102. Soul Society.

The next couple of weeks nothing amazing really happened. Rukia however came to thank us for saving her and took it upon herself to train Ichigo on how to be a soul reaper.

She still had her soul reaper powers so I was curious as to what Aizen would do this time since things were a bit different.

i made sure to pay attention to the entire situation in case something stupid did happen again.

Surprisingly not much did change, random hollows were sent after Ichigo to test him or were attracted to his spiritual pressure.

Meanwhile i just relaxed and went to some arcades and enjoyed my time to relax. Kind of like a small vacation.

However soon the appearance of Abarai Renji and Byakuya Kuchiki showed up in town. For some reason Byakuya always pissed me off. Maybe for picking the law over his own family or maybe it was from being such a wishy washy bitch about it.

Sure he cared about Rukia but the dude was an asshole.

Rukia met up with them and was charged with the same crime, giving a human shinigami powers.

Ichigo popped up and fought Renji and lost before Byakuya attempted to kill him for being the human Rukia gave powers too.

"Hey, I'm going to be pissed if you kill him after I revived him." A voice says behind the man making him panic as he had sensed nobody.

Whipping around a hand grabbed him by the face before bouncing his head off the concrete like a fucking basket ball.

He quickly tried to rise up only to get stomped further into the ground by a pair of shinobi sandals.

"You know I've got a couple of grievances against soul society, most about them being incredibly fucking stupid. Honestly you guys are getting a tad bit big for your britches, coming down here and trying to throw your laws around and kill innocent people. Your laws are for soul society, not earth. So mind your own fucking business." I tell the man who tries to struggle. Futile.

"Captain!" A large blade is caught with my hand and ripped away from the lieutenant. Before he gets folded in half with a kick to the gut and coughs up bile while he is sent careening into a nearby tree.

Byakuya uses this time to try to get up only to get stomped on once more. "Who said you were allowed to stand up?" his spirt force starts to rise, to no effect as he grips my foot. "Now listen here you ignorant chimp. I was the one to give Ichigo Kurosaki soul reaper powers. Now you can take your busted ass back home and relay what I said to your superiors." a swing of my finger and a portal to soul society opened before I punted the captain inside like a can on the side of the road.

"Ah don't forget your trash!" I remember Renji before grabbing him by the ponytail and tossing him through the portal.

Rukia is looking at me in stunned horror, I just man handled her captain class brother like a child. Even Ichigo is staring stupidly looking beat up.

"Got to up your training kiddo, looking like a scrub over there." I tell him with a grin.

Meanwhile in soul society, the wounded body of Byakuya had just arrived in a captains meeting followed by Renji. Needless to say they were shocked, not only by the defeated captain but by a portal opening up right in the center of soul society.

Byakuya had enough power to lift himself cough up blood and then pass out from broken ribs.

Unohana quickly rushed to heal the duo going over the wounds they had.

Aizen raised an eyebrow at the wounded captain but otherwise said nothing but faked some concern with a frown on his face.

A couple minutes later Byakuya regained conciousness and reported what happened making all the others frown.

"He beat you both in under a minute even with your limiter removed? You also couldn't sense him and he over powered you completely? Whoo boy sounds like a monster." Gin says with a fox like smile on his face.

"An enemy like this is quite problematic. Perhaps myself and a few others should go and apprehend him?" Aizen suggests.

"We cannot have captain level fights in Karakura town." Toshiro says. "Too many innocents could get harmed in the conflict."

"Ah you guys wanna fight?" A voice says making them jump to alert. Even Yamamoto didn't sense the intruder which made his eyebrows skyrocket. "How rude, I just stopped him from killing one of my companions and you guys wish to beat me up. I'm scared."

Sitting in the middle of the air was a sandy blonde haired man eating popcorn happily.

"Oi fox face, unless you want to get slapped with a level 90 kido I'd aim that sword away from me." The man says looking at Gin.

There was a flash of a blade and then Gin was inside of a full powered Hado #90 black coffin the very next second and exploded out in blood.

The captains were shocked even more, a chantless tier 90 hado and instant knock out of a captain. The Soul force in the room skyrocketed.

"Hey I warned him and he attacked me first. Plus your other little captain attacked my friend aiming to kill him. Are you guys sure you wanna make me an enemy?" The man asks with a friendly smile. "How about as a token of sincerity I offer you all some valuable information?"

A grin spreads across his face. "Did you know there are 3 traitors to soul society in this room and I'm not one of them. Want me to point them out? Well I could but where would the fun be in that? Anyway I've got some stuff to do so see you later." the man suddenly vanishes and none of the captains can find him.