do that as I feel ite a trap, once I reached 500 million soul force I felt I could evolve but it was forced. So I waited until 1 billion soul force and evolved naturally, that form is much better than what I believe the previous one would be. Kind of like a fake form if you will, a weaker body. Still with me?" I ask.

"Yes, so if we evolve at 500 million it will be weaker than if we waited until 1 billion?" Starkk asks tilting her head to the aide like a puppy.

I pat her head on impulse. "Exactly. I want you two to be strong. I have some items that will help speed up the process of your evolution."

I pull out some abstruse gemstones and some other little scraps and shift to upgrade before adjusting them.

Kind of like a collar because a necklace would just fall off the bat hollow or slap into its face.

Once done I put the collar around Starkks neck.

"Oh! That feels really nice!" She says.

Floating up to the bat hollow I attach the next one. It rustles slightly perhaps in a happy way.

"I'll lay out some arrays to help speed up the process since you can't eat medicines, honestly would have saved me so much time in my own evolution had I done that beforehand." I had forgotten my arrays but they would come in incredibly useful for these two.

"Anyway, what I want you two to do is reach the 1 billion mark. It might take a while though. After that you two might be able to join me at work. I'll have to find a way to get you guys a proper body or Gigai to hide your hollow forms, I work a soul reaper right now, their jobs are mainly to get rid of hollows in the human world. Unlike them however I don't see all hollows as evil. Just like the human world there are good and bad people everywhere. Sadly hollows seem to be evil in most cases. Still, I'll do what I want." I say as they just listen quietly to me ramble.

"One second." I do some mental probing with the matrix to see if I've got..."Ah there we go!"

My body transforms into basically a brain in a glass jar and some tentacles before floating around for a second. Synaptak from Ben 10, a psychic type alien.

Starkk looks confused but I aim towards the bat and do some mental probing.

'Hello? Can you hear me?' I ask the bat creature mentally.

In shock it nearly falls from the tree and its mind quickly starts thinking a million things a second.

'Ah relax, just try to think about talking to me with your mind.' It takes a few seconds of jumbled flashes of darkness and words with no sound which is odd but eventually.

'You are in my head?' another female voice asks kinda calm now and sort of emotionless.

He seems I'm 2 for 2 on gender changes.

'Exactly, this is one of my forms I can change into. I figured you would like to introduce yourself or ask some questions. Anyway my name is Ryan and Starkk is the other one.'I explain.

More flashes of darkness and words before.

'My name is Ulquiorra Cifer.' she mentally says.

Man talking into people's minds is weird.

'Well it's nice to meet you, do you have any questions?' I ask.

More flashes and words.

'What is your goal? Why have you brought us here if it is against your job?'

'Goal? I don't really have a goal, I just like to live how I want and do what I want. Recruit strong people, help people out, steal from people, cause a bit of mischief, talk with pretty girls, sleep as a cat. It's just freedom to do what I think is fun or want to do in the moment. At the moment i felt like making friends with hollows. The things I don't like however are backstabbers and traitors, child abusers and rapists, and ignorant arrogant assholes.' I explain as simply as I can. 'As for what i expect? Nothing really besides not getting stabbed in the back, you can do whatever you want. You wanna cultivate here then leave that's fine, you wanna stay around and join me on adventures that good too, you wanna fight my enemies with me fantastic, you wanna learn how to cook and just stay at the house also fine. Your free to do whatever it is that you want.'

Quite a few flashes of thoughts this time and more jumbled words.

'I understand, I thank you for breaking my silence and talking with me. I have been alone in the silence for...far too long.' She says not knowing how long it has been exactly but it has been incredibly an long time it feels.