Chapter 58: Angel, Part 4

The light—what little there had ever been of it—faded all too quickly. There must have been some, however, because he could still see as they walked, but it seemed as though they traveled through perfect dark. The smell grew more pungent, set his head to throbbing.

A soft, rattling sound penetrated the dull fog filling his mind. In front of him, Telmé's steps slowed … stopped, a hand going to his sword and resting there lightly, ready to draw in a moment. "Something is coming," he said softly.

Raffé nodded, calling up his magic, hating himself all over again for losing his sword. He stepped in closer to Telmé and turned so they stood back to back, eyes surveying the darkness—

"There," he hissed, staring hard at a distant, hazy red light. It bobbed like a torch being held by someone walking slowly. "Revenant."