87. Recruiting.

The 4 females hollows entered the portal to what they could only assume was paradise compared to the desert they lived in. The spirit energy in the air was rich and thick, the grass under their feet soft and lush, various glowing white trees gave off a soothing feeling.

There was a sound of Sonido as a dog like hollow appeared in front of the group. They watched the so called captain affectionately pat the creature who enjoyed the attention.

"You're back! I missed you! Who are they? Are they new friends? Can we play?" Starkk asked excitedly tail thumping away at super sonic speeds.

"Hello, Starkk. You know I visited only a few hours ago, right? Also I'm showing them around to see if they wish to stay." I tell her before heading over to Ulquiorra and rubbing her large fuzzy bat ears. She squirms but enjoys the attention all the same.

This does wonders for the new group seeing the captain so affectionate with other hollows.

"Where are we?" Hallibel asks looking around but still wary.

"Hard to say, but technically this is inside of my soul in a dimension that I created. One moment please." I pull out my book and write down a name.

Sosuke Aizen.

All Kido Knowledge.

Sadly nothing happens, I guess the time travel trick won't work like the multiverse trick. Ah well no reason to be greedy.

I flick the book back into my soul before removing my mask.

"Anyway welcome to my world, these two right now are the only hollows I've currently recruited, they have been with me for about a week or so. The only thing I've asked them to do is get 1 billion soul force before evolving." I explain pointing to the crystal. I give a basic run down of the fake evolution and the real one.

"You were a hollow?" Hallibel asks in shock.

"Yep, went through my own evolution from normal hollow to vasto lorde. I would rather not have any of my people ruin their future by being in a hurry to evolve. Plus you no longer have to eat hollows while here, the fruits from the trees can provide extra sustenance if needed but simply breathing in the soul rich air can easily get rid of any hunger and prevent reversing back into one of the mindless hollow." If a hollow doesnt eat other hollow it can revert back into its previous form losing its basic intelligence. "Ulquiorra doesn't have a mouth and gets by perfectly fine not eating any hollows."

The girls look at the bat like hollow also noticing it has no mouth.

"I also have a couple neat little object that help speed up the process." I pull out some of the abstruse gemstone necklaces. "If you will allow me?" 1 doesn't have arms or legs at all, 1 has hooves, 1 has paws and 1 basically has a giant blade for an arm. Rather hard to do anything requiring hands.

I approach Hallibel and gently clasp the necklace around her throat under a pair of rather stunning green eyes.

"One for the beautiful shark."

Moving over to the next one.

"One for the charming snake."

Onto the third.

"One for the graceful deer."

And finally.

"One for the majestic lioness."

The little squad instantly feels the results of the necklaces.

"They offer 5 times the absorbtion rate of ambient soul force. This array over here also pulls in more soul force." I point towards the area around Ulquiorra's tree. "So it's a nice place to relax and just slowly get stronger. Amelia can even put on TV shows to watch, personally I enjoy the animal documentaries. Speaking of that you guy can discuss privately between yourselves what you wish to do. If you want to leave just let me know and I'll send you back to where you were. Amelia can you turn on river monsters?" I ask before sitting next to the tree.

"I'm Jeremy Wade...."

"Oooh it's the guy who catches fish!" Starkk says padding over and plopping her head in my lap for scratches.

I hate fish but I do enjoy watching Jeremy Wade catch all sorts of water creatures.

The group in the distance was whispering quietly. However so far they were all for staying here, nobody wants to live in the desert of hueco mundo.

Hallibel and the others walked over. "We wish to stay here, what is it you want from us in return?"

"Hmm, nothing much just make sure you get to 1 billion soul force for a proper evolution, and loyalty, I don't like being betrayed and have an extreme dislike of traitors. Probably in my top 5 hated people with rapists and child abusers. I also have an extreme dislike for dense protagonists but that's on another list." I explain much to their confusion.

"You just want us to get stronger? Do you want us to fight your enemies?" Hallibel asks.

"If you could put your soul force into that stone for me." I ask pointing at the massive crystal.

She touches the crystal and puts her soul force inside of it. "399 million soul force." Amelia says.

Hallibel looks at the crystal wondering what the point of that was besides telling her how strong she was.

I stand up and poke the crystal.

It takes a second but Amelia sounds out.

970 billion soul force.

"I could kill you all just by releasing my soul force, if it's an enemy I can't fight then I know for a fact you can't fight them. At that point I would literally just run." Soul force is pretty much the only thing I've been raising besides skills while I was here. If I for example went to a world such as DBZ then basic bitch Vegeta the first time he showed up could probably clap my cheeks with just physical power. I might...might be able to destroy a mountain with my physical strength or soul force. That's a big might too. Unlike my chakra where I can just use a truth seeking ball to vaporize a mountain. If I use Cero or Grand Rey Cero I know I can but with a sword slash? Maybe, maybe not like i mentioned I'm just here to grow my soul, not many people have powerful souls so it's incredibly hard to defend against soul based attacks.