Chapter 19: Mission, Part 2

He turned away to look out a thin window at the rain and the yard that was rapidly becoming a pond. "Do they think there's magic in the storm? I'm still not terribly adept at feeling such things."

"If there is magic in it," Boris said, voice briefly muffled as he yanked his tunic over his head, "it's a very light, deft touch. That's far more troubling than a heavy, clumsy hand. At present, however, I'm more concerned that three Princes of the Blood have gone missing when something like goblins should have taken them three hours at most, and the majority of that time spent in travel."

Raffé started to reply but just barely caught the sound of feet splashing quickly, heavily, through the water. His hand went to his sword as he yanked the door open—and relaxed when he saw it was just a page. Hustling the boy inside, he closed the door again.

"What brings you out here, lad?" Alrin asked as he finished dressing, pulling on tall boots and settling his cloak around his shoulders.