100. Big One Hundred.

(Welp, been a little over a week since I started writing this story and I think it's going great so far. So far the comments have all be incredibly receptive to the story. Minus a few naysayers but there is always a couple. Anyway, if you feel like leaving a tip for my hard work or donating to the slushy funds feel free to send on cash app $Ryantheholy all donations are appreciated I'll keep doing my best to pump put entertaining chapters. Also relax about me making some spelling mistakes, I dare you whiners to bring out 100 chapters with at least 1000 words each in a little over a week without some small errors, as soon as I finish writing the chapter I post it, no proofreaders or editors or all the crap I don't even read it a second time I just post it after all I just wrote it why the fuck would I want to read it again? Well anyway have a good day.)

As soon as I swapped to the soul king bloodline all my soul force seemed to pulse before adjusting to the various new bloodlines. Like having multiple different flavors of ice cream but they start to combine together to form a single flavor.

My soul force seemed to drop a bit due to this but it became how do I explain? Easier to use? Universal soul force? Cleaner? All of the above?

It was hard to explain the feeling.

Taking out the strange eyeball from the myriad pearl I had snatched from the previous Yhwach I pop it into my mouth with a little disgust. I feel it dissolve before heading to my soul force. Knowledge of all sorts of abilities fills my head, kind of like the hollow inheritance.

"How odd." looking at my hand a bunch of eyeballs shrouded in darkness pop up. "Weird." I shake my hand and the eyeballs vanish.

I do a double check just to make sure I don't have random shadow eyeballs everywhere.

Each of the eyeballs have a special ability that I can use or give away.

"Fuse soul king eyes with rinnesharingan." I request the matrix.

My vision blurs for a second before stabilizing.

Pulling up an ice mirror I check my new eyes. "Aww godammit." The pupil the eye was a pitch black , the next layer a glowing steel blue, then pitch black scalera looking quite a bit demonic.

"Can you like change the black scalera to white and get rid of the glowing effect?" I beg the matrix.

The glow dims and the eyes turn into normal eyes. "Oh thank god."

Looking around I still have the rinnesharingan abilities just not the freakish looking eyes. Hell I can even see into the future and the past with the eyes i got from Yhwach and change it at will.

"Theres no fun in that though."

Anyway I decide to head back to the candy shop.

Everyone eyes me once I enter.

"So anyway Ichigo is basically a tiny soul king seedling due to his perfect mix of bloodlines. Really neat that is." For the first time Urahara shows some shock on his face while I grab some melon candies.

"A soul king, are you sure?" Urahara asks.

"Yep, I copied his bloodline." I show him an arm which turns black and sprouts eyeballs which glance around the room. Really odd being able to see like that.

"You mean...?"

"Yeah, I'm kind of like a soul king now myself, feels weird." I admit shaking my arm. "If you want to bow down and worship me though I'll humbly accept, I take offerings in bacon, slushies, concentrated chaos and cold hard cash."

"How do you even get concentrated chaos?" Kisuke asks.

"I don't know man. But if you find out do let me know." I tell him popping candies into my mouth. "I wonder if it would burn if my eye hands got candy in them?"

"Probably. Why not test it?"

"Piss off!"

I focus on my hands for a second and a small familiar purple marble appears and toss it to Urahara. "Fake Hogyoku use that on the body of Rukia whenever she loses her powers, still feels and acts like a real Hogyoku so Aizen should be able to sense it." I made it with Hagoromo's creation skill.

Kisuke eyes it for a second before nodding.

"Anyway I'm going to take a nap so have fun." I swap to my cat form and then hop up on the windowsill before activating my loaf form.

"Hey that's my spot!" Yoruichi shouts.

I just ignore her and absorb the sunlight like a plant to power up my cat like abilities.

I reach out my paw.

"Don't you do it!" Yoruichi shouts.

And bap off a small vase with a flower in it.

"That's it I'm kicking your ass!"

The sound of hissing and yowling filled the shop but ultimately I came out in top and even got myself some well deserved head rubs from Unohana.

I had made it my goal to annoy Yoruichi while we waited for Rukia to show up at the shop and the story to start.

Which didn't take long, a couple days at most and the tiny soul reaper showed up at the shop requesting some supplies like a phone that could track Reitsu signatures, a soul reaper glove, gigai, mod soul order.

Just basic stuff which I should look into as I'm curious about the phone and its tracking capabilities.

Wonder if there were any updates in soul society. I'll have to check once I go to visit. But I highly doubt it as those guys never change, but on the plus side I could probably slap the shit out of Mayuri, I just want to hit him for some reason. Alot. Maybe snatch Nemu from him in exchange for his life.

Yeah that could be good.

Clown looking ass douchebag. I'll rob him again too, and Tosen. Yeah double robbery, and Koga again simply because I can. Triple robbery.